What's his name again?

What's his name again?

Mike "Zap the Trap" Pence

Mike Pence, Donald Trump's running mate and future VP of the United States.

Mike Hunt

Mike "Why is this electric bill so high?" Pence

Mike "Queers aren't welcome here" Pence

Pike Mence

Mike "Beating Fags like Rags" Pence

Mike "LGBBQ" Pence

Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence

Mike Pence

Mike "Electric Fence" Pence

Mike "Fuck me harder, Trump" Pence

Pike "I love gays" Mence

Mike "Throw the queers off a pier" Pence

Mike "Convert The Dyke" Pence

Mike "The Cuck" Pence


Mike "let's hololo the gays" Pence

Mike "If you like Cock you'll get a Shock" Pence

Benedict Cumberbach

Kike Pants

Fag Mince

The real Slim Shady

mike 'gonna cure you lil fag' pence

Mike "Homocaust" Pence
Mike "Turning Fruits into Vegetables" Pence
Mike "Gays are Running Out of Days" Pence
Mike "Smite the Sodomite" Pence
Mike "You Like Men, I'll Zap You Again" Pence
Mike "Faggot Fixer" Pence
Mike "Lightning to the Lesbian" Pence
Mike "You're Gay, So Go Away" Pence
Mike "Putting the Ohm in Homo" Pence
Mike "Gas the Dyke" Pence
Mike "Pulse Nightclub Part II" Pence
Mike "Butch Butcher" Pence
Mike "Suck the Dong, Get the Zap All Night Long" Pence
Mike "Hetero is Better-o" Pence

Dyke Splints

Chicka Chicka Slim Shady

Joe Biden



Mr. Vice President



Mike "Kill Dyke" Pence

Anderson Cooper.

Mike "Pulse Nightclub 2: Electric Boogaloo" Pence

Bendidick Cuminhersnatch

The 46th President of the United States

>Pulse Nightclub Part II

My fucking sides


slim shady

Mike "if a dick gives you a hard-on, I'll pump you full of zyklon" Pence
Mike "frag grenades for fag parades" Pence.
Mike "dynamite the catamites" Pence.
Mike "Unloading my mag on the rainbow flags" Pence.
Mike "Can't abide no homo pride" Pence.
Mike "Curing HIV with Zyklon B" Pence.
Mike "Make America Straight Again" Pence
Mike "He Wanted a Reach-around, I Gave Him the Shocker" Pence.
Mike "Faggot Malarkey Lands You in Ol' Sparky" Pence.
Mike "Degenerate Urges Get Power Surges" Pence.
Mike "The Fruit Juicer" Pence.
Mike "If a Dude Loves Cock, Electroshock" Pence.
Mike "Hooking Degenerates Up To Generators" Pence.
Mike "save a flag, burn the fag" Pence
Mike, "Orlando Shooting had me hooting," Pence
Mike, "Emptied my AR at that Gay bar," Pence
Mike, "If you like the cock, prepare for a shock," Pence.

Mike "makes faggots tense" Pence

Coat hanger Charlie Pence

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Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Sup Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.

Mike "Establishment Insider Authoritarian Christian" Pence

Mike "Taze The Gays Away" Pence

Mike "Blast Gays with Tesla Rays" Pence

Mike "Trump's assassination insurance" Pence

Link me mate

Mike "Build A Fence" Pence
