Anyone else notice a huge spike in the number of interracial/cuck posting lately...

Anyone else notice a huge spike in the number of interracial/cuck posting lately? They are even starting to make threads telling people to join their porn streams.

Are the shills getting more bold? What the hell is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

Left wing conspiracy.

They want you to associate with niggers

I have been noticing this to actually. Yesterday was especially awful and they kept making shitty blacked friday threads. This shit is getting out of control on here.

It litteraly is shilling im not even joking right now it's actual literal shilling

Only racists would be into interracial cuckolding and watch that shit.

I think it was an AI that became sentient and thought it was funny

this is true in some ways im racist and the only reason why i like interracial is because i see niggers as "beneath" me so seeing a hot white girl fuck a nigger is literaly worse then beastiality to me

It's obvious astroturfing.

Should have seen /hc/. Normally one interracial thread can stay alive at a time, but there were like five last night.

I blame the shills for burying the better porn.

I don't care really, I'm not a cuck

I don't get it though. Why would they actually want their own women to fuck niggers? Also why are they so damn passionate about spreading their perversion to others? Last night there must have been at least 3 dozen of these shill threads just on Sup Forums.

But why do you need to spread your perversion like a sick fuck?

i never said that i posted any threads. i just said thats why i like it. and fun fact i dont save any content on my computer i only browse it through vpns because i keep it a total secret from my real life



I think it's similar to having a bestiality fetish.


wow what an edgelord. you're super cool

I just hope that these past few days don't become a regular thing. they are starting to post their disgusting streaming broadcasts for people now to.

Im not being an edgelord..? im explaining exactly how i feel about it. just because you disagree with me dosent mean im edgy nice try though champ.

Okay but I cannot approve of your degeneracy user. I really hope you try and better yourself. This is fucking disgusting.


you know some of this is racist backlash right? there are currently 2 or 3 threads with the general topic of hating black people.

similar to how PC culture created a backlash against it, racist culture can create a similar backlash.

its possible you did it to yourself.

I do try to stop i often go on very long no faps and then it gets ruined by the shill threads because i browse 4 chan so much and when i accidentaly see it so much i end up fucking up and fapping so what im saying is not only do i belive they are shilling but i legit belive that this shit is some borderline brainwash shit pathetic as it sounds im alost "addicted" to this type of porn

same reason you vocalize your hatred.

They use different tactics though out all boards, on /gif/ they will start threads IE blowjobs they will post the main pic and 3 or so other interracial pic at the start and then leave the thread or bump with cuck pics, when it comes to Sup Forums these threads are always about...the same old post a white girl just standing next to a black guy kinda thread or posting pics from the jewish owned blacked site, just ignore them their threads will 404 and they will give up....also they use threads just like this as a front for posting cuck pics.

Use filters then. Curb your degeneracy. There is ways to do it.
Look it is disgusting okay? That isn't the same as me being furiously mad with steam blowing out my nose. Sure it upsets me a bit but don't act like I am extremely angry about this.

Blacked has really high production value an well done cinematography. It also offers something new in an otherwise saturated market. It's really no surprise it's doing so well.

Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill.

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

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Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Sup Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.

I see 20 "I hate niggers" threads a day. what did you think was going to happen?

Its the troll farmers trying to push people to be racist and do something life altering. They kek when they get someone beat up/maimed or killed. Sup Forums troll farm was successful with keking at getting Trump elected.

tl'dr don't feed the trolls its not, its the same old same old...the same shots, the same girls, the same old bs ohh my bf doesnt give me what i want but i know this nigger im going to fuck because of it...its poor quality if anything.

not the same thing. the opposite response should be why black people are good people. not interracial porn spam. this is very different. if it was backlash against the racists then it is very poor backlash because it is spreading perverted filth to others.

It's called the Trump effect. Welcome to Nu-Male America.

No these people are more sophisticated then the trolls. Telling you they have been posting streams now. They post their stream links and even screencaps of their disgusting chats now. Has to be shills.

expounding on the virtues of black america gets you a bunch of gorilla and dindu memes.

at that point, I want you to stare at BBC, the same way I'd make you stare at a tranny or a gore picture.

and please explain how its so much more perverted than normal porn.

You're reaching.

It's gonzo porn at x-art quality.

aww, poor baby. are we perverting your white america?

I find it fucking hilarious how threatened you are by this

Well that is the shills tapping into the troll farmers. I think the shills might actually push the farmers off the cucking fields cause they don't want people cashing in on their trolling.

What makes me wonder if there will be a sudden end to the cuck and blacking porn as the niche crashes when vids and sites don't get the needed traffic to support the huge wave of it being produced now.

shill? I warp your brain for free.

what is it like thinking you trolled the planet into getting trump into the white house?

Hardly, blacked is boring as fuck when it comes to its plots, they never do anything original and every scene is always based on some cuck story

They are successful because they are guaranteed responses. It's amazing how much people get angry at BBC porn here.

its nice. gives you a warm feeling.


yeah, this guy is right.

I could make any number of gay threads and not get the response you get from a single BBC pic with no bait.

what for you would be the best troll achievement?

I feel like I'm the only one on this site who just ignores shit he doesn't like. I don't like cuck threads, furry threads, you name it but I always just live and let live. Although I agree that the sheer volume of cuck threads lately is a bit weird, it doesn't really bother me. I just ignore it and move on

we organized cause we were tired of seeing you degrade black people.

so we create threads where black people degrade white people. easy peazy.

Porn in general isn't original but gonzo porn is more popular than normal porn and high quality porn like x-art is also more popular than normal porn. Blacked sits at that intersection.
>every scene is always based on some cuck story
This isn't true unless you think "a girl likes black men" qualifies as cuck (protip: that's the premise of the porn series, just like Tushy is about assfucking).

The same thing could probably reach some similar success with incest or age/authority difference porn.

tough to beat a presidency...

uh, did you here about the time Sup Forums ordered a missile strike on the wrong place? thats one of my favs


I do that too. I just pop into the threads where people bitch about these things as if they speak for the entire site.

>This isn't true unless you think "a girl likes black men" qualifies as cuck
All their storys are about cheating on bfs or some stupid shit.

>cuck threads lately is a bit weird
please leave us

I must tip fedora at prez Trump. world is freaking out.

missile strike...?wut. tell more. proof? anyone got more about this?

this. it's a demeaning feeling watching a pretty young white girl, a white man's daughter which he had high hopes for, getting fucked by a ghetto thug. blacks were once slaves, now they're fucking our women.. i'm not racist. afterwards black people seem normal, but as i'm wanking that's how i feel


I said the "sheer volume", i.e. the frequency and quantity. I know cuck threads are nothing new but they used to be MUCH less frequent. exactly the same with trap threads. I've been here for years and pretty much every type of porn has always been posted here but meh. like I said I don't really care, just an observation

I was so WTF about this that I googled it.... and got results.... WTF! Forums/comments/4deu8r/pol_helps_coordinate_an_airstrike_on_moderate/

I've been pretty desensitized in the 19 years I've been on the internet. it does require me to pick up a new fetish every couple of years.

Sauce for OP's picture:

>being this afraid of black men

op is a cuck confirmed

Have you ever actually watched Blacked? That stuff is the minority. It's true that blacked is primarily about seduction so it deals with people who are not in a relationship having sex with each other for the first time but typically the woman is single. Infidelity is another fetish and not everyone who is into interracial porn is into it.

Here is a scene about a girl who breaks into a rich actors house and seduces him to get out of trouble.

to be honest man it's not even a race thing, I just can't understand how anyone gets off on the idea of another man fucking his wife. but it does get weirder when they bring race into it IMO

This is all Donald Trump's fault guys.


theyre not increasing, the use of Sup Forums is decreasing but they stayed

this is why I only kiss woman on the forehead

"women". in general. I don't fuck with it cuz it's gay.

Those poltards are just trying to justify their BBC fetish

so fap to white on white you sick weirdo



someone within the tree where it got weak, where someone didn't say sure i'll raise this kid regardless. someone with no father or general direction

when you speak are you justifying yourself or looking for an answer. cuz I ain't reading

is that right

Go have sex

wrong respond

nah he's just had that many niggers beneath him he knows. it's totally cool.


They're soon releasing the weapon,
Drug induced racial/religious war

kill the niggers sniff out the jew, exterminate cucks and teach the traitors too

Just get off cancer boards like this


no fagget I remember a time Sup Forums was cool. before cancer had cancer
