My ideal bf is

My ideal bf is...

1. 185 cm, 110 kg, huge muscle ass
2. beard
3. can cook delicious food
4. reads Kafka and Proust
5. bottom
6. french, cause the French language and accent are cute as hell

Your thoughts?

Go to france, faggot.


I don't want to die in a terrorist attack. Le Pen should remove kebabs first.

are you a girl or a faggot?

So you want to assfuck an intellectual french lumberjack? Try Quebec, faggot.

Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill.

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Sup Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.

I have all dat but im french canadian so i dont speak french like in france

Well fuck me. I'm 170, barely over 55 kg due to small amounts of money, but that never stopped me. Had over 10 sexing partners, and a 17cm schlong. I cum really fast though, but give me 5 minutes to recover and it's all good.
Pic not related, editorial xflies fuckup

Please be in Vancouver


>some over 185 cm i think
>bottom top, whatever idc (bi)
>110-120 kg
-fucking fat-

Fat old guy is perfect for animu loli user. Do your homework.

> starts gay thread
> posts ice fairy

checks out

You're asking for a bullet


>imlplying french look good
>Implying french are heterosex

Hey sorry, just read op wants bf with french language, so she is in real a he so he shoulf go to france cause hes gay

show pussy

You're too ugly and autistic for that.

I'm 9/10 though

Well I'm like 173 so go be a whore somewhere else

1. I'm 185 cm, 110 kg, medium muscle ass
2. I have a beard
3. I can cook delicious food
4. nop
5. don't care, I can go bottom
6. nop, I'm German

So please don't call back.

Can you say something about you?your gender maybe

What gender do you want?

My ears bleed when I hear Germans

But that is bias as fuck

You're so thirsty for attention, dont you have friends irl to talk about this stupid shit?

I was the most beautiful pupil at my class at junior school, everyone said that.

It's too personal to discuss this with people IRL

Idc as long as you look cute you can fug me, than i cook for you and we cuddle ok?

Show face then, faggot.

If this user was beautiful he would show us his face. But it's prolly another basement dwelling kissless virgin

im 140kg of huge cannot guarantee muscle

Sounds cute *_*

Not to you


>not to you

Yeah, you're ugly as fuck.

No its no, you're just talking about what kind of men you

What will you do with ?where do we go when we go out?:3

my ideal fuck sack is...
1. not into anime
2. does not post on looser boards like Sup Forums
3. reads Dostojewski and Mann
4. stays the fuck still
5. has no thongue i think thats cute af

your thoughts

>What will you do with ?
Everything you enjoy.

Ha. I hope this thought will help you fall asleep tonight

I'm not sure op, you should send a pic of your boy pussy if you're serious

Why not into anime?

This thread again?

Everything? Even going really drunk with friends? And then when we go home you have stomach ache so i rub it and massage you,ok?

6 ft (183 cm)
165 lbs (75 kg)
Clean shaven
Can cook Chinese food and barbeque pretty good
Read some Kafka, but I love PKD, Asimov, and Brin
Bottom, into bondage
American, born in the south east, but live in mid west

Anyone into this?


3. is the only reasonable one.
Burn in hell faggot

I'm a little bit allergic to alcohol, but we can smoke weed.

I never did weed :(

Here is my butt, if you like that kind of thing

>I'm a little bit allergic to alcohol
Asian and/or Abo detected.

cuz dating children is twice the trouble

Weed makes orgasms stronger

>alergic to alcohol
nigga what? they drink so much even the russians would start an intervention

post your butt faggot

>Asian and/or Abo detected
Mmm no, I'm white though

Anytging to chat in private? I like you

weed is a shit drug for teenagers who cant grow up
but since you are into anime i guess you made your mind up already.

Gimme your KIK

no you

Are you a boy or a grill OP?

Why not you? :p

Why do youn ask?

Because I want to dress up a cute grill as a 2hu.

Hey that last was not me and i dont have kik lemme get it ok?

>tfw this describes my perfect mate


Good luck on finding someone like that who is also gay.

Hey its ready the name is

