If you complain about not having a decent job...

If you complain about not having a decent job, not being able to buy the newest iphone then you should take a look at pic related.
You could be born in china and either be left by your parents to die somewhere on the street or be executed for anything, including not supporting your commie government.

Daily reminder: China is a shithole that should be purged off this planet by US and Russian nuclear weaponry.

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thats hot

yeah China is a shithole but I'd rather get rid of India first.

fucking drug dealing bitch, im glad she's dead

id rather live in china than america

Asia in a nut shell.
>Doctor: It's a girl
>Father: Oh well; into the trash it goes.

>Daily reminder: OP has zero photoshop skills and her mother must keep him away from internet.

OP you faggot. are you sure that this woman is not a criminal? like a drug dealer. or corrupt official.

but thats hk...

but then the democrats won't have a ready source of unwanted children they can use for blackmail and black magic.

Lol, no handcuffs. These niggas rolling up to bring this bitch to jail, and i guarantee you they arguing over which knot to tie haha

Oh, you mean like this guy who was chased down and arrested because Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their minions blamed him for Benghazi?

Can anyone explain to a complete retard what the relationship between china and america is?

Trump loves china

Was it the same before trump?

Angela Merkel asked an Australian Prime Minister what his country's relationship with China was. He replied, "Greed and Fear".
I think that sums up the situation for most countries re China.

> be left by your parents to die somewhere on the street
That happens everywhere in the world, not just chinkland

There are worse places than India or china
But you are right, India is bad

Daily reminder, this user does not feel bad complaining about anything.

Life goes on, for all of us. My not complaining doesn't help anyone. Me volunteering at the soup kitchen does.

Think local, help the people in need closest to you, hope that everyone will do the same.

She's cute. Name?

I want some chinese pussy

It's a strange foreign name

Fhuoto shyap

She gonna get raped

half the people i've seen in soup kitchens and at food pantries would be doing the world a favor if they OD'ed before they had anymore kids. Go invest your time at a burn ward or something.

>China is bad because you could be executed for anything
>the logical solution is to nuke china thus executing everyone

OP is literally worse than the Chinese government

I've never had a cell phone except from my job, and it's an old flip-phone, just for emergencys

Half, half would. The other half are willing to work, do work but are still on the bread line or can't find a job, there are plenty of people volunteering at the hospital's. Because of ignorant assholes like you the truly desperate people at the soup kitchen don't get the attention they need. Fuck some asshole who was smoking in bed, I'd rather help the 60 year old man who's job got taken, or the mother of three who's husband died.

I wish they would do that with blacks

America buys a lot of cheep shit from China
That's why a lot of stuff sais "made in China" on it

idk man, you wanna nuke a billion + people, sounds kinda racist user.

>No results found for fuota shyap
I'm so sad

A lot? Try everything. Try to find something made in the last 20 years that isn't from China

Cutie pie. Would wife/10

Me too, the perfect woman. Like she was built that way.

Would not

Non-toxic baby food

Kek Hong Kong that's been under usa and British rule for about 100 if I'm correct.

Right, that's kind of my point. You have to go out and specifically look for things.

100 years*

Got qt chini gf, can't complain

that's indonesia you fucking retard

China isn't a command economy though. Different countries have different economies, and this is an organically formed balance. It's foolish to think first world nations should be bothering with agriculture and shit anymore. I appreciate we have a lot of people left out in the cold but we have this discussion every 70 years when we advance to the point of our worker/worker requirement balance getting out of whack until we retrain them.

Like, this isn't just a US/China competition thing. This is an identical phenomenon in all developed countries. We actually have more jobs than people we just have people in the wrong places. Now we can either go all in on adapting to the modern market ahead of the curve and milk it for all its worth, or we can try to keep up appearances by mainlining public funds into dying industries until we can no longer afford to.

>Hong Kong

Do you think you have problems because you dont, my problems are better than your problems so i dont care about your problems and now you should care about my problems


Man, you got some guilt on you for some reason or another. Quick to make people into victims and victimizers. A black and white world. Too scared to look into yourself, huh?

Can't we just nuke everyone?