When will they reveal the source of his teleportation powers?
When will they reveal the source of his teleportation powers?
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I wonder if they will address it and somehow he actually can travel so quickly. Like magic or some sort of trickery?
lol I thought the same exact thing. did they just make a quick pee stop in Dorne and he was there waiting on the dock?
This episode quite clearly took place over a long stretch of time.
He has no cock so he can travel faster than most men
Faceless man confirmed
You guys are retarded. Dorne that far from Mereen and we received no indication as to how long the episode took
His face is being used by 100s of faceless men. Simple.
Everyone has teleportation powers: Littlepenis, the sneks, Varis, the ironbabbies. At this point they just assume the audience knows.
who can teleport faster/farther varys or litle finger?
>takes Varys seconds to teleport
>takes Dany 6 seasons
>how long the episode took
The Sept of Baelor was still burning when Jaime got back
>Teleporting in Westeros
about the same time redditors and newfags understand days/weeks/months pass between scenes
there were dorne ships in the fleet
There have to be establishing shots for those time lapses, if there aren't then the editing is shit.
Also explain the sneks teleporting onto the boat, fagface.
It clearly didn't you fucking moron.
Which also didn't make sense, because Olenna received an invitation from Dorne after Dorne learned what happened at King's Landing, and traveled all the way from Highgarden to Sunspear. Shile Jaime was at the Twins and didn't receive word from KL until he was standing in front of it.
>Varys travelled to Dorne then back to Danaerys in the same amount of time it took Jamie to go from the Freys keep to Kings Landing
you'll be alright kid
who said it was the same amount of time?
the sept probably exploded during the time Jaime was headed back to kings landing, not when he was sitting bantering with walder frey you braindead faggot
Completely different circumstances
Varys' scenes weren't even that important to the plot.
>tv shows now show events out of order in order to make up for my shortcoming argument
ya good one champ
Good point
Threadly reminder that Ellaria Sand is a woman and a bastard who slayed her lord and his heir, yet is without opposition and is supported by the many noble houses of Dorne
Reminder that Cersei Lannister, a woman who was on trial and just killed hundreds of lords and ladies is Queen of the Seven Kingdoms while the families of the people she killed cheer for her
Reminder that Jon Snow who just literally saved everyone had a hard time even getting support from Lords who have been pledged to his house for a thousand years. It took a little girl a speech to convince them.
Reminder that Varys can teleport between Essos and Westeros within the same episode
Reminder that Dany is bringing 100,000 Dothraki barbarians to a land she wishes to rule in peace without pillage, rape and theft
It's a fantasy show, dumbshits. Stop expecting "realism".
He's a merman, he swimmed there
Life isn't fair, virginboy. Walk it off.
I think they will need to add some of these : "2 months later" "1 week later" etc.. for the dummies.
>Daenerys, Yara, Dorne feminazi and Grandma Tyrell got together
We GURL POWAH now. Filthy male pigs beware, we strunk independent womyn are coming take over Westeros once and for all.
Not even that, he was still in Essos last episode, so technically he went Essos -> Dorne -> Essos in this one episode.
Bravo D&D. Surely Redditors will flock to defend this shit.
Even George RR Martin said that just because they show one scene after another doesn't mean it came after time wise. Basically, Jaime could have been already on his way, just because they chose to show him at the Twins right after the burning doesn't mean it happened after, it could have even been before. Honestly it is a bit confusing, but understandable given how large of a world they have to work with.
>Threadly reminder that Ellaria Sand is a woman and a bastard who slayed her lord and his heir, yet is without opposition and is supported by the many noble houses of Dorne
We don't see shit about Dorne, so we honestly don't know how they took it, only that apparently they took it well because it's working. The nobles could have had a lot of issues with the ruling house.
>Reminder that Cersei Lannister, a woman who was on trial and just killed hundreds of lords and ladies is Queen of the Seven Kingdoms while the families of the people she killed cheer for her
No one cheered her, faggot. They chanted like it was a ceremony.
>Reminder that Jon Snow who just literally saved everyone had a hard time even getting support from Lords who have been pledged to his house for a thousand years. It took a little girl a speech to convince them.
Yeah, well, the truth fucking hurts, and she was the only one who said it.
>Reminder that Varys can teleport between Essos and Westeros within the same episode
There is no time scale between events, so I'm not sure why you whiney cry baby faggots are bitching so hard about this. Who gives a fuck.
>Reminder that Dany is bringing 100,000 Dothraki barbarians to a land she wishes to rule in peace without pillage, rape and theft
They worship her you dork. And who's to say there weren't a majority of dothraki that didn't want to rape and pillage? It was only the leaders that made it possible, and they're gone.
10/10 writing as usual.
Don't try to explain that shit to the retards, they will not understand and just keep posting "LoL teleporting .."
Why does Sup Forums have such a difficult time grasping the flow of time when it isn't explicitly stated?
Because most of Sup Forums are dumb niggers who just want to nitpick and act like they're more talented and could do a better job.
They should establish time laspes
>Who gives a fuck.
I think you clearly do ;)
too busy memeing in the reddit live episode threads
If I can recall correctly the show has never shown how many days pass in between scenes. For all we know a month could pass or even more.
Because time is a flat circle.
He left like two episodes ago you tard.
What if it's not teleportation, but instead he has a twin.
Or he's invisible.
Or he uses some stupid magic to appear as a hologram, so he's not actually there but he can still make stupid quips to people?
Did they at least show the Jaime on Riverrun scene before the first Dorne scene? I honestly forgot.
>yfw they cut his balls off so he can turn each one of them into a clone.
Fucking eunuch magic, man.
Who's gps did they use to coordinate that meetup?
There are no clocks or calendars on the show. Months could have passed between those scenes.
excepted they often confuse it by have time move slower and faster depending on where they are. sam was already close to the Citadel last time but it took him 3 episodes.
More like eunuchulus.
>We don't see shit about Dorne, so we honestly don't know how they took it, only that apparently they took it well because it's working. The nobles could have had a lot of issues with the ruling house.
So... basically you agree? Yes, you're right clearly everyone seems to be okay with this since her and the sneks are relaxing in (what appears to be) the water gardens where she killed him.
>No one cheered her, faggot. They chanted like it was a ceremony.
Pedantry, cheering/chanting the result is the same, they support her sitting on the throne.
>There is no time scale between events
There used to be a sense of the passing of time in previous seasons, take Robert travelling to and from winterfell, take Dany traveling the Red Waste, take Sam and Gilly not teleporting from the wall straight to Oldtown.
Who's to say there weren't a majority of dothraki that didn't want to rape and pillage?
Killing "men in iron suits and tearing down their stone houses" sounds a lot like pillaging to me. You're a fool if you think they're going to be civilised about war. They're animals.
>le teleportation meme
you know an episode can take place over the span of weeks right?
Varys left for Dorne in episode 8, well before Dany came back to Meereen, well before the Masters attacked Mereen.
im up to late
You seem a little butthurt about this show having shitty writing
then i guess it'll be spring but the start of next season
good since they didn't stand a chance against the white walkers
Yes I'm sure they let the fires burning the sept go on for months.
It's like 1/3 of a continent away. Da fuq you say that's not that far.
>And who's to say there weren't a majority of dothraki that didn't want to rape and pillage?
Go back to plebbit, you dumb faggot.
>And who's to say there weren't a majority of dothraki that didn't want to rape and pillage?
>Shitskins, not rapists by nature
lol, ever mey a muslim?
What if Varys was faking about being a eunuch?
Like I was hoping he'd whip out his dick and fuck one of the Sand Snakes just to mindfuck the audience..
>They worship her you dork. And who's to say there weren't a majority of dothraki that didn't want to rape and pillage? It was only the leaders that made it possible, and they're gone.
So your solution to defend your precious show against the adversary of plot holes is to invent a narrative that the Dothraki only raped and pillaged because of their barbarian overlords? Jesus christ
I doubt it. I don't think anyone in Westeros knows what a script supervisor is.
>Sam and Gilly take five episodes to cross the equivalent of Kansas
>Varys teleports the distance of Europe in half an episode
D&D plz go.
Yes. They tried to show some with Cersei and Daggers Snek growing their hair out, but they've been too shit to keep it up. And mofos better not say some dumb shit like Cersei wants to keep her hair that short. Her hair should be shoulder length at least if this much time is passing.
what he proposed for the Union?
he didnt know about Deni, about dotraki, about Greyjoys, about master's ships
It's his blood. He's a targeryan bastard.
>mouth breather, the post
Guys, what confuses me is that I recall seeing Olenna in Dorne (when they already knew about the explosion on the Sept) first and then seeing a clueless Jaime on a party at Riverrun, in that order. Am I remembering wrong? In case I'm not, is expecting scenes to be shown in the chronological order unrealistic?
if that was true there wouldn't be this many people complaining about it
there were a few in this episode you nigger. one of them was the goddamn white raven flying.
>Pedantry, cheering/chanting the result is the same, they support her sitting on the throne.
Not really. You watch any show with an audience and they're told to clap at certain moments. Same thing, really. No one's going to say anything against it because clearly Cersei is fucking crazy and no one wants to die.
I like this show, and I accept it for what it is instead of crying about it every week like you nerds do.
Him being there at the end is the only indicator of this.
They cut off his dick and grew another Varys from it.
How fucking new are you to Sup Forums?
We complain about everything, for the fun of it.
Why is that hard to believe? You do something your leader doesn't like, you get punished. They knew this under the Khals, and they undoubtedly know this about Dany. Want to argue about inherent morality?
more like cockless man if u kñow what i mean
>I represent the community
Get the fuck out.
>we complain about got for fun
No we complain about GoT because it's a terribly written series that takes itself too seriously.
I never claimed to represent anyone.
It is a simple fact that Sup Forums is a discussion board, not a hugbox.
Jesus, even this guy doesn't agree with you. You're a fucking idiot.
wow you must be really fucking desperate to defend your interests if you're coming on here to post shit like i'd tell you to kill yourself but i'm afraid you're pathetic enough to actually do it if pressed hard enough
You babies are trying too hard. I like arguing with morons like you.
Jaime traveled half the Kingdom in this episode.
i feel like this exact thread has happened before
like word for word, post for post
did i have a prophetic dream about this
I don't see why people keep asking. It's a tv show, not a documentary. He's there bc it's a cooler shot if we see Dany w her brain trust. Tyrell, Martell ships are there, do we really want a show that has to include realistic travel times?
All this has happened before, all this will happen again.
And again
And again.
yeah, it makes you feel nice and superior since I doubt you have any of doing that in your cuckshed
seriously, how pathetic do you have to be to come onto this shithole and act smart while the local trolls just take you for a ride
Like clockwork. Every Sunday, 9-5.
>The timelines between the various storylines don’t necessarily line up within a given episode. For instance, the ‘Northern Tour’ Jon and Sansa embark on would probably take a couple weeks, but Arya’s storyline over the past few episodes only spans a few days. We realized a while ago that if we tied ourselves in knots trying to make all the ‘story days’ line up between all the characters the momentum would suffer.
Who's trolling who, kiddo? You were the one shitting all over the thread, like you do every god damn week. I'm the one enjoying setting you faggots straight. It's pretty easy, because you all use the same argument, just slightly laced with different memes.
remind me where you set anyone straight again