Will you guys help me with the nignogs?

Will you guys help me with the nignogs?
I found a solution
Black lives matter so encourage them and push them to the limit of there stupidity
Help them open there African powers and open their pineal gland by staring into the sun
A bunch of blind nignogs reducing crime?
Or a bunch of super powerful nignogs
Help me find out the answer by using your social media prowess
#sun gazing pineal opening
Or some shit like that
Help out

I know this will work because of my experience with nignogs and I take time to listem to what they believe in
They feel like there the first beings on earth and they are on god levels
They trend ancient wisdom trying to disprove there ignorant by being pretentious as fuck
Trend this and encourage
It's for the people

Eh gotta put quotes from black people on there saying it worked for them.

No it doesn't
and spread just to seem like there into shit
But it's out there already and the best part is that they actually believe this
I'll search facebook so you can link to and help spread this

>gullible enough to be told to stare into the sun until they burn their retinas

Honestly, I wouldn't put the dindus above this behavior

Create facebook group and thread this among all nignogs in black empowerment members
Instagram it
Just trend it and let's find pix of nignogs doing this

caption:open ur eyes to empowering sun

Bump for making murica great again

Learn the difference between their and there and you won't look so stupid yourself



blind nigger is second best nigger,
just behind dead nigger.

Melanin gives Black people superior physical, mental & spiritual ability

Melanin refines the nervous system in such a way that messages from the
brain reach other areas of the body most rapidly in Black people, the
Original People. Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than
whites, and demonstarte more advanced cognitive skills than their white
counterparts because of their abundance of Melanin

Don't die on me

Exploit what they believe

Sunlight is a natural precursor to Melanin production. It promotes internal and external health and brings happiness to people when absorbed.

Absorbing sunlight through the eyes is how ancient Egyptians gained the wisdom to build the pyramids. Whites cannot absorb sunlight as well as Black people because of their lack of Melanin. This leads to decreased physical and mental ability, and violent tendencies. Because of this, white "science" tells people that absorbing sunlight through the eyes will harm you! Stay woke! Melanin allows Black people to fully benefit from the sun, externally and internally!

Become great like the Egyptians! #sungazing #staywoke


Honest question for you guys.

If black people collectively wanted to help the world become a better place and to love you guys (not sexually mind you) would you guys still be opposed to them? If so this means you clearly hate them no matter who they are as a person.

Of course people would stop hating them. Thats a stupid question.

Shut up and spread this fagt

> as a person
> a person
> person
> nigger

We don't hate Asians. They are smart af and do no crime basically.
If they started all robbing stealing burning selling drugs and other bs, we would hate them also.
Use your fucking head user


brb, hitting sunbed

Grow a pussy. Masculinity is a curse.



So does the lack of support mean your all nignogs or just nigger empathize

Honestly, I don't have anything against black people. They're people just like us, with their own difficulties and flaws.

What's broken is "black culture," this belief that buying into the system, getting a job, raising a family, paying taxes, ect. like everyone else has to is somehow wrong from a racial standpoint. These people have been tricked by the politicians into thinking they're victims, and that they can't help themselves because the world owes them something. They've been lied to about how great it is being a criminal, and they've forgotten that you need to work to have a decent life in America. I'd like to live in a world where nobody cared what color you were, but the fact is that there are racial supremacists setting American cities on fire because they think their democratic government is oppressive when it's actually unfairly skewed in their favor.

This thread is a byproduct of a wider cultural push to subvert and dismantle a broken idea that has become lodged in American life and government policy. It just happens that the majority of people who promote this idea are black, or liberals that bought into the bullshit they used decades ago to get the minority vote.

#black knowledge #Whiteman stole knowledge from black#black culture

It's not a race though.

Bump for more

i agree that the yakuza never commit crimes

If your black can you post picture of you gazing into the sun please

how about using guns to kill them

are you gonna do it or just talk about it Sargent fag

Black people love stupid "challenges" on instagram like the mannequin challenge. Hashtag it something like #sunchallenge or #sungazechallenge

im doing this on facebook
join black groups friend all dumbasses
trend this
it will not grow over night but repost and it will catch a niggers eyes and spread it like the rest of their shit

#unlockyourpower #challenge

unlock your pineal gland by staring into the sun for as long as you can

white man doesnt want you knowing this knowledge that they stole from black alchemy
