ISIS made a tutorial video on how to kill people
ISIS made a tutorial video on how to kill people
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Jesus , what the fuck is wrong with these people
What makes me laugh and really lose faith in humanity and its ability for critical thinking, is when someone can look at the high quality production value of these videos, and not question where the money and skill comes from to make something of this quality. Even before they acquired oil and the money that came from it they were producting videos of this quality, YET (and here is the important part) people just think ISIS is run by some pissed off muslims who are doing what they're doing because of their religion or their hate for the west. Its a joke at how simple the view people have on this organization and not see the obvious clues to its hierarchy. Someone fucking made this group, and they have motives people can't wrap their fucking heads around and are too stupid to demand proper intel and news.
Stop the viral marketing, Achmed.
That's a pretty nice kitchen desu
My first thought would be "a lot".
False flag/Black ops in a grand scale. Surely they can't/won't be able to keep going with this charade.
This is so fucked up even in Sup Forums standards. How the fuck cuck youtube lets those vids stay online under STANDARD LICENSE? Those Cucktube should close that fucking channel and swallow cyanide for that.
holy shit, I work for Boehringer, wtf!!
>YouTube baleets white power/nationalist videos
>But not this
So progressive!