OK. Who here isn't a tard?

OK. Who here isn't a tard?

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3 then 4 then 2 then 1

2, 4, 1 and 3

3 and 4 should fill at the same moment. 1 and 2 never get filled.

2 and 1 will never fill because 4 will overflow first.

You nigger.

Depends on the speed but if the water flows in really slow, 3 and 4 will fill up at the same time.

damm your right


i mean, thats a lot of tanks

3 and 4. Rest wont fill up, 3 and 4 will spill.

Idiots, it DEPENDS.

If the flow is fast, then 1 because the container is not that big and the opening between 1 and 2 is small so it will tame more time.

How fast is the water flowing?

marry 3
fuck 1
kill 2


dubs says 3


3 will fill first then spill over in to 4 to fill that after

tank 3 will fill first. 4 will start to fill the moment 3 is filled because the pressure in tank 3 must overcome the height of the opening of tank 4

> 1 fills the the brim first
>pic related

reduce the water flow by 25%

Please explain this phenomenon

ignores several basic hydraulic principles

This is fucking cool

Depends on the flow rate. If the water is flowing faster than it can leave number 1 than 1 will fill first


3 and for would fill at the same time "ideally"...3 actually fills first

depends on the rate of flow. if its high enough 1 will fill before it drains to 2.


1 because I'm pumping water into it so fast that the little pipes to the other tanks won't do shit.

u can't answer this question with that data u need flow of the water and other factors. if the flow of the water is big enough 1 can be full first. but if it's realy slow then 3 and 4 will be full at the same time ( if conditions aren't weird like different pressure etc)

3, and then 4.

I have a vague memory of playing a flash game like this when I was in my teens, what is this?

I don't know. I found it on Instagram.

if you pour water in that fast then 1 fills first


None, obviously. There are only four drops coming out of the faucet.

It's TPT (The Powder Toy)

liquid measure

T'anks bruv.

When 3 fills just above the upper tube connected to 4, shouldn't the water start a syphon which would drain 3 almost entirely and suck all the water into 4, thus filling 4 first? Water from 2 is still pouring in 3... so there should be more water pressure above the hole in 3, than the water pressure above the hole in 4, to fill 4 completely first

trick question flow is not stated
>fast flow
tank 1
>slow flow
tank 3
>medium flow
tank4 will syphon from 3

it is called sand box. the old one.
Now there are many different ones

If by full you mean filled to capacity, then 3

3, 2 , 4 , 1
>is this easy mode?

>Please explain this phenomenon

2nd this

why would 2 fill before 4?


Do not be stupid son.

4, 3, 2, 1 due syphon

Unless 3 and 4 can overflow, then it would be 4 only


Yet again another fucking "brain teaser" that doesn't take into consideration actual fucking physics.

Ever seen a sink with a spill guard still overflow? Because water coming in faster than it goes out means it's going to fill up.

God I hate this fucking board.


hey grey

3 and 4 will never get full, the water stops at the pipe level.

1 will fill, no matter water flow

3& 4

4 is a couple pixels lower than 3, so 4 first.

if the water source fills 1 faster than 1 can transfer water to 2, doesn't 1 fill first?

I think hes using powdertoy.

Its free you should download it.

depends how fast the water gets poured

Please tell me you're trolling

There are 4 drops on the image. You can safely assume it will not fill up faster than it can move water to 2.

Assuming the the holes are big enough to maintain a constant flow, 3 will fill up first.

that's how water works in dwarf fortress, not real life

You don't understand how a syphon works, do you?

Just pour water quick enough and 1 will fill before all the others.

Otherwise, 3 and 4.

If you pour water in #1 at a rate equal to the capacity of #1 every millisecond, the outcome will look nothing like your image.