Fat people piss me off

Fat people piss me off.

Especially fat people trying to cosplay skinny bitches.

Fuck you fat people, fuck you.


i dont know what im looking at. its like the whale is trying to seduce me but it also dosnt give a fuck about its body or personal appearance or health.

I'm not thrilled about them either, but getting that worked up about them is a waste of your energy.


Did she turn into a unicorn by eating a unicorn?


Anyone who cosplays should die fat or skinny

i should kill myself i got my gifs backward.

That Mercy isn't skinny, but she doesn't look too-

It's a Narwhal, not a Unicorn



The thinner Tracer is actually cute and is the only cosplay I've seen get the hair done really well

Also, there's a third Tracer whose elbows are on camera, I hate women cosplayers in general
They all pick the same character but do it shittily and often make the character more skimpy than they are (while simultaneously saying that devs are the ones who sexualize them) and if they make an original costume, they just make the bikini armor that the constant say is oppressing

>This is the closest your waifu will ever be to being real


I win


too much puddin it seems

Except that his is Fetish porn you thick fuck.


Meh, I got a good chuckle if it helps


I didn't realise Atlas was a woman


How can batman save gotham if she eats all of gotham.

yes please :)

her ass on my face, right now!

How 'bout now?

She has a cute face at least.
Ah hell, who am I kidding, I'd totally let her sit on my face

In for fat shaming



We get it. You're into whales. No-one cares.

Thanks for sharing that amazing wit with us.

I'll fuck whatever moves