I'm thinking of going out with a 36 year old guy and I'm 21. Thoughts?

I'm thinking of going out with a 36 year old guy and I'm 21. Thoughts?

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I'm a girl...

Have you asked him if he is gay? Because he won't want to go out with you if he isn't gay.

Tits or Gtfo hoe

thought you wanted to end your life last night? or is this copy paste.

You're an adult, who gives a fuck?
Do whatever you want and live with the consequences.

That was indeed me. And that's still on the table but not till I'm 25 and my body no longer looks decent. Till then my plan is to lose my virginity and have good sex.

It's only okay if you get pregnant



My worst nighim are is getting pregnant. Tube tieing shouldn't be such a fight.


Seriously, I'm jealous... I can't have kids.. wasn't me who did it... I think of myself as the bald spy guy on game of thrones this maybe last msg, ltr if so

I still think real love is a connection without hesitation but goodluck. on the daddy issue thing

You're an adult, why do you care about the opinion of a bunch of weebs?

you know... I'()m right.

As an older guy who likes to date 15 years younger than myself, the answer is yes.

to you if you are trying to find someone older that you think is more mature for you to try and balance yourself. I'm in the I hope catagory like I said I am jealous

Age is just an irrelevant number for the most part user. Sounds like maybe there's more issues In play for you but find someone who is best for what you want and need and be happy.
