R8in thread / Faces of Sup Forums
Feel free to h8 just make sure you r8
R8in thread / Faces of Sup Forums
Feel free to h8 just make sure you r8
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What about the word "anonymous" is it that you don't understand?
Go back to facebook, faggot.
sorry you dislike these threads, but the central premise of Sup Forums is that "anything goes."
plus, nothing like this thread--where a group of strangers can congregate and post their faces for a short period--really exists on social media
What about the word "random" is it that you don't understand?
Go back to *being a fat neckbeard and dying alone*, faggot.
You actually look very sharp. 6/10
Look at the pictures, idiot. 2 out of 3 are neckbeards.
Good Lord you kids are embarrassing.
theres a reason this board was made