Be honest, would you fuck a midget?

be honest, would you fuck a midget?

before anybody asks for sauce her name is Karina Lemos

Other urls found in this thread:

i wouldnt only because i have a small dick and having a midget make fun of it would be twice as hurtful as a normal sized person

why do you even have to ask?

but user, surely it would look larger compared to her tiny body

I don't discriminate. I'm gonna be the bigger person in this situation and say I'd do it.

Seeing as I'm a virgin in my 20s who's never had a girlfriend, I'll pretty much any girl who consents. I try not to have high standards

Id rape her

In every hole. Twice.

Hell yeah of course, that one looks noice tho.

If they have more or less the right proportions, why not.
>obligatory Jemma

>bigger person

Bump for midget fuck

Would totally fuck a midget

Yes.. Provided they're attractive and don't have the box head.

Yes I would.
It's about to enjoy little things lifes gives you.


slept with a chick who was a legal midget. but she just looked like a RL little girl with HUGE tits. 8/10 would smash again

To answer the question: Yes if she looks good

HELL YES I would. It's the LEGAL way to live out the CP fantasy.



>legal midget
midgets look nothing like children


I'm 6'3 and fucked a girl that was 4'10 for a bit, was alrite, that's about the shortest i've ever been with though

Depends on the type of dwarfism.

She said the same thing about your dick


Id fuck an ugly one even
its one of those things you have to do before you die you know, fuck a midget hard

and which type look like children? all the dwarfs I've seen have regular sized heads and torsos with shortened limbs, which tend to be fairly pudgy.


mentally kek'd



Is that actually a question? The obvious answer is hell yes.


damn, you jelly much son? i'm actually pretty hung

she was 4'8''. that is under 4'10' which is a midget. We where both in high school and the same grade, but she was younger then me by couple months. really cute, wonder how she is now.

And as long as she does not have those turkey limbs that most midgets seem to get.


Probably the most attractive midget I've ever seen. She could give me a blowjob without even getting on her knees. God damn.

>that is under 4'10' which is a midget
gonna need you to cite the actual law in question here


Fuck a midget? Fuck, i'd MARRY one. Always wanted to be with a midget. They make my cock hard.


Don't know off hand. But there's one where they're in proportion.

Is midget genitalia normal sized or smaller than the average human?

I have seen some like that and some who look a little more normal then others.

this one's pretty nasty but I'd still fuck her

read the thread



Fuck man, I've already fucked a greased up knothole on a tree.
This can't be any worse.

all i see is "jemma"

Pics or it didn't happen

Best tits on a midget EVER. Jemma is a fucking Goddess.

Am i really defending my argument to you creeps RN. Sup Forums on a caturday

jemma what

ding ding ding

if that's not enough then lrn2image search

I'm into role play I just fuck kids and pretend they're midgets. Not a lot of midgets in my area code they're pretty rare so I make do.


Jemma Kys

if i could get pics of my HS years and her, from 4 years back, i would.

thanks cunts found it now

midget is derogatory and dwarf is not. didn't have to click your link. what's your point? there is no legal definition for "midget", end of story.

let me know if you need further spoon feeding in the future

I would totally dig her Mithril


Not true. Midget genetalia are normal-sized.
Sorry to burst your pin-dick bubble.

>be honest, would you fuck a midget?

There are some hot midgets in this thread I'd fuck. I had a chance to fuck a midget before, but I pussied out. The reason was, she was really really small, but pretty proportional so that she really looked like a little kid at first glance, she even wore stuff like Kid's Gap clothes sometimes. She was into it, but it was just too far for me to go, I was afraid I'd be seen as a pedophile, even though she was older than me.


cringe all you want, at least i don't feel the need to randomly talk about other dude's size on the internet, lol

Are you fucking jokin ? have you ever tried to have a 69er with a midgit you need a neck like a fucking giraffe.

I've always hated you

i feel like you coming at me for no good reason. she was short. if shes not a midget i really dont care, but she was 4'8''.
have you not the best of luck with little people? its okay there different just like us.



no need to be salty

not arguing that she wasn't short, just that there's no such thing as a "legal midget."

Is that pubic hair sneaking out of the top of her bikini bottom? Never seen that from Karina.


could be

yes why not?

There's no "legal midget" but scientists typically define it is >4-10.

But what for disability filing and for medical identification and diagnosis. she even said shes only as short as them, which i found funny.

>cringe all you want, at least i don't feel the need to randomly talk about other dude's size on the internet, lol

No, just lie about your own. Unless you're ready to post a timestamped pic, your dick is as small as anyone on the internet say it is. Smaller in fact.

>There's no "legal midget"
disability benefits are defined by law
people under 4'10" get disability benefits
midgets are defined in the law
stop talking out of your ass, fucktard

Totally. I dig midgets.

>midgets look nothing like children
The sad truth

This bitch has awesoome tits. Would bang!

might just be her proportions, but holy fuck her ass looks nice and her pussy looks phat af. i'd def bang her. please tell me she has some hardcore stuff out.

Just never really been around one, probably no

Asta Young

I would empty the contents of my balls deep inside of her little midget pussy. I'd love to breed with this tiny goddess.

>Asta Young
this is kinda how she looked like but taller may be.


I seen a few really short girls, and not trying to be asshole but midget is different. Maybe if she really wanted to fuck or something



I would wife Jemma.

She would make my little pecker look Monstrous. Fuck yeah I would hit it.