Lets talk weed, here's a gift to get the chat started

Lets talk weed, here's a gift to get the chat started


Anybody got photos of their first "bong"?

i wish i had some

I'm smoking weed and eating pizza right now

Damn, OP, that's not enough for everyone. Here you go.

That's pretty dope

Fuck me wet and horny

Pass the joint ?

I kill u
no rly
I will

I'm smoking this shit brick weed because someone gave it to me as a gift and i've got no money to buy something good.

It's a 5/10 weed, had to smoke half a fatty to feel something, and i'm getting really sleepy.

Do not buy it.

I need some


that was me last night. Best combo

poor fag


weed is bad

It's cock. U. Wnt. Sum?


Hail Santa

Nah i'm good.

1 v 1 me
I kill you

>smoking mexi-schwag
thats all i used to smoke in highschool

Sweet Mary Jane

My grandfather left me his tobacco pipe (classic Gandalf style). Should I try to smoke weed out of it? I don't smoke tobacco but I want to smoke out of it once just for sentimental reasons, just wondering if it might damage it in some way but I doubt it (I usually smoke out of a HBG bong).

>Hoping I don't smoke this shit then this nigga pops out and haunts my ass making me turn on his favorite sports channels all day

Donr do drugs


i have an oil pen with MK Ultra. wheeeeeee

i said ok, so just do it

Peace & Love \/m x_x

I ran out of weed and my dealer is out of town. Im trying to find my dads stash to no avail.



1 month tolerance break ending on friday

feels good men

i do recommend one big time

