Lets star a fluffy abuse thread, pt 1

Lets star a fluffy abuse thread, pt 1.
>>Extra points for that smarty friend.

Other urls found in this thread:








all of you are degenerates. this stuff is beyond fucked. this is irredeemable level shit. do y'all get off to it? sickening














Pillowflufs sounds greet for neets just keep one on your desk and you have adorable company all day

What happened to the other ones?

found mr. newfag










Post the hole shit! I love it! The farm is so noce













This guy's great. His art is kinda shitty - still way better than anything I could make - but when you get over that he makes plenty of stuff; compelling an entertainment. He doesn't focus much on gore or smarty abuse as in psychological torture. Hell, his shit is sometimes even depressing. Love this artist.

Good. Fuck that whore.




























His crappy drawing is just the medium for great stories.

what the fuck is wrong with you people






Alright, what the fuck. I've been posting here a long, long time and I've seen these threads come and go, day to day, hour after hour... what the fuck.

What the fuck is a fluffy, why are you faggots drawing these shitty pictures, just what the fuck is all this gay shit? Fucking hell, do you people really even exist or is it just one or two retards spamming this shit non-stop?

The fuck. The fucking fuck.




Pls stop







Personally I would set fire to it while screaming that no one loved it. Just when its close to death put out the fire and toss it into a ditch.






