ITT: We're back in school and we're in the same class

ITT: We're back in school and we're in the same class

Other urls found in this thread:

"Who do you think is hotter Hope or Patrycja?"

"Teacher! The user behind me is fucking the hamster again!"

i need my safe space

Hope dude. She does yoga. Plus look at her damn toes. Fuk. Hey are we skipping gym today?

hey user do u wanna buy some OG weed later ?

Yes. How much

no, thank god.

Lol. Classic larry. Hey cindy can i borrow your pencil

Shut up class. Today we will do anatomy activity. Someone to serve as an example?

only 25 $ a gram bro

>femanon: qt 10/10
>me fedora wearing bastard: "m'lady"
>tips fedora
>gets rejected
>becomes depressed and spends time online masturbating
>cums into sock I nicknamed femanon
>"oh femanon....have my babies"
>mfw fucking sock starts growing mushrooms out of it after six months of usage
>mfw i'm a teen dad

how much a gram?

Stfu mrs grundle. We all know you still have a cock. Is it lunch yet?

i hope not, i'm really hoping to see her in her gym uniform.

Yeah ok ill slip the 50 in your locker after i get to mine.

Did you guys see that thing yesterday?

[Slams desk]

I'll show them tomorrow....

Can OP come to the principles office.

Can we leave early?

you dumbass, patrycja does yoga too, have you seen her fucking ass?

Godammit sam for the last time NO we know your blind but we cant explain every second of every day to you jfc

Did you hear that thing about Kevin?

if everyone in a classroom is a potential school shooter, do they become friends and cease to be school shooters in the first place?

[Stares at a wall for 2 minutes]

[Puts head down and sleeps]

[Spazzes and looks around if anyone saw]

>Repeat until end of day

Yeah at bucks party over the summer. Everyone did. Lil herped up if you ask me.

Fuck off Frank. I get 10x the pussy you get

what the fuck do you want now

Pfft.. stan said it again. Everyone commence spitball volleys.

help me

Yeah? Well guess what bitch, any number multiplied by zero is still zero faggot!

Who farted?

Yeah, it's really fucked how his mom did that to him in front of half the school.

Guys guys Jason's girlfriend broke up with him and you know what that means?

I thought you knew your parents set that doll up for you... oh shit sorry bud.

*takes out ak47 and kills everyone*
thats the end of this thread, no one else post

I wasnt hit.

can you people SHUT THE HELL UP!!!

i'm reading my mango

Me neither

Me neither. Go back to cod and learn to aim stan.

She's gonna sleep with everyone in the boys soccer team, we know.
But you're only in JV, do you seriously think she'd go that far Jerry?

All the other kids...

hey bro did you see there are boobs in this Dragon Ball volume 1? Greg says theres boobs in naruto too

You're like those kids at recess going, "Nuh-uh! I had my force field turned on!"

user, you're expelled. You know better than that! Why on Earth would you cum on Jessica?

Atleast my arms are equal in size cunt


How would you know about this? Are you stamning me?

>Hear noise in the hall.
>Teacher opens door to see WTF it is.
>Teacher walks back in, "It's nothing, just drug dogs doing a sweep."
>Immediately eat my stash, bag and all.
>Dog doesn't even come into our classroom.

True story

Yeah dude... feel sorry for him. Should we call him to check how he is?

I'm dropping out. Fuck this.


...with the pumped up kicks...

Stares across the classroom at you: Im shooting you first.

Guys! Theres boobs on page 60


Is it time yet? I'm strapped.

Chances are his mom took his phone too.
Hey, just a thought, if his mom is willing to do THAT to him in PUBLIC... what could she be doing to him in private?

Roses are Red,
Violets are blue,
Columbine massacre part 2...

teacher someone drew a penis in george washingmachines mouth!!

I just learned today that synthetic differential geometry constructs the de Rham complex by mapping the infinitesimal simplicial complex into the space, and then quotienting out the maps that fail to be trivial on degeneracies. It's just an infinitesimal version of simplicial homology, and the proof of de Rham's theorem is pretty simple.

Also, homotopy classes of vector fields on a space are classified by twisted cohomology of the space with coefficients in its tangent bundle, which is just a mapping space in synthetic differential geometry. It makes me want to further examine twisted cohomology on a space with coefficients in some bundle from the homotopy of the space, or dually the twisted homotopy of a space with coefficients some bundle from the cohomology of it. It's a recipe for mixing local and global properties.

Its GO time! Allahu akbar!

Waaaait. Wtf did sherry do to kevster. Bitches face is fucked but those arches n legs... Daaamn

>columbine 2:electric boogaloo
would've fit better imo


Stan!!! Hey stan. Yeah you. Guy who cant shoot. Hey get over here and suck this nerds dick for being smart.

Who's spouting that nonsense?
Oh, son of a bitch-
Who let Randy out of the Special Needs class again?
Goddamned tard wranglers better get in here fast.

Yeah... Fuckin chinese people maaan... Being all strict n shit

anyone wanna eat some pizza later? wink wink


Lel pleb

>Don't mind me just sticking #2 pencils in the ceiling and making fart noises off of the back rest of my desk.

Just eat the school lunch Stewart. You've been eating pizza the last 2 weeks dude

My finger is on the detonator. Say when

Fuck yeah! What kind is it?

Can we tsim a birthday song

pizza means WEED



Aw we cant get Mushroom Pineapple pizza instead? We can half and half it.

You're needed in the boys room Jose, some kid shit played finger paint with his excrement all over the stalls again.

Hey guys, sleepover at my house?
W-wanna all sleep naked together?
It's not gay or anything!

Yo let's go smoke a spliff behind the bleachers

My moms coming 3rd period for my birthday, she bringing cupcakes

Ayyy lmao hit me up my nigger

joey we all know you cummed in the cupcakes, your dirty trick wont work again alright?

i got abby to see how many sharpies she could fit in her pussy

Alright let's tell teach we're going to the JROTC wing. She'll let us since we're not doing dick in here.

That was just that one time, I swear this time there's nothing funny in them

"Teacher! user's fucking the toad we use on disection!"

>be the tard kid


Who the fuck farted??? It smells like a swamp corpse.


Let's get some doobies to party with the sweet babes down by the gamecade

No piss, pubic hair, snot, spit, penny's, pills, weed, heroin, yiff, shota, bara, and/or gasoline this time Joey?

For real here.
Wasn't there a story on Sup Forums, that some user's old cum towel grow some mushrooms???

No, I swear
Really I promis

Do you want people to look, or just want to know that they're not looking?

>throws paperball to user

Alright... I'm trusting you...


*throws fit slammimg shit everywhere*

*enter tard mode*

J-j-just wait, they'll b great