Caught lizard. What should I do with it?

Caught lizard. What should I do with it?

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that is a house gecko,

They are you bros, they come out at night and eat all the bugs in you house.

be nice and let him go in a dark place high up, like a bookshelf.

If dubs or better shove it up your butt.

I dunno, all the pics I'm looking at have house geckos with spots on their backs or nothing. This one has little V-shaped stripes.

put it inside your penis

If repeated numbers you let it go.

Space lizard!

Put it in your asshole
let head stick out
timestamp pls




We need a Space Mission.

I agree.



let him free

Name him Darth Geckbutt and reek havoc on the insect rebellion. Destroy their main base and let Darth Geckbutt feast on the burning corpses while you watch as the Emperor of the Reptilian Empire

OP here, sorry for shit pic but my focus won't work.

I don't have a balloon (or Saturn V) for a space mission, and you do not want to see my hairy manass. Thinking of just removing its legs and seeing what happens.


Find out if he's a Witch, the classic way.

Make him the lizard Vader. Make him reign havoc on the backyard insects. Treat him well as your apprentice


What, see if he floats? I could fill the little tube he's in with water and see what he does.


If he floats HE'S A CHWITCH!!!!!!!!!

He's an inch long including the tail, a gnat could suplex his bitch ass.

Tape a small piece of wood painted red and paint his face and body black. I just want to see Darth Lizard

He's a good Christian lizard. Also didn't die!

Great! He can now achieve Darth Lizard Status.

Quit being an edgy man-child. Give him a smooch, and let him go. Lizards are bros.

The Darth Lizard awakens


Let it go. It would never harm you, so be nice to it.

Has he begun the process?


Is this how snakes are made?

Jeez.... Just do it a favor and kill it man

Good thing you already said it yourself you're a cringy manchild though so there was no liking you in the first place.

God bless that Lizard.


gratz man, you are officially retarded

He's now your lord, congratulations.

Yes. DARTH LIZARD. Get tiny bionics

God you're a real piece of shit no one even rolled dubs and told your stupid ass to do that

>faggot tortures lizard
>lizard dies
>faggot is still a faggot
Nothing to see here people. Just the usual man's inhumanity towards nature.

OP is a faggot, could've done so nice things, fuckin zoophilia gore fetish

He actually isn't dead in that last photo, I was impressed.

Anyway, I washed him down the drain. Good night Mr. Lizard.

We wanted to see Darth Lizard man....

Darth Lizard or riot

I hope you get doxxed you Lizard murderer



Rest in pieces Darth Lizard.
You shall be missed in this world


When you need it the most in your life, you will now not be shown mercy.

Good good, now drench his body in lighter fluid and burn him to a crisp. Do it....

OP please please kill yourself

Your a edgy i kill small animals...kill a big one that can kick your ass then ill be impressed

Didn't even respect the dubs