Ask a female browsing Sup Forums anything

Ask a female browsing Sup Forums anything.

You know the rule tits or gtfo

Tits or gtfo

how can i continue to stay virgin?
i dont want to make a mistake and slip up. girls are scary and bad

>you don't

bitches. bitches everywhere

What would you rate my dick out of 10 and what do you not like about it?

>inb4 not yours

not yours

>Ask a female browsing Sup Forums anything.

tits or die cumdump

It is though

Prove it then


Titties please?

less penis

more tits

When did you become an attention whore?

I guess this is a dick rate thread

How's mine?

Ask me to do something with my hand

tits or gtfo

How big is your cock?

what a stereotypically feminine image you chose you're probably boring as shit. just give tits or go

2 fingers around the base, thumb up and middle pointing out

Put it around your neck until you can't breathe anymore

is 5.6 in small or average?

Tits or gtfo

How often do you regularly attend Sup Forums?

When will we be free?

OP what were you fucking expecting when you made this thread, really.

You've probably already saged this but whatever


I'm eating right now so I'm not gonna touch my dick but I put my hand in the position to the best of my ability.

gits or ttfo

Okay. I have a very important question for you.... WHY THE FUCK IS IT A JPG

my dicks 7.5. you suck... and im a honkey fuck

I don't know, why does it matter?

Because it's a fucking jpg


Here's a question for you. Did you expect everyone to say tits or gtfo?

What has that got to do with anything

thats a guys hand gtfo

Why haven't you posted tits, or gotten the fuck out?

Write down the date on a paper with Sup Forums jut to make sure op isn't a troll
Also show something to confirm your not a dude

Ask you anything?

Hows it goin?

Are you a girl?

Of course it is you fucking moron did you not see me post my dick?

Why isn't your first post a picture of your timestamped tits?

26 people b8d so far...

Why are you here? Shouldn't you be on a night out?

u like my ass bb?