Washington thread?

Washington thread?

kek nice one

no one lives there


Where's this one from?



When you know that picture and the sauce

>another state on the verge of having been ruined by CA immigrants

IKR fucking liberals

Libs have always been here but it's the CAscum that are throwing things really out of whack. The balance of political power is what keeps this state from becoming either a red state no worker's rights shit hole or a blue state no civil rights welfare ghetto.
20 years ago they wouldn't tell people where they were from because EVERYONE hated them. Now they brag about it as if their mere presence enriches and elevates the state.

Is the girl on the right aryn?


It makes me kind of want them to secede from the union.

No it doesn't. You just want attention.

Any 360 out there?



Bumping for 360


This was a Washington thread until you made it all political you cunt

I need newts not your fucking political standpoint you cunts

Its funny because hes describing conservatives for the past 15 years


State nude begging threads are the most pathetic threads on Sup Forums you cunt.

he said "political" not "pathetic" you stupid kike. gtfo newfag

Do elaborate.
How did it stop being a WA thread when someone mentioned WA politics?



The person that made this thread must be a real hot air balloon


Any Clallam county