How the fuck do i make top ramen?

How the fuck do i make top ramen?
>Dubs decide special ingredients.

Other urls found in this thread:


orc semen

Boil water and add noodles/flavor powder
>if dubs crack an egg in that sonofabitch and add chopped green onions

put jim

take a shit into boiling water

Your own piss


Feces for special ingredient

What's jim?

mustard. a lot of mustard


if guy use boil with along with your semen
if girl piss in pot and boil

7 cups of salt.

Fart on the ramen


Im just fucking hoping none of your sick asses get dubs

add a decent amount of everything spicy that you have around.





My dubs say you need to cook the ramen on your own shit

Boil it in bleach

Also win


this is different from normal how?

a piece of paper with (you) written on it

Put a five in there

Fair enough

a pack of cigarettes

blue food coloring

Any semen you can get ahold of. Also just eat it raw


a ramen to go down in history


>Can you specify the size of the cups?

For real.
Boil until the noodle is soft.
Rinse the noodle with cold water
Put hot water and dried cold noodle and the small packets in and mix.

bits of ham, egg, tons of salt, pepper, butter. bit of milk, grated cheese. chopped onion, powdered garlic. Don't strain it like most faggots do.

For a normal 2 cups water ramen broth, 7 cups of salt is a lot, you see.

Two fives even

put extra jim

Put in sauce packet

All hail Satan for delicious ramen.

Normal kitchen glass cups should do, or about 14 ounces each.

Substitute water with your piss

When user becomes god

Like this amount of salt?

turd in ramen



kitchen is gunna stink now


cut your hair off into it lel

God speed op, god speed


Jesus, i never expected trips.

>bring 2 cups water to a boil
>leave it on high heat entire time
>add ramen (nissin brand not that pig disgusting maruchan garbage)
>set timer 3 mins
>stir a bit to loosen noodles
>at 2 min mark at two eggs
>let it sit for 15 seconds
>let it sit for 15 seconds
>keep stirring periodically
>30 seconds left
>add season packet
>maybe some butter if you want
>timer goes off turn off stove
>let it set for a second or two
>make sure eggs are cooked to your liking
>drain soup
>add to bowl

best ramen you can make and cheap as fuck, if you're poor all you need is some bread, eggs, potatoes and ramen and you can live off this shit for years and stuffer no ill effects

When the noodles start to soften... Crack an egg in that bitch

Mice, plucked from your local pet store- whole.

I really think you should take a shit into it

Remove water boil/fry entirely in oil

W i n r a r


Add soap

Blood of a virgin

This, one whole bar of soap and just a splash of laundry detergent.

What if i cant get out of my basement to go to the fucking petstore

Boil in car battery acid

Put a booger

Your own blood

2 ass hairs

do a poop in it

Broken glass with just a spoon of iron fillings.

whats the diffrence between ramen and like dry insta noodles?

Beef boullion, boiling water. Drink two shots of boubon before cooking

Just a little bit of pee.

Recipe ATM
>bring half a bucket of piss to a boil
>leave it and stay high entire time
>unpackage and fart on ramen
>add ramen to boiling piss
>mix in roughly half a pot of salt
>stir well
>taste and adjust mixture with jizz
>post pics on the way, because op will delivar

My dubs op use the seasoning packet

Any old lil' critter you can find around would suffice. Bugs would even do.

sharpie in pooper OP


1 cup of water
Add seasoning to water
Bring to a boil
Add ramen brick
Drain half water after noodles are al dente
Add salt & pepper as needed


So many dubs in this thread
probably going to die if he eats it
>lets all watch and eat popcorn

1. put ramen in trash can
2. get some fucking vegetables and shit
3. make actual human food
4. ???
5. profit

All shitposts aside, this is how you make a 50cent raman in to a fucking feast.

>Cut one up and put it into your meal.
>feed all the homeless people in your city with that

we're waiting OP you fucking faggot


Stfu, who the fuck farts in their ramen.
Is this even legal

shit juice

Op cut up your shoes a and put the bits into the boiling water. Once boots are sufficiently boiled add ramen. Filter off water. Mix in the spices and enjoy.

go poopy in the ramon noodies

stop being a foggit

Drain then add sauce packet and soy sauce. Cook in skillet with oil and a little butter. Peas/corn/egg if you have them

wasted dubs

Look who is talking.


I was here for this