Describe a Sup Forums board with a picture

Describe a Sup Forums board with a picture


>Sup Forums

I think it's cute when people stick their butts in the air.

not pic but the most accurate

>Sup Forums

anons from Sup Forums had their head burried in the sand for so long that they evolved and now they breath from their butthole

Sup Forums


i dont get it

The pixels form the shape of an horse

This is the most accurate

Also, Sup Forums

It's funny how Sup Forums anons act like they're red pilled even though their heads are firmly planted in their assholes

The difference is that Rag heads are the opposite of progress. But because libtards exist, we're forced to keep them around because the rest of the world views diversity as "progress". I'm the end America is going to be as cucked as Sweden and Germany.

Sup Forums

Sup Forums



hello Sup Forums

>most of them


I've always pictured /pol as being a bunch of edgy teens.



I feel like the picture is trying to portray a contradiction but the fact that Sup Forums doesn't want to end up like the indians seems like a legitimate concern. Or is it the fact that they stay at home posting about it that is laughed at ?

Either that or middle aged NEETs

because they are


You know that guy you knew in hs who was an edgy sperg teen, and you meet him 10 years later, and he's still acting like an edgy sperg teen? Those are the Sup Forums people I know irl.
dead on

That one is pretty accurate too.

I lul'd.

well better get my Dog beating bat


also /fit/

I know a guy who is a dead ringer for the pic on the left. He's not a neo-nazi, though. He's a coke->crack->meth->christ type born-again christian.
the resemblance is uncanny, if only that pic had a mullet...


Also /fit/



pIctures?? im afucking gooooood... chek my horsee



How does it make you feel that I live off of welfare and basically you pay for me to live and I still get the best of both worlds, your money and your women

How does this make you feel white boy

Sup Forums


Let's convince a nearly powerless native american tribe to get in the way of the notoriously powerful petrochemical industry while said industry is acting on behest of the most powerful government in the world to develop domestic petrochemical resources that would help keep that government from allowing it's wealth to fall into the hands of a nation of muslim hydraulic despots who fund both anti-western terror and the west itself.

Let's also ignore the fact the candidate we're salty lost the election got a lot of money from the hydraulic despot nation above and focus on the fact she's a woman and we ought to have had a woman in office by now because it's the current year.

Let's be good liberals.







>Sup Forums

this is great
