Be me

>be me
>Cook at shitty restaurant
>25 year old retard is a regular
>calls me loser every time he comes in
>I get a couple good roasts in on him but I have to be careful who hears
>he has a crush on one of the waitresses
>He keeps calling me a loser
>2 years of his autism
>on my last day I tell him I fucked the waitress he has a crush on
>get real gross with it
>"hey Adam, when I fucked her I put my Weiner in her butt and then made her lick it"
>"I pooped in her cunt and then fucked it"
>"I made her eat my ass"
>He goes fucking rage mode
>Rips one of the stools off the floor
>Waitress he likes calls the cops
>They take him home after he calms down
>Mfw his crush kicks him out of his favorite restaurant
>Mfw he looks like a perv rambling about the her scat fetish

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Shameless Self Bump

the tard was right, you are a loser

Real or not...

>Fuck, I miss all the old tard wrangler threads on Sup Forums


100% real. I almost never post so I have no reason to shitpost.


Whos the faggot in pic relateD?

where are all the fun stories?

Varg vikkernes(?) I'm not sure how his name is spelt but he was in a Scandinavian metal band. He burned down a church for his album cover.

also: good job OP

Good job for what?

take a guess

Getting back at the autist?

He burnt down A LOT of churches Also he killed his former friend and producer Euronymous. And he had a neonazi phase. Now he just tries to act cool on youtube while advertising for his new album. His band was a solo band named Burzum. Burzum, Dunkelheilt and Fallen are quit good albums, the rest is meh


Even if the music is good Ican't in good conscious support a person who has killed so many.

Another Shameless Self Bump

well yall are yuropoors after all, get with the times

I'm an American I live in the Midwest

>not filosofem

Op said that he dealt with retard. retards are 'murican thing

In Europe, they're "members of Parliament"

He's killed thousands of men with his bare hands. Europoors are too scared to arrest and jail him

If he tried some shit in America they would probably just stomp his ass in the street.

if he was in 'murica, you would give him weapons

Wow yea what would we do if he got his hands on a gun

same thing you do whenever some kid decides to shoot half of his school: nothing

>every one of them probably has a sub-4" penor.

Every school shooter was killed or suicided as fair as I recall

Hi, there.

...after killing tens of people
what a success!

>movie theatre

Yes, such things would never happen in France!

>he had weapons

captcha: kettle