Eternal /got/ general

Lyanna Stark edition

rip ozgebros

Other urls found in this thread:

Azor Jon

"A great number of women I presume"



First for Queen Cersei, First of her name etc.


Guys I didnt get the baby Jon scene

was Robert Baratheon Jon's dad?



>rip septa "nut in her" unella

>naming a bastard as the king of the north

northerners are retards desu

So how the fuck is this gonna get explained to Jon?

brans gonne be lik hey jon im a fucking magical being who can see into the past bro, saw your birth, your actually Jon Targaryen son of Rhaegar and Lyanna


what does bran knowing jons heritage do to the plot?

So.... its safe to say... that /uglyanna/ indeed won

top fucking kek

So D&D confirm that Sansa is still a bit jealous of Jon for not asking her anything, doesn't fully trust Jon and that there's still tension between them.

Sophie also confirms Sansa doesn't think Jon acknowledges all she's done for him, doesn't give her credit, and that he's naive and she's agitated at him.

Kit also says Jon still hasn't fully learned his lesson in regards to Sansa and that he's oblivious to the shit she does.

What the fuck?

You know how I can tell how so few of you read the books? There isn't an ongoing shitstorm about the Oldtown scene.





here you go, best I can do fast


Annnnnd thread no. 56 hidden. Thanks, champs!

I miss ramsay

for such an sjw cuck show, there are literally zero blacks other than the literal slave army and the cock wanting pirate


Someone find Preston quick. There's a chance he's going to pull a Tommen and we'll never get another indepth look at autism.

why exactly was this necessary? there are hardly any faith militant guys, they were able to move wildfire under the sept and all that so secretively

like, why couldn't she send 20 of the best lannister men and gregor to just kill them while tommen was in bed? they have no leverage to use against her, if they have kevan, mace or even marg, she doesn't care

she literally had to bunker buster an ancient sept and pulverize 1/4 of the city to kill

Please be baiting.
Ithe father is the Mad King, Rhaegar Targaryen

>no brotherhood without banners scenes
>plotya killing the freys

Ruler of the andals, Shitter of Gold, Brotherfucker and mother to no one


So, are we all in agreement that Cersei ruined everything? Has there been anything that she's done, that hasn't greatly fucked up the kingdom or has been beneficial in anyway?

>inb4 dragons can't kill Targs

Among us a legend the one they call....

This show is absolute trash; absolute pedalled garbage. It panders to the lowest common denominator and dregs of society, sacrificing substance for base appeal, not risking anything but rather applying cliche tropes overriding the show’s uniqueness. Which is honestly an articulate way of saying it is generic bland crap wasting its potential as the seasons drudge on.

These two hack Jew producers haven’t the slightest clue in the direction they’re taking things after deviating heavily from George R.R. Martin’s literature. Each scene is painful to watch as the actors are forced to ramble on in 21st century vernacular.

Someone [GRRM] who's fundamentally anti-religious, anti-feudalistic wouldn't have his magnum opus be some pedalled story of religion, Azor Ahai and prophecy full of tropes and simply a chosen one defeating the Others and bringing harmonious balance; it's going to be so much more than that and even throw all that out the window when the Others and Children make their return and ultimately the epilogue for ASOIAF should break the Kingdoms and core of feudalism entirely, as it breaks the mould of genre fiction. The show has no indication of remaining faithful to the source material but continues to be absolute pandered bullshit catering to faggots.

>more dick jokes
>let’s play a drinking game!
>ebin stronk female caricatures
>Cut all the history and intricate politics (e.g. Riverland sieges and negotiations from AFfC, notion of the history of Blackfyres and their impact on the world – Bittersteel (Golden Company), Brynden Rivers role, Daemon)
>Cut or completely butcher all real player’s plots (e.g. Wyman Manderly, Doran)
>Neglect the true puppet masters who manipulate everything from behind the scenes throughout history (e.g. Bloodraven/Children, Quaithe)

And you fags enjoy this mind numbing horseshit. This show turned into a fucking sitcom years ago and you should all kill yourselves for watching it.

If only there was another man there that might know something about this who the fat man told us will be making another appearance.

If only.

so what do you think was from the books and what was fanfiction ?

Are you retarded? R+L=J Look it up and educate yourself.

Absolute godlike composition this episode, gave me shivers

A war started because of this fugly bitch?
Why can't they cast a beautiful woman for once in this shit show?

I want Maisie's pie!

Lets be honest here, every scene in kings landing this episode was golden

>marwyn was mentioned

I think this rumor about Varys actor being racist is true. Seems like they just photoshopped his face into the last scene

>They gave the Fire and Blood Speech to the Sand Snakes and co



>i am an autist who took the b8

Great job

>this is a 10/10 in the North

She's going to make westeros great again


>arya arrives in westeros offscreen
>goes to twins offscreen (as a little fucking girl, not being raped or killed on the way there)
>offscreen kills EVERY FREY
>cooks them

That episode was the only episode that captured the atmosphere the fat man is able to set in the books for a whole episode.

It wasGame of Thrones Kino.

remember in the first couple of seasons when Gendry was set up to be kind of important?

>child actress lyanna is hotter than adult actress

casting director needs to be fired tbqh

Well, they DID make her look like Arya.

aerys is the mad king you numbnut

rhaegar is the pretty one

Hail the King In The North! The White Wolf!


>no nights king
>no euron

oh well

They should have just kept the /GoT/ sticky thread up, it would end this shit with generals spamming the board (although the board is trash anyway, even reddit is better)

So where things stand:
>Dany enroute to westeros
>Cersei destroyed the kingdom
>The north and vale are independent
>bran is nearing the wall so the Nights King can pass through it with his army.

Thoughts on season 7?

I find it funny that all the feminist think Danys plot is going to amount to anything, but blood wise, Jon will shit on her dreams, plot wise, The Nights King, Cersei (wildfire) and Euron (Dragonbinder) are going to wreck her shit (With Euron eventually marrying her like hinted in the new TWOW chapter) and region wise, the north is going to freeze and kill most of her army.


>I have to go now, my planet needs me

I see no problem here, Bran is literally the exposition guy so far.


honestly lena hedley is a very good actress but she ruins the show for me

i mean cersei is meant to be at the very least a 9/10

don't even get me started about dany

You know there's a bookfag somewhere pounding his desk and whimpering "When are they gonna get to the Darkstarrrr"

they also hired a geriatric to play catelyn stark who was supposed to be hot

>spend all season hyping up how the high sparrow has huge influence with the commoners
>he gets blown up
>no one gives a shit


she can't be blamed for causing a wildfire explosion with wildfire that no one knew about. if she sent the soldiers in, she could be blamed.

When are the seven going to reveal they've been pulling the strings all along


>yfw they gave the fire and blood speech to the sand snakes

Well at least they confirmed that Arya does actually look like Lyanna



They served their purpose as obstacles that Cersei had to overcome.

Well Targs like to bone other Targs so Jon X Kelly C confirmed? Ice and Fire goin down to pound town

Either Jon will have to rape her to death or Arya will have to kill her. She's traitorous. It's in her Tully genes. Absolutely not a Stark.

oh fuck of you degenerate

welcome new lyanna!

just how many season 6 memers do we have to say farewell for?

>highgarden and smirkfu bros
>R+L=D faggots


>all she's done for him
Jon took Winterfell for HER
Jesus Christ, Salsa is dumb



Melly is going to find Stannis body and make him sir stoneheart
screencap this


Whose side is Stannis going to fight next season?


>Rhaegar fought a war for THIS

Jesus Christ, really D&D?

medium kek

You could cut ties with all the wildfire your zealots are burning in.


>not queen in the north
fucking injustice

Imagine watching a show that triggers you this much every week


I can't wait for the dothraki to overhwhelm filthy southrons IRL

Actually I was more upset that arya

1) teleports into the twins
2)has a mask despite leaving the FM
3)just hapens to have pies
4)nobody else around not one body

This is lazy fucking writing

lazy lazy lazy


To be fair Darkstar is the only thing that can save Dorne at this point

Sam going to Oldtown pretty much confirmed that Euron is going to play a major role next season.

Except instead of krakens he uses 1000 ships to take Oldtown.

>White wolf
>mfw once the White Walkers attack, in a moment of desesperation, Qyburn hooks Jon a shitload of substances and he becomes a witcher

The finale ruined the show.

There's literally no conflict left for next season.

Danny and her fifty billion man army are going to stomp Jaime and Lannister army (Tyrion maybe sticks his neck out for his brother and keeps him alive).
Brotherhood Without Banners takes King's Landing while the army is away, and the Hound saves Arya and kills the Mountain and Cersei in the process.
Jon marries Danny because duh.
The obvious weakness of the zombies, fucking dragons, saves the day and the kingdom is unified.
Littlefinger does fuckall because the writers have given up and there's no other way he can seriously lay claim to the throne.

Please don't ever write a book or screenplay. Unless its purpose is to induce sleep.

maybe this way she can blame bin laden and crack down on civil liberties in the seven kingdoms

Reminder that Euron Greyjoy would absolutely destroy Dany in a naval battle

Because it's a show based on medieval Europe, there's like one place in the known world where black people exist.