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Affordable synth edition.

You have $666 to spend on synths/equipment, how do you spend it?

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>You have $666 to spend on synths/equipment
save until you have more or you get ripped off

I want this

I got my MS-20 Mini used for 600 dollars of my worthless local currency. Would buy again.

Anyone know when the vintage synth bubble is gonna burst? Every other site believes the meme that new gear is gonna drop the price, but it seems like the price on stuff has been going up like 50% every 2-3 years since 2008.

Nah. Analogue will get cheaper. There's no reason vintage synths will get cheaper imo.

I could have sworn prices went up substantially for analog like a year ago, but no one was talking about it. Glad to see I'm not insane.

Probably never honestly man. Some gear should stop rising in price soon though. Stuff like JUNO-106 should stop going up, but JUNO-60 will keep going.

This is the time to hunt for the gear being held by people who don't know what it is. I found this in a friends parents house. It was his "keyboard" he didn't really play anymore.

>666 to spend on synths/equipment, how do you spend it?
I pay for the VSTs my russian friends gifted me

Yamaha SY77. It's basically 1989 the synth but it's so enthralling to program and it might be my favorite master keyboard of all time

>used for 600

wtf, I bought mine new for $300

Read the second half of my post.

was about to pay $1,900 (cad) for a Moog Sub 37 today

roomate talked me out and is going to sell me his Korg R3 for $300

pretty much when it comes to synths its cheapest in the US, everyone else pretty much gets shafted, can trump help with that?

anyway, for $666 i'd go vintage. i could get a jx3p for 400, maybe 350.

those two are totally different synths, although the sub 37 was overpriced in cad you should get something else than the r3.

Have a MS20 and access virus. Mostly use MS20 for basslines and weird sounds and virus for everything else.

The Virus can produce some really nice and interesting sounds but the build quality is pretty bad, lot's of board flex.

If that is in my local currency, I'm somewhat fucked.

I really wish the jacks were full size. I get anxious using heavy leads with adapters into the ESP.

>buying hardware synths with keyboards

Do you have a hardware sequencer.

>I really wish the jacks were full size.
Yeah I've got a bit of wiggle in my signal out from using heavy leads. I'm not too fussed because it should be very easy to replace when it does break.

I've been able to get some pretty nasty sounds out of it.

mmm nice


I want to get one of those WMD Geiger Counters so I can BitCrush properly. I'm a ghetto rigged at the moment.


The ESP on the Ms20mini is the shit. You can do stuff like pseudo vocoders with it. This clyp doesn't have any of the original signal in it btw.


I've fed a few things into the ESP with various results. I mainly patch things randomly together and come out the end with cool results somehow.


There's some effects on both clips, but the tone is all MS-20 at heart.

>not playing keyboard so you play synths without midi


I've always wanted to buy an analog synth like the ms-20 mini but I don't even play music and I feel like it'd be a waste if I get bored of it and end up shelving it like I did with my 49 key m-audio controller.

Is real hardware more satisfying than dealing with VSTs? I've tried Ableton and Fruity Loops and it's just disgusting to use. I want to twist actual knobs and not have to spend most of my time using my mouse.

go try one in a store, see if you like it better than your midi keyboard and vst.

these are some great soundscapes
didnt know the ms20 could sound like that honestly

Ultimately only you can decide whether or not you will stick with playing music. Personally I find hardware synths to be more rewarding to play because they don't have the baggage of being tied down to a computer.

>le portability meme