Jelly fish apocalypse soon! Japan is being invaded by millions of them already and they literally don't die weighing a...

Jelly fish apocalypse soon! Japan is being invaded by millions of them already and they literally don't die weighing a quarter of a ton. They're called Nomura's and they are poisonous and over the course of a week or two japans waters are filled With billions of them and when I said they can't die I'm not joking they can live forever. If you cut them into hundreds of pieces then hundreds of jellyfish will grow from those pieces and scientists have no idea how to fix the problem. Japan is fucked and this is only going to get worse.

Other urls found in this thread: taking over the ocean &sm=1

marine biologist user here
op is full of shit, sage

>If you cut them into hundreds of pieces then hundreds of jellyfish will grow from those pieces
Nice try sonny
Nearly got me taking over the ocean &sm=1

No it's true you ignorant piece of shit. They're dangerous for humanity and if you cut them in pieces those pieces will grow into more jellyfish! It's a fact if you'd just bother to look it up!

They're keeping quiet about it but the worlds oceans will be 404 by 2030 at the rate they're reproducing because of warmer waters and in case you didn't know that means humans are screwed.

You're not a Marine biologist you piece of shit because if you were you'd know more about this problem and how much of a threat it is for our and many other races than anybody here.

This is what all of the ocean will be like sooner than later if we can't figure anything out.

So dont swim in the ocean? K im cool with that.
Its not like i wanted to in the first place.

what a fine example of shitposting

It's not shotposting you Mickey Mouse fuckhouse! It's a real problem and just because you never leave your house doesn't mean it's not real. Have you been to the ocean recently! I don't think so.


It's not that simple. If life in the ocean dies that means humans will die as well.

Even with all the billions of jellyfish in the ocean you've got to think that each single Jelly produces millions of eggs the size of a speck and it grows up fast.

>hundreds of jellyfish will grow from those pieces
Almost. Apparently, the stress of being hacked up causes them to spawn, like a last-ditch effort at preservation. So the attempt to control them is causing the population explosions.

Ok so what do we do?

I don't know user. I just want people to be aware of the problem for once. The world governments know about the problem and some of them are working to try and slow the process but nothing seems to be working.


They can't be poisoned, eaten, fucking electrocuted?

Here and two isn't the limit. They can grow as much as you cut them.

Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail Hydra.

sounds like a major perpetual food source, world hunger problem solved

Off by fucking one.

Nope because you'd poison the ocean

Nope because you'd shock fish in the ocean and there's not enough electricity so chock any good amount of them.

Some places are trying to eat them.

you aint got nothin on me.

It's all fun and games but when the worlds ending you all won't be laughing.

your thread sucks and you should feel bad.

I bet if you chucked these fuckers in a blender at full speed and turn them into a paste they wont be fucking regenerating

So one on a blender can make millions?

Fuck off with your retard logic

>Fish them up with nets
>Use them for food and fertilizer

The thread isn't meant to amuse you retard. Maybe if you got out of your own ass and read over it you'd realize I'm trying to spread awareness. I'm not trying to "entertain" you user or else I would have posted tranny porn.

nigga you gay.

Yea well that's a stupid plan if I've ever hear it. You plan to put them one by one in a blender? If you hauled shiploads of them to shore that still wouldn't be enough to stop them considering how fast they're reproducing.

Doesn't matter. They're reproducing at a rate that even they couldn't take them out of the ocean fast enough to combat them.

They can die -- put one on land, it dries out and dies -- if a turtle eats it (they eat jellies) it dies. They don't seem to die of old age, is what you read somewhere but did not understand.

I meant they can't die naturally except by natural predators but there's not even 1% of 1% enough predators to eat them to combat their growth in the ocean and you can't take them out of the ocean fast enough to combat them either.

Remember the jellyfish catching competition in squid girl? That's a real thing. They really host those to help combat the jellyfish in the ocean even though in the grand scheme of things it literally does nothing. It would be like a worm trying to take on the U.S. army.

Unless scientists can figure out a way to destroy them humanity is literally going to be fucked as early as 2025 and for sure by 2035.

Hey I'm in Connecticut I don't give a f*** about your stupid jellyfish

It doesn't matter. When the ocean goes all of humanity goes. It literally doesn't matter if you live in the dead center of the U.S. nerd.

Theyre like a never ending money source then, as long as people buy them.
All hail the mighty jellyfish

It's already happening. That's why fish prices are skyrocketing. It's almost impossible to catch nets of fish anymore without getting nets full of Jellyfish and this is only up to 2013. Since then the prices have literally skyrocketed.

It doesn't matter. I said that already. Even if humans eat them they can't take them out of the ocean fast enough to combat their growth and if the ocean is filled with jellyfish humans and many other species will go extinct.

Don't hold your breath mr science

But they can, in fact, die. That "fact" in your OP was incorrect. That's all I was saying.

I'm not because I'm going to be prepared. I have a shelter in my backyard with literal years full of food and water hidden under a hedge bush.

No they can't die because they're not really alive in the first place so you're in fact wrong.

Catch them and drop them in acid

We're gonna need some kind of virus then. When they keep exploding in numbers, we'll have plenty of individuals to sample, and once we find one, we could cultivate them and spread them out.

It's like I'm talking to my aunt susan

They're working on it and it fact that's our only hope right now. They're also trying to genetically engineer their eggs so that they die early.

This is exactly what kanye was taking about. He knows the truth.
Now thanks to this brave user you all do too.

do you have no fucking idea how biology works? did you drop out before 8th grade???? the jellyfish would rebalance long beofre all life in the ocean just ceased to exist, you autistic shitdick

No it wouldn't you stupid fuck because they live off of plankton.

Jellies work on a different fucking level, dicknose. Super speed reproduction both sexually and asexually, diffusion of nutrients through their skin makes for like 40% of their daily needs, yet they eat and predate on pretty much everything, including fish eggs and larvae, very few natural predators and close to immunity to variation in salt and oxygen levels. If it wasn't for our overfishing, the population would've been kept down, but we hunt for all their predators, and jellies survive where no other species do