No fluffy thread?

No fluffy thread?

Fluffy thread.

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Then post something, you queer.



why. Third thread today and was about to go to bed but these threads hold be hostage.



*chirp chirp*
..Honestly ?

B-b-b-bad to da pone




>-1 image limit









Designer fluffy ? Never heard of such a thing, what is it and how is this pink and green one one of them ?

Behold my OC.




It's an umbrella term for fluffies bred for certain traits. Commonly extra fluff, shorter legs, snout forms, speckled fluff or a combination. Basically people starting out making breeds, like with dogs.

Ruh-roh, yandere fluffy.

just done it today hah

I see, thanks

That it a really nice perversion of the fluffy desire to give and receive love. Me like.


nice. Just tried making some oc myself but on the computer (Not MS paint) and I fucked up. Have to draw it in real life, take a picture and color it using said tool again.

Ive colored one of the two, even though i dont like the end result




Well, it really kind of helps bring out the "crazy" in her eyes.

i also do some of them on pc, i first draw them, later I use photoshop to draw the lines, but with so much details i cant make them on pc, to much work



Ya thats what I plan to do next.

Also such a waste of a good pool table unless your going to clean it out good.


well the fun never ends in the foal pool :D
also i did this other variant









Here's an idea. You know where all the pool balls gather where you pocket them? Maybe you should put some foals in their trapped.

Maybe have the mummah see them, or do to their questionable eye sight/stupidity mumah ignores them cause they are the same colors as the pool balls and passes by looking for them.


well, being a fluffy i would rather say that she thinks that the balls are her foals


Also what lighting do you suggest for capturing photos as I don't have a photocopier?

that could work also and makes more sense.


Calibrate your white balance before you take the picture.

do you have a flexo light?, if yes poing it to the drawing, and later take the photograph, adjusting it to a point(not so close, neither so far away from the paper) were it makes all the drawing visible





thanks for the advice.


Hewp bawfluff! Sabe mummah fwom two face munsta babbeh!

I can't believe how much this made me giggle.




bawfwuf Sabe da day


>top 10 anime battles



that will always be my favorite fluffy pic. that betrayal


always kek to this one


This has been a fluffy TV cartoon.

Next on Fluffy TV:




Anyone got the Burrito comics? I cant find them




Need more like this lol



Thanks you

That was beautiful. Any more from that artist?



Had somehow forgotten about this one. Shit shit is really good.
