Game thread. Here to improve your game. Ask me anything...

Game thread. Here to improve your game. Ask me anything. I used to bang a few new girls a year but changed a lot about myself a few back and now I bang a few girls a week (sometimes more sometimes less).

Regardless I know what I'm doing and if you have any questions regarding your love life I can give solid advice. Also general beta male to alpha male transformation thread.

what is a good way to approach women at a bar or pub?

Do you peacock?

OP must answer to these quads

I can talk about pretty much anything, even with girls, but I totally suck on starting conversations. Even on tinder, sometimes it starts good, but it winds down and I get empty minded on what to bring up to start a new subject.

How do?

Good question and it really depends on her situation and yours. If she's with friends it'll be harder and if you're in a group it'll be easier (especially if females are in your group).

One thing that I've come to realize is that girls at bars are expecting to get hit on, and it's a part of the reason they're there. With these expectations they often try to put approaching men down no matter what they look like, and most of the time it's a shit test.

Be friendly at first, it really doesn't matter what you say she knows your interested by the approach. Whenever she tries to put you down or says anything that portrays she isn't interested, you should counter it with a response that says I'm not a beta male and I don't care what you think you're only one girl.

So for instance she says, "you're too short for me", I reply with "Well im well compensated and it's not like you're a model either".

Once again she knows you're interested, she isn't really going to take offense, remember this. If she pretends to take offense act as if you don't care. Use wit to portray this. Hope this helps.

I think canned openers can be good, also let her invest in the interaction. If you are just going for her number it would take you normally 10 - 15 mins. I recommend this cause lets you set up a date up to your desires, making her enter your frame.

Yes but never too hard. The best way is to simply have good fashion sense (i.e. Going from trendy clothing to something that looks nic but is a little out there, like a pair of red pants for instance)

Dating apps and texting you should always try to limit conversations to a minimum as they lead to false impressions at the actual meetup. Push for a date within 4-5 messages but be polite. "You seem like fun we should continue this conversation over lunch". If she says no in any way cease communication and move on

Sorry second response is for you responded to wrong post.

so whats ur opening line in that situation? say something stupid like "hey whats your tinder?"

You say: "Hey i like cucumbers"
She says: "me too"
You: "I have a big one, lets meet up"
She: "timestamp or GTFO"

And then you make love.

"Something stupid" had worked a million times. The first line isn't the most important in my experience. It's more where you lead the conversation and how controlling you are.

A good opener for bars/clubs is harder to pinpoint than cold approaches because of alcohol and the fact that they're there with expectations of getting approached. Nonetheless, sometimes it is a good idea to compliment followed by a put down. "Hey I just wanted to come over and compliment you, couldn't help myself really" (wait for response, "on what?") "well the way you used that makeup makes you seem perfect, really did a good job on that"

does it look hurting if you go to a bar by yourself and try to pick up women?

so u think that negging them works well?

How do I get more hookups than give off the perception that I want to date girls like they see me as now?

I wouldn't recommend the scene solo dolo. It's a lot harder and girls judge based on social proof first. However, not impossible if you're less imposing and more friendly about it (it's harder to act like an asshole alpha when you don't have friends in the background)

If you don't have friends trying to come to the club/bar I'd recommend looking for girls elsewhere

I think a girl played that on me then

I do have a gf and we have a couple profile on tinder. We've been toghether for eight years so our game suck.

But a girl matched us there, asked for our numbers and now we're talking. We already scheduled a date for monday but she isn't very talkative since that. She says she liked us and is eager to meet, but she was more talkative before.

Is she gonna bail?

Regardless of what woman tell you they want guys who have more sex than they can remember and love poaching men from each other. It is their nature. Never apologize for being a "player". (Is this helpful? I'm not fully sure I understand what you mean)

Yes, but only if you can follow up by passing a congruence test (they will act offended almost always, just don't apologize and continue bantering her. "Awe I'm soooo sorry are you going to have to go home and watch the notebook now?"

>couples profile on tinder
Break it off with this girl or have her kids and get off tinder

I don't even, what are you talking about? We have a profile toghether and we both agreed to do that.

Fuck that's one of the reasons I'm with her in the first place!

I meant girls don't want to hook up with me. The ones that like me want me as a boyfriend but are still apprehensive. I'd rather just fuck a girl from the bar / tinder and get on with life

Ok but this isn't how you, as a male, who clearly likes pussy, should behave of you want to get laid frequently. This other girl probably will not meet you out of fear it'd be awkward. I certainly hope you don't let your girl talk to dudes on there. Can you honestly say this has worked out for you two?

There aren't many girls on tinder there just for sex, and it's pretty much what every guy is there for.

Not op, but just act like that and let them know. Don't be too nice that they'll want to keep you, but don't act like you just want to get in their pants. Let pg13 hints out during conversations and act like you know what you're doing.

Dude I don't think you got it...

We're into girls. We had two menages already. We're toghether for eight years now, its has been talked over a lot of times. The profile is set as female with interests in girls only, and I manage it.

You'd be surprised how many girls match profiles like that (pic related)

How old are you? This reminds me of what it was like for me in high school. Girls seemed afraid of sex then, but after that they let their hair down b/c hookup culture in college.

If you're too old that could be a problem too.

Otherwise, perhaps you need to improve on seduction in which case touching them works better than words. Start with a high five and escalate to an arm brush. Right before the kill you should be able to touch the neck/face

ok, this is interesting

This is the first I've heard of this but way to go. Although none of the girls look that good there tbh..

Nah they don't, honestly most girls there are butches, but there are a few bi curious. You have to lower your standards but they're still pretty doable.

Except last time things went south and we ended up in a motel with a borderline bbw girl who was missing a tooth. We had to laugh after that. If that's not a girl to marry I don't know which one would be kek

Honestly marry here user sounds like you guys have something I've never had with a female and tbh most of my relationships are cheap and end within 6 months.

Trust me I will, she has a lot of downsides but this kind of stuff is a partnership you'd hardly have even with a bro

I've already had more girls with her than before her (before her it was just one tho lol)

>60% haven't responded
>Using the same line over and over

Currently, most girls don't talk to me first unless I talk to them in class or something. How do I change this short term and long term?

Why do you think I'm itt?

And it's not a pick up line, it's just a greeting, idk what else to say anyway

Don't worry about girls not approaching you. They usually expect to be approached. We're animals after all.. Have you ever seen a mammal reproduce and it's the girls idea? No it more or less looks like rape. Girls like the chase.

(Don't rape people)

Screenshot us your tinder profile show us how it's done Chad

ok OP, how do I identify an easy prey, i´m in college btw.

All girls should be identified as easy prey if you behave accordingly. If she rejects you blame your behavior rather than her not being easy.

Realistically though the more desperate (ugly) they are the easier it is to bang them.

why are you so into hooking up? do you think you'll look back on your life in your last few moments and be like "fuck yeah, i got so much pussy"? not trolling just curious

Don´t worry about that, I do realize when i fucked up. But the first step and closing the deal are the most difficult steps. Do you mind teaching some stuff?

No I certainly don't. I think most of the girls I've laid could have been my girlfriend had I made efforts but I just keep looking for a more suitable girl for me (I'm a first year medical student and want to marry someone who works as hard as me to make a living. I don't meet many but I assume I will after residency, and as of now have little time for a relationship.)

Do you have a group of friends at said college that you hang out with? I can't tell you what you're lacking based on what you said. There is no universal opener.

Closing is easy if you are up front about it and relaxed, and have established flirtatious touching prior.

fair enough. that's probably how i should look at sex but i'm too much of a romantic and want each fuck to mean something more then let's make each other feel good

Forgot to mention that, true. Don´t know none of those "flirtatious touching prior". I just let the conversation flows only worked in 10% or even less, so i guess that´s my weak spot, any suggestions? And yes i go to parties with friends ( fem and male).

whats a good "go to" flirt story or things that you use often, I am good at opening and can close if it goes well but my initial flirt game could improve

second this

third this

I get tons of looks and matches on tinder but I never msg them or approach because IDK wtf to say

It varies and takes practice of gauging her reaction. I'd recommend looking up KINO guides online quick they'll be more helpful than I can be.

It's hard to say there's a go to story to flirt. Flirting takes wit and you have to use the situation your in to your advantage to pick on her a little. Another great idea is using this tactic; saying something romantic followed by a "this is so stupid" sort of laugh. Here's an example I used last week on a girl while on the back porch of a party. "Wow look at those stars up there" her: yeah it's such a nice night. Me: "I just wish I could take all the stars down and give them to you... (Cocky smile and a "psssshhhhhhh" while looking away breifly)

that helps man, flaky romantic thing but act like u were just being silly... thanks

It's a game changer glad I could help

got any other go to moves?

How do I get laid in college?


this is is good shit thanks op

A good tip for designated drivers who want to isolate girls at parties is to ask how they're getting home and offer a ride (usually it'll just come up out of the fact that you're not drinking)

Also, your boys won't mind when you say "hey we have to give a few girls a ride home" because they'll be drunk and thirsty by the end of the party and being in a cramped car is the opposite of a hassle when it's bitches