Any med fags on recently got into a good fight to sum it up broken orbital not really a concern since its not the first...

Any med fags on recently got into a good fight to sum it up broken orbital not really a concern since its not the first time what is though is that when i clear my nose im getting blood yet the guy didnt hit my nose its a constant thing for 3 days now. Posting from phone sorry for the shit grammar and punctu

Also runnin a qtip up my nose produces no blood havent got a ct scan

lefort fractures are nothing to fuck with. you very well may need surgery. go to an ED.

you should get ct scan just to be can be nothing for now, but that can change...just tell them you fell and hit it really hard was bothered to go to doctor and they will patch you up.

this needs to be seen at a&e or ER.

Dude you'd be smashin it and get lost in her tatt.

Go to the hospital.

Sound like u got eternal bleeding man

Op when you block both nostrils and blow your nose does your sinus cavity fill up with air? Try doing this but don't blow super hard because if there is a perforation it's going to hurt like a bitch if you force too much air in.

forgot to add you'll feel it as pressure building underneath your the corner of your eye up near the nasal bridge.

I hear popping

STOP blowing your nose. seriously. go to an ED.

Go to the hospital. Medical treatment is free right? What with you being in the land of the free?

I can pretty much pop my eye out blowing
Only when i clear my nose breathing in hard do i produce blood

js my orbitals are fine and i hear popping too every time i do that. meaningg thats prob fine

Its not my first orbital break probably my fourth every time its just stay home and rest im just concerned about the blood even breaking my nose it cleared up in a day or two

I will take the advice and head to the hospital in the am my lip needs stitches anyways little bit drunk and to many cops out

did you win or lose?

im a 3rd year medical student. yes it's probably a lefort fracture. midface instability is not good. don't blow your nose anymore, you literally could pop an eyeball out. go to the hospital when it's safe for you to do so.

I got my ass handed to me in this one got cold cocked outta the blue

Your probably just opening back up a scab inside your nose then. I'd at least get an xray as the orbital consists of a very very thin bone and as you probably already know it's very easy to fracture and it's also very easy for it to fracture and chip. The only other concern with repeated injury is that the fat pad there that kind of holds the eye in place can sink into any fractured holes and then your eye ball itself will sink inwards. Usually this is just a cosmetic thing but sometimes usually in really bad injuries reconstruction is needed but again you can usually tell just be looking at these types of injuries. I'd say stop blowing your nose hard for 2-3 days and then begin with some light blowing if it bleeds at that point go see a doctor.

fuck. theres a metal thread here

I think I seen this woman with this tat walking around lower Manhattan, then months later I see her in a porno (webm I seen from gif) now this pic, is she famous? Or is this stupid tat the new in thing?

I'm going to the hospital thanks. I there was nothing on the reused needle. Also maybe you should see a doc too user, or are you scared?

Sup Forumsros all sound advice and im appreciative of it this is the Sup Forums im glad to be a part of now my broken face needs some sleep ill try an update in the am