Your at the store and this guy grabs YOUR ass. What do you do?

Your at the store and this guy grabs YOUR ass. What do you do?

Turn around and say DADDY PLEASE

Keep touching but give me the death note and your eyes Ryuk

Tell him not to save thumbnails

Damn nigga what is crackin b, u.just stepped on my timbs when u grabbed my ass. Deadass imma leave yo ass like Daquan . Facts -- New York Jesus

ask him why hes so small

Yell at him a bunch and hope he runs and hides in my basement. And then I would lock him down there and just feed him worms in a bowl

Ayyy a fucking babadook reference


Say hello and explain that he must have mistaken me for OP.

Good question... I don't know.
He looks like he could absorb some gunfire, even at point blank range.

Charge him for the best POA he ever had

>find and apple
>throw it the fuck away from me
>turn 360 degrees
>run away.

Grab ass and hopefully explains to OP what the fucking difference between possessive noun and a noun contraction are and how they should be used .

Not as many weebs as I thought there would be, yall making me feel bad

Go back to Bleach, weaboo.
(Just kidding, Death Note.)

Ryuk can grab my ass any day

Why do I see him?
When did I come into contact with a death note?
Where is it now?
Is he in love with me?
Could I use this to my advantage to extend my lifespan?
So many questions, so little time.


Step 1: realize that I'm hallucinating because a being built like that would collapse under his/her/ In fact, I'm prolly not even at the store.
Step 2: continue tripping balls and see where it leads.
Step 3: go back to my dealer to score some more 'shrooms.

Cut off penis throw it him and bleed to death

gg, kira


Look at him awkwardly then probably walk away and don't tell anyone.