Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I accidentally added a crazy bitch on kik

dubs dicides

Ask for nudes

Hello stupid

fuck rolles

Wanna see some tits.

roll again Sup Forumsro

Nigger nigger nigger.


you cuteeeeeeee you dont have to do that,,, you cute!!

Oh gosh! I remember you from such posts as "Niggers from Africa", "Jews, let's gas 'em", and "Is that really how you suck giant nigger cocks?"

69 roll for nudes, that means something. do this OP

Kekking and rolling for this.

Is there any chance you've been gangbanged by niggers?

tits or gtfo



nigger nogger asshole clogger

She's too young


kill yourself OP

I'm think about it


Now listen here, kiddo, you better fuck off or ill ddos u and track you down, even if you're in fucking india, which you most likely are you fat disgusting pig, and when i find you, i'll slice you with my SiCk KaTaNa, i have a good side, but you are on my fucking InSaNe SiDe HahAhaHaHAha



Lucky roll

Please im begging

i summon thy, kek.
reroll this.


ok anons i got you

Now listen here, kiddo, you better fuck off or ill ddos u and track you down, even if you're in fucking india, which you most likely are you fat disgusting pig, and when i find you, i'll slice you with my SiCk KaTaNa, i have a good side, but you are on my fucking InSaNe SiDe HahAhaHaHAha

you know what?
fuck this
fuck you
fuck me
fuck her

Now listen here, kiddo, you better fuck off or ill ddos u and track you down, even if you're in fucking india, which you most likely are you fat disgusting pig, and when i find you, i'll slice you with my SiCk KaTaNa, i have a good side, but you are on my fucking InSaNe SiDe HahAhaHaHAha

oh shit, just as i was going to quit.

OP please man.


also, if doobs:
Show noodles, no tell po-po about noodles k?

"tits or I'm leaving"

So, she's Catholic then?

also, roll for.

op fag

is OP kill?

lmao, send this too while you're at it, kek
