Anyone into the thought of knocking up lesbians?

Anyone into the thought of knocking up lesbians?

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Imagine that slim belly rounded out with a kicking baby and those wee teats leaking mother's milk

You mean like going to see them in their flat?

Cheyah dude. Number one fantasy is a lesbian couple wants a baby and we fuck all night till I put a baby in one of them.

In a perfect world all lesbians would have to report to mandatory breeding farms

This one's been pregnant a couple times. I've paid for one of her abortions. Her wife has no idea.

If all the lesbians were laid out end to end... would be the best thing to happen to them.

If she and Zyzz we're back to back, I couldn't tell for sure who was male or female.

Now, would they be fantasy femme women who just happen to be into fucking other chicks, or 'real' lesbians?

Eww, no.
Women become lesbians because they're ugly, and therefore unfit for reproduction.

MFW this thread

She's got an ass a blind man would be able to tell

The real ones are fucking repulsive.

As closet gay as they come.

sex has about zero things to do with fitness for reproduction.

i think people claiming to be *exclusively* heterosexual OR homosexual is just a side-effect of how society slowly but weirdly starts to accept the whole thing.
people loved to fuck, be it a dame or a gent, for millenias. completely denying any sort of attraction to any handsome person is just stupid.

some lesbians are more aware of their body because they actively thought about what looks good on a woman for quite some more time than the average bimbo. other than that my experience with lesbians is they are not the least bit different from the average woman.

trying to bang one i work with

what, forced mass pregnancy?

>Everyone who doesn't like gays is secretly gay
No, some of us just love zapping homos

Sure, sweetie.

So lesbians only come in two different appearances? Grow up dude, people are diverse but obviously I don't wanna Fuck some ham beast. Just two women who are together and want a baby.

What makes you say that? I've literally never seen an attractive lesbian.

Imagine if all lesbians woke up tomorrow 9 months pregnant with something unabortable and....not human.

That would be hot.

Cause you don't leave your basement. Not that guy, btw.

>>Everyone who doesn't like gays is secretly gay
>No, some of us just love zapping homos

Can you translate that out of your secret gay language so the rest of us can understand what the hell you're saying?

Then you don't know enough lesbians and need to stop relying on stereotypes.


Yeah, I totally want to pay child support forever

>yfw they sue you for child support
>and win

have done and its the same as being donor. just this way since its not anonymous they can actually get you or child support. depending on state of course

Agreed. I'm sensing a permanent virgin that has ridiculous standards. Poor guy is gonna be salty his whole life.

You know have you really seen a old lesbian couple

Get it in writing that they can't do that. In a legal document. Your move, loser.

Getting the mentally ill pregnant is never a good idea.

Nope, they can't stay together. Women hate each other. But still a hawt fantasy.

depending on state even if they sign something it wont protect you

Are you a doctor? Nope? Thought so. You can't really be throwing that label around, huh?


Do you know how the law works? Wow...


I'm sure you love 'zapping' gays. Preferably after a few drinks and some lube.

>Thought so
You thought user was a doctor?

No, bro. That was sarcasm.

you apparently don't since you think signing something magically protects you no matter what

Especially if all lesbians could be reprogrammed to be addicted to dick

Haha, I said legal document, meaning lawyers and witnesses and such are involved. Notaries and such. Again, clear you don't know how the law works.

Law of the Land supersedes any and all written agreements if any party is deemed incapable of agreeing to the terms.
Like, say, the newborn child itself.

And since there's no incentive for the girl to remain bound to the agreement, YOU can expect her to disobey the terms at her first opportunity too.

>TL;DR-you're screwed

Those docs don't hold water. The support is for the child, who is not party to the agreement. The state wants someone to pay. That someone will be you. See court cases.

What you just said was nonsense. Wow...

No no and no. Chils support is for the child. Plenty of court cases where sperm donors were held liable.

Wow... You guys are all Fucked if you think everyone in the world is out to screw you. Obviously you just hate women and don't trust them. Have fun being perma-virgins.

and that will not always protect you. men have been sued for child support for a child that was made from their sperm when they sold it to a clinic. meaning a completely anonymous donor was sued and lost because the woman wanted him to pay child support
again you think this allows you to be free of anything when it doesn't

Pence is a known closet case, homo.

I've knocked up a lesbian.
Friend of mine and her wife wanted a kid,
I've known them both for years.
Knew they'd been talking about kids for a while, Talk of adoption and ivf.
Both kinda expensive and lots of paperwork for them.
One night while drunk they bring it up.
I laugh it off,
Week later they ask if i made up my mind.
They aren't incredibly attractive but the idea of taking a lesbians gold star got me hot.
So after some STI tests, and a quick check at family history.
Once a month for about a week my slightly androgynous lesbian friend would get herself stupidly drunk and i would fuck her hard and come inside.
3 months in and she's knocked up.
Wish i got to fuck them both together.

anyway they got in a fight, broke up and aborted the kid.


If the women end up on welfare the state will try to see who the father is, you dolt. Your agreement is not valid.

Far from it.

No, because of domestic violence.

Again, it's clear that YOU don't know how this aspect of the law works.
You can sign 1000 documents. Have them all witnessed by the Pope and officiated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. It won't matter, because neither of the two parties agreeing to the terms are the kid.
Therefore it's not legally binding, because the law states that a kid is legally entitled to support by his parent(s).

Prove that and I'll agree and say I was wrong. Good luck. ;)

Not nonsense.
That's how the law works.

Even better, release a virus that slowly turns all lesbians and feminists into leaking cowgirls against their will...

Actually, while in Baton Rouge, my roommate and I hit up this local bar all the time. Place was crazy, tits and just madness most of the time. Eventually, we all got kept up in the place til 4am (they shut the lights off and we kept it indoors) for a while, but one time.....

all white bar with confed flags.
Was a cool black guy that hung out there and we all drank together

He had some of his negro friends show up and he tried to act tough and called one of the guys a cracker outside. Long story short he got knocked out and his friends booked it.

But they had a lesbo couple there. A barbie style and the femnine short haired variety. Both were hot. My roommate was with the lipstick and I was with the femme. It was fantastic. They both wanted dick and they both got it.

I loved that shit. Shame the bar shut down because of the cops showing up at 4ishAM
all depends on state, over half us states have things to protect donors but still can be challenged even in thos states


Just a little false information and you guys go nuts. Bait the Dust works!


I knew at least some faggot would get butthurt in this thread, suck a dick for once. literally

not as much as basically holding them prisoner and fucking them non stop till their mind breaks

Here you go


with an ass like that hell yeah nigga

How would they be kept? Just naked and chained in a dark basement like every woman's worst fear?

The third bomb worked!

Real mental illness effects your ability to live your life. Plenty of lesbians and gays are doing just fine without your retarded approval. Unfounded hatred of something that isn't a threat to you, now that is mental illness.

You can't possibly imagine a world where peoples' desires differ from your, can you? Do you understand just how many levels of irony are involved here?


There is no trying

Not an anonymous donor - and did not follow state law...


See - Donor Anonymity

I'd like to pump her ass full of way more semen required to impregnate her. I just want to pump her full of cum like a fire hose

with her just screaming and wriggling trying to get away as she's almost blasted right off your cock and her belly bulges with unwanted hot seed?

>oven door burn on arm
>she even cooks!
>lesbo wife material

Good eye. How would you keep her dressed as a housewife?


lesbians are about as good as fucking any girl. Sources: personal experience

ass or cunt?

I'd like to see those dyke lips anteatered around a cock at least

thats hot, did her gf watch u fuck her?

Both! I wanna see her vomit cum that's traveled all the way up her digestive tract out her mouth and eyes via her sinuses and cram pressurized cum up her pussy making her belly inflate like a balloon while shes gagging up sperm at the same time

so pretty much a Doctor Who regeneration except instead of energy she's shooting gallons of cum from every possible orifice like a cartoon lesbian-shaped fountain

I'd fuck lesbians in the ass? Not big on pussy. I'm straight, the concept of fucking a dude sounds repulsive, but anal is about all that appeals to me with women. I would still pound that pussy, but preferences are preferences.


There you have it man
I'd also feed her birth control pills to see how fat her ass and tits can get when her body thinks shes super ultra fucking pregnant with a millions babies when her estrogen-responsive adipose tissue goes into hormonal shock just because

More into making them blow me

I had sex with a lesbian one time. She was young, and I knew she was just a confused lesbian, because it was some of the worst sex I ever had. Although she was mildly participatory, she obviously didn't enjoy it at all. There was no way she would ever enjoy a man's touch.
Obviously, that won't be the case for all lesbians, but that was my experience with one. I feel bad for having sex with her after the fact, but I was young, naive and driven to think differently than I do now. I regret not quitting earlier. I didn't cum.

Worth it just to see how much milk those tiny teats can make when you've forced her to become breeding stock against her tiny will

>She was young, and I knew she was just a confused lesbian

We were both young. I think she was confused, because she was having sex with me, when she should not have.

That's what I'm trying to say.


Have you ever actually seen a lesbian?