profound social statement or a sign of insecurity?
Band shirts
Gira would probably beat that poseur up.
Profound sign of social insecurity
I usually just buy shit from concerts if there's a good one, might I've picked up a few online just because the cover looks sick
Sign of a fucking loser
2 many accessories
I only wear band shirts that I create myself
Neither. Wearing a band shirt for the sake of wearing a band shirt is lame though.
also I could've sworn this was a meme thread topic a few years ago
Wearable billboard.
I have two band shirts, both ironically. One is a Metallica shirt with AJFA on the front. The other is a My Son My Executioner (shitty Texas core band) shirt with their name written in incomprehensible font on the front.
if you're not designing your own clothes in 2017 then you need to evaporate
That "poseur" worked with Gira for years, he did a lot of work on Angels of Light albums. This picture was taken after Gira decided to sign said "poseur" to Young God Records and help him get his career started.
Normal people:
>hey i like that band i'll wear this
>goes about day
Sup Forums
>i need to contemplate the possible ways people will see me
>doesn't put on shirt
>still thinks about it
Reminder that if you like Swans you support a rapist
neither, unless you don't listen to the band. then you're a poseur
I buy shirts with bands i like if the design is cool, it's not really a big deal
>band shirts have any significance
Reminder that if you liked Manchester by the Sea, the Bill Cosby show, Ken Burns the Civil War, Hey Arnold, or iCarly, you literally support rapism
please don't ruin this
I have a couple band shirts but honestly a lot of the ones I've seen are too flashy for me. I don't need something that has the band and album name plastered on it in a half-assed manner just so everyone knows exactly what band I'm "repping" so to speak with my shirt. A nice logo or even a minimalistic album cover is all I need, anything more than that and I feel like a walking billboard
Pic related. I have a similar shirt that has the logo but not the band name, and I wear it pretty often. Even the addition of the band name to it would make me less inclined to wear it as often, and that's on the mild side as far as tackiness goes
me too brother
fucking btfo no recovering from that sick burn
reminder that if you voted for bill / hillary clinton or watch the films of roman polanski you support a rapist
I own that shirt and get complimented about it sometimes.
He still looks like a poser ass bitch with that pathetic beard, jewelry and hipster sunglasses.
It's just a shirt you fucking hipster.
watching you hypersperg numales spazz out over devendra banhart is always fun
cripple crow decent album
Profound sign of autism
Why does Sup Forums take band shirts so seriously? Why is it wrong to wear something to support a band/artist you like? I understand if someone would wear a band shirt while pretending to like the band to seem cool, but you can never know if the person you see wearing the shirt genuinely likes the band or not. Lots of normies wear band shirts too, so I wouldn't call it autistic.
How do you create your own shirts?
"Wow, user, you're so good at buying things!"
>profound social statement or a sign of insecurity?
are we talking about the creation of this thread? if so then definitely the latter
>most punchable face thread
>want to buy a Future Days shirt online
>literally (figuratively) ONE BILLION DOLLARS
I gained 40 pounds last year and my death metal shirts are the only thing that fit me anymore.
because it's Sup Forums
this post cut deep. never really thought of it like that.
I suppose, but it's still dumb.
Keep in mind a good amount of the people who post here have limited social lives and plenty of time to actually put thought into shit like this.
yeah this dude is insecure as fuck man.
kurt ruined the coolest shirt
so for some reason wearing band shirts is autistic in mu's eyes now?
Gira himself is the biggest poseur. You think he didn't spend years building that image that would lead you to say such a thing?
Fat people and metal shirts do NOT GO hand in hand. Please don't do this, for the sake of your own integrity. I hope your hair is not in a ponytail.
what movie/show is this image originally from?
terrible live performer though
It's Alfred Hitchcock and I think it's from a tv show he did called Alfred Hitchcock Presents. But I'm not certain
>wear Aphex Twin logo shirt
>"Yo, nice Half-Life shirt!"
Both. Depends on who's wearing it. Not that it matters really, it's just a shirt. Wear what you like
I have two anco shirts (ballerina I ordered online a long ass time ago and one I go on their PW tour last uear), and a David Bowie shiry. Like from the Diamond Dogs where he has a doge on a leash
So many typos kek my phone keyboard only corrects them sometimes, usually when I don't want it to
i was gonna buy an itcock shirt from fripps website and that shits like the price of five lps
I have a few band shirts. They look cool and it makes my wardrobe more varied than jeans and white tshirts. You would have to be really autistic to think that wearing a shirt of something you like makes you a poseur
that's pretty cool
whats itcock
In the Court of the Crimson King
thanks bb
lame idea for a shirt
I have a Wavves King of the Beach shirt which I've received a lot of "that's a cool shirt" comments on. I don't even like Wavves that much anymore (because Nathan's a dick and also they're 1 trick ponies)
>wearing something you like
>implying I want strangers to validate my taste in music
Go back to /r9k/ faggot
Got this one for around $30. The lighting doesn't quite do it justice but it's one of my favorites.
rejoicing in the hands better
jesus christ
just wear whatever the fuck you want to wear
who cares what others think
Devendra is cooler than you'll ever be.
Where can I get Psychic TV Shirt?
No, just insecure.
cool shirt man
You really think so, huh? Everything you do is a message; a statement. Even when that statement is something as bland as "look at the band I like".
I can hear you loud and clear "but I'm doing this for me!" Funny how people will hurry to that argument. Same with girls and makeup. You're not doing it for you. You can't even fucking see your shirt most of the time unless you're actively looking down at it. You wear it to broadcast a message, whether you care to realise such a simple fact or not.
>Ken Burns
>Hey Arnold
>Manchester by the Sea
Uh, where is rape involved in any of these?
That's Devendra? I never knew that. I actually like him and his music so I guess I'll stop judging books by their covers.
>not doing it for the Frippster
Wait is that actually Devendra Banhart? I thought it was just some faggot that looked like him
>shitty Texas core)
This might as well be a real genre
I really enjoy band shirts. I buy them and concert tickets to toss some dough to the artists because I'm streaming your album if possible. I also just like cringy metal/punk shirts.
>Cringiest one I own
Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider for iCarly. Manchester by the Sea since Casey Affleck was accused of sexual harassment. Don't know what Ken Burns did, and there was that one episode where Helga rapes Arnold.
>that one episode where Helga rapes Arnold
Wew, which one was that?
the exact opposite happened to me
>both ironically
You forgot the last part
>Still no gf
I wear band shirts because I like music and shirts, by functional design, cover my upper body??? is wearing band shirts insecure
I only ever buy shirts from smaller bands who need that money to get to the next show. It's the rawest form of performer-listener interaction
>not making your own shirts
he probably uses iron on transfer paper
What about normie-core shirts like pic related?
then use a pc you fucking phoneposting pleb
I think it shows insecurity. That said, if someone was wearing a band shirt for one of my favorite bands I'd go up and talk to them. It's not a bad idea for meeting people, if you feel low enough
How does it show insecurity
You can wear them ironically.
>wearing clothes ironically so normies don't know you're actually naked
Shut up nu-male
personally, I only buy merch from bands that REALLY REALLY deserve my money, and there's just something about owning it to be honest, it's like having the band just a bit closer to yourself in a way...
probably as a badge of identity as well I'd imagine, probably less so if it's a lesser known band. I don't really wear merch "blatantly" like that since I'm afraid of people (who could potentially approach me and give me a panic attack... hint: I don't give a fuck about other fans, I just like music).
do you feel better about yourself now?
my dude!
can someone explain how band shirts show insecurity