S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floofs!

Other urls found in this thread:


The Chromosome Cruiserweight Championship lives!

Crap, another fucking fur cartoon faggot thread? Can you move this shit to /mlp/ or something? Seriously -- shitpost ELSEWHERE.


















Hey hey





Move to another board, goddamn.


we like this ome


I always knew you were a shitposter


Not much goin on you end?

Image swap outta nowhere.

You got me

This still bothers me for some reason.


From what I understand is that they don't want to give us a board due to rampant art theft, which is goofy because we do it anyways, and that with as few threads there are anyways it would be a relatively empty board as well

IIRC anyways


At home right now, it's nice.

Getting ready to gear up for the week and the events that are about to occur.

How are you?





There'd only be a few threads, yes, but there's still the image limit.



Where are her tits?

Fine, just creating the CCC belt. Have the S/FUR event planned out for next year.


The what and what now?










ayy floofballs whatsup?

Chromosome Cruiserweight Championship belt

>S/FUR event
I made a joke about booking Hermfag, Marty and "..." in a triple threat match for the CCC belt. A bunch of guys said they wouldn't mind watching that, so I plan to create them in WWE 2k17 along with the S/FUR event and stream it once I finish creating everything.

Heya Sun


Oh okay, sounds cool



Who's "..."?


gettin tired
slowing down

...the wut?


how's life?

I suppose it is getting late, here at least


Thread needs more actual fucking.


Didn't have that one


Thread needs less actual you.

Fuck Jay Naylor though.






So report me and get me banned.

Why do you call it s/fur if most of what's posted is just solo?


Nice try ruseman.


the s simply signifies that it contains content that would be appeal to a straight male

solo, lesbians, are fine


I definitely don't like his storytelling but his art is ok.

Maybe it is actually solo fur? I don't know. In one thread I asked and they said it was straight fur, but they always only post females.







So it's all about men? Fucking patriarchy.

The S also stands for sexist, since they say these threads cater to straight males and not straight females such as myself!


That's dumb.
Post more straight fucking.
Don't post lesbians and call it straight.
