So we can all agree that Refn is the best director working today, right Sup Forums?
The Neon Demon General
One of the most visually stunning movies I've ever seen. It demands to be seen in a cinema.
it was incoherent trash
and i say that as someone who appreciates only god forgives
Agreed. Also helps if you're super stoned
It was literally 2deep4u. Go watch it again and learn how to appreciate proper kino.
explain in detail all of its themes and motivations
no. that thats what you need exposes you. go away.
Lol not working for long after this flop.
Only thing winding here is your career around the toilet.
10/10 film tho.
qualify your claims
OGF and Neon Demon were shit.
complete bollocks.
Bronson and Vahalla were way better.
Refn and Snyder are the two best, yes.
It was perfectly coherent, just really fucking stupid.
Very pretty looking movie.
Downright boring beyond that.
I saw several people in my local cinema asleep in their seats, and despite managing to keep my eyes open throughout, it wasn't a particularly rewarding experience.
As a horror film it completely failed in every sense.
I really liked it. The music was killer. My only complaint, and this is a spoiler, is that Jesse is built up to become this dangerous take-no-shit bad ass, then just gets her shit ruined. She never really has her dangerous bad ass moment.
It seemed like half the people in my theater liked it.
And by that i mean the other person in the theater with me walked out half way through.
I wish she lived up to the tittle and ate up the older models.
Jena Malone was great too.
Drive is his only good movie.
>a horror film
yeah, i don't get this
there was horror for like 5 minutes?
Only one other guy in the theater aside from myself when I saw it. I wonder if he also got boners from the lesbian rape and necrophilia. Elle Fanning kissing her reflections was great too
I saw it today and was a little disappointed. I love OGF and have no problem with style over substance, but it just felt like a mess. It did't know what it wanted to be. It was hard to take as seriously as intended with the very weak characters (Jesse doesn't "get absorbed by the industry", she just does a 180 all of the sudden, the boyfriend subplot is pointless, Keanu Reeves was just there for the sake of being there). Felt like it was shifting back and forth between a drama (failed because of flat characters and weak plot) and horror (failed because of no real suspense, the murder scene came out of nowhere and the twist ending was too absurd to actually be disturbing. Even Cliff Martinez couldn't save it, the theme that kept playing was annoying as hell, sounded like a stock iPhone ringtone and was unfitting for whatever dark shit was happening on the screen. The first act with the club scene was strong, but the aesthetic then got torn between the stylized "muh neon" and more standard stuff. The beginning and end of the movie felt like they were made by different people, each with different ideas of the tone the movie was supposed to have. I was really excited for this but I'd say it's Refn's weakest movie, maybe after Bronson. Just felt really shallow and didn't know what it wanted to be.
Nah, see, even that was a meme. The last 5 minutes of Jessies life like what the director THOUGHT a horror movie was about.
There's nothing scary about anorexic sluts running after your with a knife.
This movie had a chance to do horror differently. To show us how horrifying the squeeky clean plastic lifestyle of a model could be. Instead we get 2 hours of """drama""", 10 minutes of Keanu Reeves (is this guy a C-grade actor now, or what?) and 5 minutes of the most pointless chase-scene ever put on film.
I've seen it twice and both times I was the only person in the whole room (one was with a friend). Really didn't like it but I feel bad for Refn, I'd figure at least some normies would check it out.
What was the purpose of the cougar appearing in her room?
1. A E S T H E T I C
2. To show us Keanu Reaves had trouble getting the door open
If you don't post pics of Elle in these threads you're fucking useless.
kino of the year, dubs confirm
Yeah I saw it with my friend. Just us two and 4 others.
I was planning on going a second time next month but I guess I better go soon it won't be around long.
Well, that settles it.
Praise kek.
Are there any reviewers that liked the film? As far as I can tell, us and a lot of reddit enjoyed it but no film reviewers
Style over substance done to the extreme for artistic vision.
Movies NEED substance to be good though.
She could have saved herself when she got the knife by running at the girl following her instead of running further, allowing her to also get a knife
there was a necessary amount of substance in this though.
It's got 44 tomato and 50 meta, so about half right?
those moles are fucking disgusting
>Movies NEED substance to be good
I disagree; Only God Forgives had little actual plot/characterization to it, and it was really good. I don't know what went so wrong with this one, it just felt a bunch of half-finished ideas that never ended up feeling very meaningful.
Really? Where? In the deep characterization of the protagonist? In the riveting romance sub-plot? In Keanu Reeves failing hotel business?
Hell, there wasn't even all that much actual modelling going on.
There was just a lot of awkward forced dialogue that doesn't even begin to resemble the way people actually speak.
Again, all this may have been for artistic effect, but it sure as fuck wasn't fun to watch.
I thought the exact same thing, women are retarded.
The whole "they're trying to kill her" thing was random as hell though, no lead-up.
I got the day off tomorrow. Should I see this?
Only God Forgives has substance though. This movie didn't. At fucking all.
Are you in a 2deep4u mood, and feel like being bored for 2 hours? If you answer yes to both of these, then yes, go.
Definitely, I doubt in will be in theaters very long
Yes. The story is kinda sorta there, but the visuals are 10/10
I mean honestly. Every segment is like a work of art in itself.
The visuals are just absolutely amazing. I can't stress it enough.
The protagonist's characterization was driven by the 'non-riveting romance' subplot, and Reeve's predatory character. Everything revolved around her, if you can't see that I understand why you were underwhelmed by the film.
Go take a look at some of the negative reviews. It's astounding how many people (read: women) completely miss the point of the film because they're too preoccupied with writing about "muh misogyny", confusing Refn's depiction of horrific acts as an endorsement of them. If you think the film is boring that's one thing, but this is not the attack on women that some people are making it out to be.
Saw this tonight, all of these posts are right on the nose. I felt betrayed by Refn walking out of the theater. I was completely alone in mine too, and if anyone else had shown up I guarantee I'd have probably been alone by the end.
It seemed to me like he was trying to combine the obtuse, autistically stylized characters of OGF ("Wanna fight?") with less nebulous storytelling, and the result just felt plastic and awkward. I didn't feel any connection to any of the characters, but I did in OGF because the less-structured movie made them feel less like people and more just elements of the aesthetic. Some of the dialogue at the beginning was promising (the constant underhanded tension/putdowns) but then it just got weird when Jesse turned cartoonishly self-obsessed for no reason. The point of the movie seemed to be her transformation but there barely was one.
>At the bar scene she turns into le souless fashion diva for no clear reason
>Next scene when she calls Ruby she's scared and sensitive again
>The very next day (after being nearly raped, no less) she's bold and confident with that YOU KNOW WHAT MY MOTHER USED TO CALL ME autism
Just a mess overall
he is quite literally the biggest troll in the film industry right now
mad props
cant spell kino without keanu
It's weak for Refn but still worth seeing for the first act. Don't set your hopes too high.
You being a fag is fucking disgusting.
The runway scene was aesthetic as fuck, but what did the cuts back and forth from the unexplained blue triangles represent? Seemed like Lynch worship
What bothered me the most about the movie was Jessie. She was suppose to have the "Wow, so perfect and so natural!"-factor.
She just looked very average to me.
I think it signified her transformation
>Lynch worship
Why do people continue saying this? Refn's movies are literally nothing like Lynch. Yes, there are some similarities between the two on paper (surreal dream sequences, the singing in OGF), but their individual styles could not be any more different.
I hated the bar scene.
>guy stands up for her for no reason except muh good guy
>she takes it like a total bitch, which is literally completely out of her character thus far
It's her virginity that's the factor, and she comes to realize this
At this point I had my face in my hand knowing it was going to be something ludicrously retarded.
Except we had just watched her character transform during the runway scene.
>she takes it like a total bitch, which is literally completely out of her character thus far
The scene in the restaurant happens right after the runway transformation scene. This is the first time we see neon demon Jessie
It wasn't out of character, in the preceding runway sequence we see her realize the power of her beauty and fall in love with herself (hence the kissing of her reflection in the prism). Saw Q&A with Refn last night in LA, he said this scene represented Narcissus looking at his reflection in the water.
Also, the boyfriend is convenient plot device white knight because the movie needs him to be. Again, in Refn's own words, the boyfriend in this film is a deliberate subversion of the one-dimensional plot female character plot devices in male-driven films. I thought this scene made perfect sense in that context.
Was that what that was suppose to be? If so, why invite the guy out in the first place? Why even accept his advances if she was such a total bitch?
No. She either invited or accepted the guy's invite to go to the bar so that she could spend time with him and/or show off his shitty photography to the guy in the biz.
She did that to be nice and/or human, and it doesn't make shit for sense that she suddenly doesn't give a shit about him.
The only thing that should have been able to trigger that type of transformation was something that happened as they sat at the bar. Which it never did. Unless she got really turned off by him being a beta-knight which might actually be the case if what is to be believed.
u dumb homie?
>Unless she got really turned off by him being a beta-knight which might actually be the case if what is to be believed.
That's exactly what happened. Jessie knew that the only thing she had going for her was her beauty, and Dean was being dismissive of that.
Was an interesting movie. All it made me think about was how badly I want to have sex with a girl though.
Yes, that is what that was supposed to be.
Just because she transformed didn't mean she stopped liking the guy so she invited him out, but she chose "outer beauty" over inner beauty in their argument so she told him to leave.
All the girls in this movie reminded me of my ex gf.
Refn dickrides so many different directors now he's basically arthouse tarantino, but instead of Leone it's Kubrick, Noe and he threw in some extra Bava with this one.
All the flatchested girls triggered me with that same feel
Can we all agree the music was absolutely based? The visuals were great but the sound elevated the whole thing to another level imo. I loved the recurring synth theme, the weird sounds, reminded me a lot of Reznor's work with Fincher. Easily Martinez's best collab with Refn thus far, I hope they continue to work together.
Julian Winding's sole track was pretty choice as well.
I was sure they were going to save that one for the end credits but I loved the way they used it in the film. Especially over the crazy S&M visuals and the one model staring at Jesse/the audience under the white flashing, shit was creepy as fuck senpai.
Why was that valuable? I understood that that was what they were jealous of, but this was after that "beauty is the only thing" part.
It actually makes more sense now, for some reason the runway being her transformation didn't register
Not sure about any of the deeper meanings, but on the surface level it's a great commentary on the overwhelming narcissism of today's society. Teenagers taking multitudes of selfies on Twitter in hopes to get the most retweets. Look at what I did. Look at how beautiful I am. I am important. Worship me.
I'm trying to find something I dislike about this movie but I can't. I was entirely entranced from the opening credits to the end. What a beautiful looking film. It's a shame it's doing so poorly at the box office and didn't win anything at Cannes. More stuff like this has got to be made.
>domestic OW is $606,594
Do we have solid figures or is it an "estimate".
How much did you really expect it to make, though? I doubt they expected all that much
Agreed wholeheartedly
Not seeing it, Noe is more atmospheric and restrained, Refn is focused and stylish. Only similarities I can see are the neon aesthetic and occasional maybe more than occasional bad dialogue
I loved Martinez in Drive/OGF but couldn't dig it for this one. The electronic parts weren't driving or menacing like they should ave been, and the theme kept playing at inappropriate moments
The cougar was hunter/predator just like all of the other characters in the movie
I just saw its gross
Emphasized a predatory atmosphere.
There was another stuffed cat in Ruby's mansion, shown right when the ambush was planned.
How is it doing so shit?
You'd think at least some people would wander off there?
Not surprised seeing as so many anons here are getting the chance to see this movie in empty theaters.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Watch this movie in the theaters ASAP, if you wait too long it's going to get pulled. This is a film that deserves to be seen on the big screen.
>tfw you are personally responsible for 0.002% of a films opening weekend revenue
Save your ticket stubs folks. Not a lot of them out there, who knows they might be worth something someday.
You must go to an upscale establishment.
We get little slips of paper with ink the rubs off quicker than a Gamestop receipt.
I went to Regal Cinemas for the first time in about 2 years and they switched to shitty slips of paper.
When I handed it to the ticket cuck he just ripped it in half, it didn't pull off or anything, didn't seem to be perforated like the real "tickets" were. Kind of weird, I just have a ripped-in-half receipt now.
I still get stubs at the theaters in my area too, sucks for you
Must be a regional thing, my regal still does stubs.
Im .0028
Stupid $17 ticket. At least Refn and Fanning were there for a QA after. You should have seen the neckbeards in yje theatre when she walked in front of them
It's not even playing anywhere near me this is some bullshit
I saw it in an empty theater, but it was 1 week after it had premiered. I also had to travel 4 hours to see it, because it was the nearest theater showing it. I ended up loving the movie and it was a cool experience.
Two threads in a row this has happened. I loved the film, by the way, too bad so many posters felt negatively about it, the past couple threads have a seen a lot of praise for it. Refn likes divisiveness though, so hopefully he's alright
Fire up dat GPS app
I really really liked this movie. I could go on about the visual and music, but you've heard it all already. They were phenomenal.
After reading so many comments about poor acting and writing, I was very surprised by the competence of the movie. Jena and Elle did great, and I found the dialogue to be quite realistic. All of the character and plot decisions made sense if you paid attention. Basically, if you think THIS movie was off in terms of dialogue or plot, you must hate less accessible "art house" movies.
The longer I go since seeing the movie, the better I feel about it. It's not my favorite Refn, but there really wasn't a whole lot wrong with it, it just didn't appeal to some (see: most). Keep doing you Refn
yeah with that bitch ass speech about being dangerous at the end.