Let me get this straight...

Let me get this straight. This testosterone-fueled epic story of war and conquest is coming down to a battle of Cersei vs Daenerys vs Sansa vs Ellaria vs Olenna vs Yara?

Game of Nuredditcucks

None of that shit matters at all, Jon's battle is the real one.

GRRM is a cuck what else did you expect? He's been trying to make up for that Sansa rape episode all season.

the night's king is going to make sweet frosty love to all of them

No, 4 of those characters are on the same side. Right now the only real war is Cercei vs Tyrell which will lead into Cercei vs Tyrell, Dany, Ellaria, and Yara. Winner takes on Jon, not Sansa, and then they're all going to die to the ice zombies.

It's a weird new form of cuckery I'm witnessing on this board, you fags are putting a fetish that you claim to hate into a show it doesn't exist in.

Euron represents the patriarchy. They'll cut his dick and make a crown with it.

>grrm trying to make up for something wholly invented on the show that couldnt even happen in the books

Pretty sad to be honest, Killing Stannis was the nail in the coffin. They need to kill off Cersei and bring down the walkers soon.
Euron will probably kill Yara but the way things are going he may kill Theon

The series has always been feminist-- this applies to the books too.

With a lot of men dying in between. Literally a feminist wet dream. Congratulations on supporting it.

>vs Daenerys
but that's wrong

>vs Sansa
You mean vs Jon

It's basically Dany (with Yara plus Dorne plus Tyrell) vs Cersei (with river-lands I guess) vs Euron (who is building ships) vs Starks vs Night's King.

I think Euron will either ally himself with Cersei or he will just fuck up the Tyrells and Dorne somehow.

Jon will have to do something with the Brotherhood along with having the Vale, Littlefinger, and Sansa in the south.

It will shape up to be Jon vs Dany vs WW anyways

GRRM has no influence on the show after season 3-4 you retard. In fact im willing to bet the books will be so different and non-women powered that people will ignore them and say the show is the definitive version of the story

This is what I want

Most of them are going to die anyway.


can someone explain danaerys' plan to bring peace and order to westeros by injecting it with thousands and thousands of dothraki savages, former slaves and greyjoys


the whole premise is that men have failed as rulers throughout the ages, so step aside for the bad bitches of Westeros, men are incompetent fucks who ruin everything, these continents need a woman's touch. I'd be okay with it if it wasnt so fucking one sided.


It's so shit now, I cannot wait until they have Jon die saving the women and women will rule the world. The ass devastation here will be worth it.

You guys aren't serious right? He's been approving every idea D&D has proposed to him, including fucking over Stannis and having him fry up his own daughter. He's even admitted that the Sansa rape thing was his idea on his gay little blog.

GoT is a show for women and now that they've moved past the books they're writing it for women

but the forest people who created the white walkers were female

Her rights tho!!!!

>implying men still watch this show who aren't massive beta faggots

how thick is your skull. shit just happens in this show just to move it forward no matter how stupid it is. she said no more rape, so more rape for you.

It's an allegory for the Migrant Crisis. Dany will kill Westeroi culture over the next season once she rules over something until Jon declares Brexit and leaves forever.

He's also a huge feminist and wrote the story with that in mind, according to his own words. But the angsty teenagers here could not possibly comprehend that.

bait and switch

something something something, she's a woman. Similar to Hillarys platform

This whole season has been written like some fangirls dream fanfiction

I mean what has happen so far that isn't some wish fulfillment of good guys win

Ramsay dies
High sparrow dies
Cersei gets that shame revenge (yes in the books this would be considered unpopular but show Cersei is so tame)
Arya kills Walder Frey
Tyrion gets named hand
Dany does everything perfectly and everyone loves her
Dany and "Yara" love fest


Gurm is an obese whiny liberal, so it fits with his vision.

Seriously, though, this show is for cat ladies.

kek, that would be pretty funny desu

I'm still putting money on Littefinger winning it all. I don't know how, but I believe.

What happens when the barbarians want to go home after pillaging and raping?

don't forget the little girl mormont helping rally the north, who doesn't even exist in the books

in the show she is the one who inspires manderly to give a half-baked speech - a shitty tribute to the one he gave in the books on his own volition

let's face it, d and d hate white men (fully serious)

>What happens when the barbarians want to go home after pillaging and raping?
they never will want to go home - why go back to some mud hut in the desert when you have the reach or the riverlands


Fuck D&D's self insert lesbo. Its all about the real queen of the seas

>Jon declares Brexit

Please meme-magic this into reality.

However, I believe that Dany is going to discover that she is blood-related to Jon and ally with him, allowing him to remain as the good and just king in the north.


Season finale where every woman gets raped when?

Blow the wall with wildfire
Iron throne

weekmen will never rule Westerose again


Yes unfortunately fans have to come to terms that this is essentially the Epic War version of those 90s movies where a little boy becomes the number 1 player in the baseball team or where the dog plays basketball etc

Except no one thinks anything of the little 6 year old girl putting old warriors in their place because it's the current year.

>with river-lands I guess

Arya just killed every single Frey

>let's face it, d and d hate white men (fully serious)

>However, I believe that Dany is going to discover that she is blood-related to Jon and ally with him, allowing him to remain as the good and just king in the north.

Before I became disillusioned with liberalism I was fully hoping that Jon and Dany would marry each other in a kinky incest marriage of equality.

Now I just feel like Jon will give everything to stop the Night's King and no woman will thank him for it.

>coming down to le wimminz are save the world and restore peace

I feel like I want to ask HBO for my money back plus interest. My time, however, is lost forever. Fucking lefty bullshit, I should know better than to trust HBO.

That's the perfect response

Daenerys literally wants westeros to get BLACKED and pillaged and we are supposed to be excited for her because she is fundamentally reshaping society or some shit

Honestly D and D, the cuck shed is over there, please see yourselves to it

N-no goy. Did you see the dragons and swords? Very masculine yes?

>he hasn't accepted female as the superior gender

GRRM's feminism is more pacifist, it's more about women stopping stupid men from hurting them and each other. That's what "mother's mercy" is about in the books, that's what makes BookBrienne great. She hates killing, she just wants to fulfill the religious obligations of knighthood, not to overthrow it.

I know GRRM is an atheist, but I can't help seeing something of Catholic Marian devotions in this. Westeros is a feudal society, so any "feminism" there can't possibly be modern Marxist feminism, it can't be pushed by the Citadel for rational reasons, it must be rooted in religious terminology. D&D didn't (or couldn't, as Jews) comprehend this so their "feminism" is more about women beating men and taking control so they can get others killed. Best example of this is how they made Brienne a cold killing machine.

>N-no goy. Did you see the dragons and swords? Very masculine yes?
There was lots of violence - and we will show more tits next year too - just keep watching! It isn't feminist brainwashing I swear!

And the tits

the tits goyim!

>the masculine elements don't count because I say they don't

>if a show has feminist themes that makes it a feminist show by default

It's not the fucking zombie virus, a show having feminist themes and ideas does not infect the show and turn everything feminist by default.

Or the Sand Snakes.
Or Sansa
Or Dany
Or Yara
Or Oberyn's stupid cunt lover.

GRRM's Feminism is something that isn't based in hating and replacing men.

While D&D just seem incapable of writing a passionate female character that isn't Cersei or Ayra.

Not him but it really does

Every man who acts "too boorish and manly" is so it's a villain identifier. Just imagine if the lesbian going "I'm going to fuck her tits off" was played by a man and the show would frame him same as Euron.

Daenerys is basically Joffrey with real violence behind her. She just wants to sit on the throne, no good reason, but the show forgot to be about grey intrigues and became black and white where she's white and her Fuhrer tier shit is not questionable unless you're a tiny man who'll get put in his place.

>having feminist themes and ideas does not infect the show and turn everything feminist by default.

and yet here we are

Can someone post the image that had all the spoilers on it. The one that says Tormund dies.

Got it right
>We want the Tumblr audience.

It won't matter at the end. The whitewalkers wil kill everyone and the show will end.

Jamie is going to kill Cersei then himself, Daney is going to marry Jon, thus giving them both the north and south, Sansa will rule Winterfell. calling it.

Does Jon even want to be king? All this time he's going about killing the white walkers so is he going to build an army for that or an army to take over westoros?

Yes, the women rule Westeros.

Dany is going to kill Littlefinger for Sansa. You already know Littlefinger is going to die horribly. He is the very epitome of all that a feminist hates. Cersei is going to become the alpha female in the relationship with Jamie. She is going to dominate and humiliate Jamie like never before. Arya is going to start ticking off names on her murder list, becoming the most feared assassin the world has ever known. Yara and Sansa will become a power couple.

In other news, GRRM wears crotchless panties.

If he unites the whole kingdom versus the Walkers then he will do what he needs to. Hell hes got the north at his back already. If he needs to, he will marry Danny, im calling it. Fuck I hope Arya shows up too, she is going to hear news of Jon becoming the new king.


>Squabbles over petty lands and houses

This got it right, or until Jonny boy wins.

its the whole theme of "doesnt want to be king but needs to be king"

Those type of women and men like pic related are their target audience

>Does not even think that the woman fucking killed his Son's wife, family, HER Family, and about 150 other people at a minimal to do this
>Cersei fucking Lannister has done nothing but fuck shit up for the past 6 years

God these people are fucking stupid, they realize the only reason she blew up everyone is because she started the chain of events that lead to this right?

Easy bro, if someone ask, just say

>I have learned from game of thrones that if woman are in charge it's because we are in the end of times, the apocalypse

she's not necessarily talking about cersei

(tho she could be, these walking STDs are surprisingly dumb)

Cersei is going to die very soon

Women love killing their sons.

It's called body autonomy, you shit lord.

Funny enough, the person in the picture is Levar Burton's daughter. She went on and on on a RT podcast a few weeks ago on how she was scared of being black and how hard it is to be a black women today and bla bla bla, she has never had to face hardship, For fuck's sake she calls Patrick god damn Stewart her UNCLE.

So she can be replaced by a more morally correct woman protagonist?

god this show is so fucking pleb it astounds me


Are you fuckig stupid ? It's all about the white walkers

From the first episode to the last one

Pay attention you fucking inbred piece of shit

Seriously, Cersei is one of the few non-horrible female characters in this (tho its mostly the actress).

yeah you can feel the writers and feministy shit behind her being queen but at least she's tolerable as a actress

It's Jon vs. Dany. Dany will lose, she'll probably sic Drogon on Jon but he won't burn. They team up against the zombies.

Jon rules the 7 Kingdoms. Dany fucks off to the desert with Daario and they live happily ever after. Everyone is satisfied, nobody offended the end.

I'm still hoping Jorah makes a return.


seriously, wtf was that?

t. HBO exec

No feminism here goys, nothing to worry about

the scene of the high sparrow at the start was pure poetry

i can't believe the same guys who do the rest of the shit could film something like that

it was seriously something else

Don't forget the fucking 10 year old girl

This show has gone full retard

literally mary sue

"the guy's who's the smartest and funniest likes you and believes in your victory"


Its literally called a song of fire and ice. Implying that the focus will be targaryen (jon and daenerys) vs. white walkers

Mary Sues dont get hurt.

When has she ever actually gotten hurt?

holy shit, its beautiful, it makes sense. women occupy themselves with stupid bullshit while jon takens darkness and defends the entirety of mankind.


Why the fuck does anyone believe in Daenerys?

No really, I forgot. All I've seem to remember is her going to a foreign land, proclaiming she has a fucking claim to it, and using fear to get people to follow her. Somehow this turned into genuine love and appreciation of her thanks to shit writing.

What the fuck does Daenerys offer the world? she is just as conniving, if not more so, than the cunts in Westeros. But hey, gottta find something for the epic dwarf xD to do.

Nah. Sansa is going to kill him.

He knows history and knows it is her destiny to rule. He also sees her dragons and has a massive dwarf dragon boner for them.

Wait are we talking about Danny or Tyrion?

I knew it would be a waste of time to ever watch Game of Goys and I was right. Ahhhhh, vindication.

if she was a man she'd be seen as Joffrey, just a spoiled cunt

She just wants the throne, she knows no one in the land, she doesnt give a shit

But the show underlines that those against her are petty nazis and women-hating dicklets who lose to women


>watching the series past season 3
>reading the book past book 1

Yet the biggest villain in the whole show is a woman so how does your logic work?