Hey Sup Forums i've got a huge favor to ask ! i recently got my wedding pictures done and it was a more overcast day so...

Hey Sup Forums i've got a huge favor to ask ! i recently got my wedding pictures done and it was a more overcast day so i was hoping there were some people that would be willing to brighten up or Photoshop a sun into the pic

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Sorry what was that? I was distracted by Vorgash the Destroyer of Worlds over there

Holy fuck Helga, turn your ugly dial down


How's this?

Haha you got your funny in, but please could you add an actual sun and not have it cover the bridesmaid ?

Under rated!!

Funniest thing I have seen all day. Thank you:))

Holy fuck those are some ugly people

here ya go ;)

what is this the adams family?

Kackle, kackle, kackle!!





Thank me later.


Everything went exactly as expected.

I'm more concerned about this meth head.

This one is a subtle change, I think.

Ignore all these jabronis. Here's an actually helpful one. Cheers.

I appreciate the effort but that's really fucking ugly


include me in the screencap



Thank you Jew Jew Abrams

Kek'd hard

You ever see those threads, "why do you keep coming back to Sup Forums". It's threads like this one that keeps me coming back.

Agree. Best thread in a long time.

Kudos to the chopmaster(s)

fucking kek

This is a good thread, but it will die soon enough. I offer a humble salute to all of you who participated.


You and your wife have got some fucking disgusting looking friends/relatives


i brightened it

May have misread your post OP. I brightened up the pic a little but you wanted me to Photoshop a SON into the picture, right?


Fucking kek

Why would you marry some chick who can't even look hot while standing next to those ugly-ass bridesmaids?

Holy fuck



Sure brightened it up

how big is the one on the far left's penis

well at least she didnt marry a nigger

No, but he surely married a porker.


This thread is like a glimmer of fun in this cesspool of fb fap and trap threads


and here's one with an actual horizon and sun and no swastika

Sky should be slightly whiter in color.

yeah I'm always off with matching my color shit

looks alot better, thanks for the tip m8, one day I'll be able to figure out my color shit first try (it's still a little off tho)

Adobe is going to make this a one-click problem:




And you got a 1.

Enjoy your personal hell!



Enjoy your manlet


wtf is that shit

Looks cool, but they examples are relatively easy for the software to figure out. Be interesting to see how it handles a complex image, with a much trickier mask to isolate the sky.

No thanks... That gag is way too old

Bitch looks like Andrew Garfield in Haksaw Ridge.

Holy fuck +1



>one of the braidsmaids couldn't make it
>dude you gotta help me
>throw dress at him
>alright but let me stay one the far left


you're ruining this website with that shit, faggot

I think OP would like this edit

Ahem the shadows man, the shadows. Currently it looks photoehoped. You need to add in shadows to the people.

Fuck I'm high.


alright now I'm done fuck it's 2AM







Jesus Christ, did they shave Chewbacca and put a dress on him? I can hear that bitch in my head doing his voice.


plz giv me delagates dahnald it isn't tu late