Sup Forums i found a nice conservative girl that likes me but shes a weeb and kind of an attention whore

Sup Forums i found a nice conservative girl that likes me but shes a weeb and kind of an attention whore

should i go for it?

and when i say weeb, i mean really weeb

Might as well.

How the fuck is she conservative and a weeb?

>what is nationalism

tap dat

have fun waiting until marriage i guess

Only if you can stand her presence. Assert your dominance and you should be fine. Go for it

There's always flaws and those are the one's that people don't give a shit about. Don't regret it by not going after her. Also just make her ashamed of showing her weeb side to the public.

heres one of her replies to some trump haters on her insta:

You do realize being on trial means he is being tried at the possibility right? That doesn't automatically equate being guilty. Just like hillary was on trial for her emails and found not guilty. It's the same. It's a trial. I find it funny these women wait 30 years to come forward about a billionare and wait until AFTER he got the Republican nomination? Sounds a bit fishy. and do you know how many Hillary supporters have attacked trump supporters? There are trump supporters who have been yanked from their cars and beaten up. There has been a lot of hate and division on both sides.

but she also does stupid shit like pic related

need nudes

Do it faggo!

Fuck it go for it.

She looks like a pain in the dick. Why bother?

we've already fucked

i like her when shes not weebin out, shes really smart

i dont want to make her ashamed of anything

this is all i got

Being a Trump supporter doesn't make you conservative lol

what about drinking from a cup that says liberal tears

she looks european

It means she has chosen one of two sides in the latest version of American political tribalism I guess. What does she do that is actually conservative other than trolling for team red? If you've already fucked, and she's obsessed with another country's ultra liberal pop culture, she's not very conservative.

>really smart
>trump supporting weebo
Nice bait.

shes against handouts and hates people that use a rigged system as an excuse to avoid responsibility.

i dunno she has a lot of values that allign with conservatism, just she happens to also be a weeb

no one cares about you

Come on OP, you might as well

you are legions beyond most of us Sup Forumstards

i'd fucking go for it.
i'm a weeb myself and a conservative.

please stop describing yourself and get your life together. jesus christ

what if she wants to go larping with her or whatever

yeah idk bout that conservatism and weeb shit but if she's into you go for it, what's the worst that can happen

>against handouts
>hates people that avoid taxation

This isn't conservatism at all fucktard.

go for it, you have nothing to lose. my nigg

shes kinda high maintenance (from her weebness?)

one time she pretended to be a cat and made me stroke her head for like 2 hours while watching netflix

if she's a weeb then its even better
tap that shit

then go larping.
its the same thing as going to school when you don't want to. and you pretend to be somebody your not. because you know if you were yourself like here on Sup Forums people would probably beat you up for being a degenerate freak that has fetishes that are taboo af.

if you are normalfag i would not recommend trying, if not go a head if you want pussy and can tolerate attentionwhoring weaboos

Please tell me that ended in sex.

I mean she's probably gullible and borderline retarded like the rest of you ghost worshipers.

>is a grill
>uses logic
wife that shit user. a logical young woman is a hard thing to come by in this shitstorm of a generation

You go and put up with it like a fucking man, then you fuck her from behind and stuff the balled-up paper she calls lightning bolts in her mouth and cum inside her tight cacausian pussy.


seriously. if it ended in sex, who the fuck cares.
even though its odd.


nope we both just fell asleep

yeah shes actually really great when shes not weebin

larping is so gay though

If youve already fucked then what are you going for?
Shes not worth the effort if you dont love her

Hey man, for all you know you were one of few to do that to her that week....

Its a good sign, and a bad obviously...

depends on the larping. back in middle school we used to make wood swords and armor and hit each other with him, broke my finger from one hit with a shield.

shes cute, just do it fucking faggot

iunno a relationship?

hmm maybe. she texts me like nonstop though

it sounds like you need to sit down and seriously yourself what the odds are of finding a better gf.

In this thread.

You must like getting cucked then.

Done. So done. I hope trump pulls through for your pussification.

every girl is crazy in some way if shes smart enough to be conservative she is good looking judging by pics id wife her up. There's worse quirks and her hotness makes up for her weebness

This is only really worth it if she is putting out mad. Im talking practically free use pussy. If shes a weeblord and nonfuckable, gtfo. If she puts out, put up with it nigga.

that sounds anal-gapingly gay

shes only cute when shes normal. heres her when shes weebed out

she'll most likely grow out of it if you fuck her hard enough user, sounds a like a cool girl

Find another vagina, op.

you sound like a pushover with no confidence, this girl is going to walk all over you and leave you for someone else on short notice.

Jesus, she's cute. I'd put up with that just to be with her. You've got it good, user.

she looks at things OBJECTIVELY. i can count only maybe a handful women i know who do that

I give you 2 weeks until this girl starts fucking niggers that she "hates"


she does other weird weeb shit too

one time she made me facetime her before bed so she could hear me breathe - it helps her sleep apparently

Are you fucking serious? This chick looks like one weekend away from trailer trash snorlax. She was cute in some picture but in she looks like Vietnam came to her.

i donĀ“t know dude ....

>not totally taking advantage of her weebness
>not getting her to dress up as rei or asuka soryu
for shame user

she cute n rich nigga wtf are u asking?

shes not racist. im chink-american

heres me being retarded with her

Conservatives are idiots.

I'm a bit of a spaz myself, so I guess I don't see the down side to your problem. Sorry, user.

Put a ring on her if you love her, dude. She sounds like perfect wife material.

op you're gay if you don't pursue it

Also, my wife was like that when we we're still in a long distance relationship.


You made this thread yesterday user. Why.

well, she doesn't understand what a trial is
hillary hasn't been indicted, and hasn't faced trial for her emails

sounds like a keeper op
you may be able to keep her in her place

>thinking your country and its culture are great and worth protecting means you can't also like japshit
It's only the annoying faggots that think Japan is the best at anything besides suicide.

i dont want to have to "keep her in her place" though

cause i fell asleep in the middle

theyre pretty good at making cars too

if she's a weeb, there's a pretty good chance she browses Sup Forums
how would she react if she saw this thread?

she browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums occasionally

shes more of a reddit girl anyways

Fucking rice nigger posts his girls face and blurs his own. What subhuman filth.

she likes the attention

i don't

Nationalist and libtards unable to define conservatism.

>she likes the attention
>on Sup Forums

>i dont want to have to "keep her in her place" though
Then maybe you should look for a boyfriend?

Inb4 this becomes another WWYD thread..

>Conservatives are idiots.
Why do you say that?

You're the girl doing this to gauge your worth as a human--calling it now. Figured asians had more morals than this shit.

"Why can't conservatives define conservatism?" will be the new neverending shitpost.


there are no girls on the internet

do you think im the girl? cause she isn't asian

also asians dont have morals are you dumb

Called it. Tits or gtfo. We can gauge your worth as a human more efficiently by how symmetrical your nipples are.

Asians are honorary Aryans you fuck.

i dont want to be aryan

Just fuckin wife her man if you made a thread about her shes clearly on your mind for more than just pussy just ask her out

You're thinking of Japs. Not the Chinese hordes.

She sounds less conservative and more like she's one of us.

Tie her up, and fuck her in the ass till she bleeds

nail in the coffin... we're gonna screenshot her this whole thread and your dumb ass revealed himself...

Talking from experience here, cosplaying weeb chicks are the fucking best. Just take the jump OP.


lol do it

Go for it

How is she conservative and already fucking?
Pick one fag

>also asians dont have morals are you dumb
