What are some movies about nonwhites

What are some movies about nonwhites

that's me in the middle

Birth of A Nation.

shes got some great moves, shes on fire


So why did that happen?
What the fuck is wrong with people?

damn what did she do

accomplice to murder, she got exactly what she deserves

are you ok?

city of god

You made this same thread last night
Go to sleep

gtfo malcom

So you deal with barbaric monsters by being barbaric monsters?


eye for an eye, best kind of justice

>tfw el peruano shows up in a Sup Forums thread

That's why you mudslims niggers and spics are 1000 years behind the rest of the the world

is this in Hueville?

look at this normie with his concept of time

That leaves everyone blind

the lack of it is also why the west is on the decline. it's symptomatic of how coddled white people are.

I wouldn't be surprised if this happened in Braziland



>Niggers rape little girls
>Get out in 5-10 years
>Rape again

So civilized.

What decline? only negatives in the west are pretty

Africa Addio (aka how blacks fucked up post-colonial Africa)

no, there would be one guy that has one eye

would really like the backstory on this

That's why them mudslims niggers and spics are raping and cucking you retarded westerners asses, they keep raping and killing you and all you can say is >muh civilization, then come to Sup Forums and wonder why the white race is dying.

Pathetic and laughable. Soft times make for soft men.

You know we have ways to kill people instantly that don't invole getting into big groups beating someone to a bloody pulp then setting them on fire right? all those fucking spic half niggers are no better then that girl just have less balls

Not every 1st world country is Sweden, senpai.

if anyone is curious

she was part of a gang in some south american shithole (wasnt brazil) and they tried to rob some guy

they killed the dude and this is mob justice

seen it posted a couple times before on /gif/ and Sup Forums

Yeah, western civilization should follow the third world's lead.

>100+ people around
>no one does shit

>that one guy that walks by 60 seconds in and pours more shit on her



how else are you going to send messages to the masses?

We gud bois we dindu nuffin

go back to rèddit fag

What message the masses are the ones doing it to the girl so they are just as bad

Through education and example.

Not that it would matter to you. I figured by the way you're typing you're not used to discussing things beyond whatever's currently on TV.

El peruANO

Yeah, they just have to wait 10-20 years while getting three meals a day, and health benefits until their execution date which will be put off until they run out of appeals.

>mob justice
scary but man i dunno, i'd probably want to kill whoever hurt someone i loved/cared about.

don't worry she walked it off





You call me a Sup Forumstard but only Sup Forumstards believe the white race is dieing because a handful of people racemix

She was a thief. An angry mob caught her.

it was because there's really no police force that can stop the gangs in these places

She had been part of a cartel and regularly murdered cab drivers for their money. The police could do nothing since they were scared of retaliations and we're severely out gunned.

She was finally caught by an impromptu mob red-handed fresh after killing a cabbie, and she confessed, said "she'd turn herself in" reportedly while laughing. Since the townspeople knew that she'd have zero justice they decided to beat her and then turn their backs as the sons of the people she helped murderer lit her on fire.

good, i bet an innocent person died because this bitch and some goons wanted to get frisky.

Yeah man the only alternative to that is beating and burning someone!

What a fucking clown.

>believing in western justice meme

This bitch took the #FeelTheBERN hashtag WAY too seriously.

Man of all the fucked up shit I've seen online people burning alive is the one thing I can't deal with. I need to relax by watching people blow out their brains now senpai.

Post a nonwhite school shooting

Diversity is pushed in white countries only. White countries are starting to be racist against themselves for the sake of foreigners. White people are bending over for the very same people that hate them.

Now I'm a brownie so ultimately don't give two fucks about whites, but if you don't believe that the white genocide is going according to plan, I don't know what to tell you.

yeah, i kinda understand it in those sort of bumfuck areas of the world with little to no police force or any court of law.

This. All the other guy has to do is hide behind a bush

City of God

Guatemala, according to LiveMemes


Nonewhite are to stupid and retarded to have schools

just another reason to avoid Brazil

post more angry death mobs pls

nonwhites don't go to school

I lel'd

>Through education and example
stop trying to apply human logic to subhumans

>according to plan

Atleast try to not sound like your shitposting.

