When is it okay to draw porn of someone's underage daughter?

when is it okay to draw porn of someone's underage daughter?

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When Shadman says so.


shadman's style is so shitty i dont take him seriously.

The fact that he tries so hard to be edgy isn't even amusing anymore, now it's just kind of pathetic. It's like the 13 year old "hardcore emo anarchist" that you used to know in high school who never grew up.

Also his fetishes are shit, too.

That's not porn and that's all he drew

This tbh.
Even for being pedo as fuck, shadman is weak-as fuck-tier

>trying to create drama when none exists

good ol' Sup Forums

>i only know how to draw one mouth
>i have no idea what a naked body looks like
>i have no idea what sex is

When the father isn't a famous youtuber

>People getting butthurt because of a drawing.

Welcome to the faggot world order.

Less butthurt on my end and just wondering when he's going to go away and stop polluting the internet with his shit-tier porn.


it depends

>alex is a stupid nigger

i hate his style because all the teeth he draws are fucking disgusting

is that supposted to be keemstR

When you can't get the real porn in the first place.

Look at that butt is it nice like that irl?

When you put a disclaimer that says "This is a work of artistic fiction. Any resemblance to living persons, real or deceased, is purely coincidental.", you can basically get away with anything. That's how Law & Order basically reference a real-life case every week, even name dropping the involved celebrities, but don't get sued.

>This is a work of artistic fiction. Any resemblance to living persons, real or deceased, is purely coincidental.
>"Boy Fin, this case of an African-American rap celebrity abusing his girlfriend who then drops the charges sure seems familiar..."
>"Yeah, it's a page straight from Chris Brown's playbook."

Rule 34 and 35
So always.

Pedophillia is a disease. Up until recently, the only cure was having you cock and ballsack chewed of by a pack of ravenous rats trained specifically for this purpose.

But now there is a new way. Just by a small caliber hand gun, and every time you think about having sex with a child, you just put the gun down your throat and pull the trigger until the massive damge ot your central nervous system makes you lose all bodily controll.

>when is it okay to draw porn of someone's underage daughter?
when you can't get real pics of said daughter


You'd think people would be far more angry about him drawing ltcorhbin or whoever that 11 year old youtube cunt is. That one was actually fairly pornographic.

The keemstar one is SFW. Keemstar isn't a king or president or emperor, nor is he a real celebrity. His kids and family are not exempt from mockery and other aspects of free speech.

Also the ENTIRE reason this was done was a compromise to shads "promise" if Trump won. So blame Trump.


>drawings of naked children
>being a horrendous pedophile
>muh free speech

The founding fathers died for this?

wow she's really annoying
bet she'd be a lot more attractive with some chloroform

>people will say freedom of speech freedom of speech. These are foolish people
Yes, people died to protect values you yourself may dislike.

>the only cure small caliber hand gun, and every time you think about having sex with a child, you just put the gun down your throat and pull the trigger

lol the new treatment

oh come on. that shit was adorable. makes me want a daughter

Someone's in denial and trying to mask it.

This is porn to you?

That's some fuckin' soft as fuck porn

It is known as the KYS method, or Kinetic Yugoslavian Shit. Do not eat actual yugoslavian turds, though. Simply shoot your self through the back of your neck. Simple as that.

I love how butthurt the Sup Forums and reddit crowd is by the two pics shadman did. What was once the internet hate machine is a group of butthurt neo-nazi's who contradictally hold morals about children while proposing the murder of billions

It's not Keem's daughter. Read the red stripe below

but the children are innocent and precious

Unless they're non-white

If you weirdos simply admitted you where horrendous pedophile scumbags, I would be fine with it. Well obviously not fine with it, but at least you'd be honest. But you have to get all self-righteous about it. You're not just jerking off to pictures of naked children, you are defending you god given rights!


>people defending individual freedom and rights are bad
Fascist pls go

>Fox news
Filled with more bullshit than the twitter and facebook fake-news groups you look at



You are so out of touch with anything even remotley real, and it is going to stay that way until your messy suicide. Noone will ever understand, respect or love you. The best you can hope for is brief glimpses of pity.

Collectivism is intellectually bankrupt

>when is it okay to draw

as long as it's not a thoughtcrime


Yeah, the "naked chidl cartoons" angle is going to be a tough sale at the anti-fascism rallies.

Fascism promotes the repeal of individual and civil freedom in place of strong collectivism and nationalism. It is inherently against independent thought and free expression.

Drawing little naked girls is indeed self expression, regardless of if you like it.

>when is it okay to draw porn of someone's underage daughter?

>getting triggered by a mediocre artwork because it portrays something you find offensive.
hahahaha nigga just walk away from the screen like nigga close your eyes haha

your rights stop where someone else's begin.

this little girl has a right not to be sexualized by pedos on the internet. surely we can agree on that

Your black-and-white world view would set you up for some intersesting suprises, if you ever actually interacted with the world in any meaningful way.

No, actually, she does not. The same way you don't have the right to demand I not take your picture in public.

There's also nothing sexual here.

Not an argument, fascist.

>this little girl has a right not to be sexualized by pedos on the internet. surely we can agree on that
citation needed

According to a California court of appeals, no.

Yeah, fuck him. Why should he force you to type in Shadman into force engines and shitpost in Shadman threads? Jesus, what a tool

>force engines

and search engines

I am not arguing with you, I am mocking you. You will have to get used to that.


what people say about you is their right
drawing is speech

more edge than a starfish

Remind yourself that any attempt to remove others rights in order to pleas eyour own subjective morals will always be met with staunch opposition and violent force. Always be ready to bleed for your beliefs.

I don't give shit about this loli trash, I just want to see more incestibles. That was fucking dope.


Is not only OK, is also a good thing.
Keemstar should be grateful

why is she using her teeth to give a blow job?

>if you are an individual you are a slave


Did youtube-mafia man ever rage about this?

Hope you didn't vote for Trump, the guy putting billionaires in every single aspect of government, along with lobbyists

Noone is ever gonna bleed for this stupid shit. Your grandiose speehes amount to nothing but making you feel righteous when you jack off to this crap.

The only pride you will ever feel is when you stand up to your rights to jerk off to pictures of naked children. Your entire life is a sad joke.

if you had earned something, you wouldn't want to keep it?


no need for the insults just because you lost an argument

>cries about a conspiracy of 3 evil jews running the world
>has no issue with one business-family having autocratic power in government and giving kickbacks to loyalists and family members and using the position of commander in chief to enrich your family

So no then?
Sounds like a no.
Its hard to know what you're thinking with all that tinfoil on

not only this, he cant draw worth shit
terrible proportions, shit anatomy, shit color palettes, just an all around loser

>how dare a man benefit from his efforts

I'll have a number 11 with a large fries and coke

so they look real then?

Argue why kleptocracy is good for the people. You get one try.

I wish I could help you, I really do.

He's right though. You're being sanctimonious about jacking your dick to sexualized drawings of children. You're a pathetic turd whose existence makes the world a worse place.


i agree

He's not right, actually.

Thanks for the extra insults though, sure convinced me

>freedom of speech is a bad thing

This is your argument, I don't need to call you retarded to point out that it's wrong.
I don't need to say you'll have a hard life misunderstanding reality.
I don't need to say that your father should have worn a condom.
I don't need to say that you do more bad for society than good and should just kys.

Because the fact of the matter is, you are wrong, and I am right.

mein schmeckles

No you aren't


>ban freedom of speech
>heil hitler

This is your world, isn't it? This is your life. This is what you know. Japanese porn drawings, pedophillia, and anti-semetism. Arguing about the least important issue that has ever existed, backing up all of your bullshit with racist cartoons provided to you by a cabal of internet anti-semites. Your entire logic is given to you via the echochamber you hide away.

The reality is out there, and you will never have any impact on it what so ever. This is the way you chose to deal with the world. You fucking pathetic loser.

>insults round 3

Justify why you are against freedom of speech.
Justify why a morally bankrupt person like you is in a position to look down on anyone.

You can't.

are we going to just ignore the ifunny watermark?

You are a delusional weirdo and you will never amount to anything. Your only friends are internet racists who are even more pathetic than you are. Your entire struggle is a joke, and you are so far up your own ass that you will never realize what a lie you're living.

hey at least it doesn't have a 9fag watermark...

I agree with you but I feel like you are trolling because your attitude is making me like you less than the pedophile.

Shut up retard kek

Mighty true


>being so dumb that you think freedom of speech is unlimited

Go yell "Fire!" in a movie theater and claim "muh free speech" when you're getting ass raped in prison

This is your fight, this is the hill you chose to die on. Your proudest moment, blabbering about free speech in a thread about a naked drawing of a child.