This man has been abusing my sister she's too scared to do anything about it herself...

This man has been abusing my sister she's too scared to do anything about it herself. She finally confided in me about how he has been hitting her and calling her names and shit. She wont let me call the cops and I'm in a different state. I convinced her to give me his number...

Can someone help? I don't know how to get anything out of this: 7868790079

Other urls found in this thread:

man this fucked up im calling them and giving them a stern talking to

Total fuck deserved to die in a toilet with a supreme box logo

Just called the kid up, super fucking mean dude. Told me to fuck off and shit, can we do anything about it?

Bump for wife beater white knight

Thats fucked bro, Have a bump

white b eatnk knight

Looks like another OP going around same fagging.

I bet you wear fake clothes

bump, that's messed up

just waiting til someone texts bud the thread

I called him up and asked him if he liked mudkips

he said what the fucks mudkips

I said I dunno I just heard he liked mudkips and wanted to know if it was true.

he called me a fag and hung up :(

I hope he catches wind of this and smashes her fucking teeth in and throat fucks her

doing a reverse search on phone number and calling cops. yw, op.

do it

fuck her

have an intervention mane

Doubt that'll work.

Ask for nudes

this is why Feminism is a joke,bitches want equal rights until its time to get treated equally


Sounds like pure bullshit to me. That's probably the number of some guy who's hooking up with the girl you're too pussy to ask out.


Did some searching on the number, here is his twitter

Was she in or out of the kitchen when he beat her OP?

I hate him already '-'

S a m e f a g

He shouldn't have to tell her twice, OP >:(

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

She needs to leave, period. Marriage is over. I don't like to call the cops on anyone but I'd consider it in this instance. Get her to lawyer up and have the lawyer do all the talking. Restraining order is called for.


lets start a magic thread



>shit, my weed dealer ripped me off
>how do i get back at dis nigga
>wait, imma go on Sup Forums and make up bullshit and give him his number

Probably this or it's the number of the guy who's banging the girl OP has been orbiting for multiple years.