What was the most disturbing thing you've seen on Sup Forums

What was the most disturbing thing you've seen on Sup Forums

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The homemade sex doll was one of the most disturbing things I've seen




>What was the most disturbing thing you've seen on Sup Forums

A step-by-step guide on how to seduce your sister . . . it wounded like it would actually work.


wounded things dont work that well.


So far I have not seen anything disturbing


Snuff porn

She's so fuckable

Don't have it immediately available . . just google the steps below to find it archived.

user then filled out the specifics of each step.

It freaked me out because my wincest doesn't include my actual sister, but the guide made me think shagging her was a real possibility.

1. Alcohol MUST be involved
2. She must be proud of you
3. Guilt your mom. Sister's friends are the key to her ass.
4. Pull close then away
5. Minimal foreplay
6. Frame her emotions for her
7. Never use the 'i' word

your mother

You think Lily Cole is disturbing?

Trump won.

lurk moar
that homemade sex doll isn't even made out of bones and a pocket pussy

don't stick your dick in crazy

haha that is so cool

>most disturbing thing you've seen on Sup Forums

daisy's destruction

cat burned alive



hard to pick one in particular, but a few that come to mind:

dude strangled his gf to death and posted pics on Sup Forums
dude fucking a dead cat
good ol' jizzus christ. he hasn't stopped by in a few years though

Never forget



Somebody please tell me what the fuck this is

It's a type of porn, I read about it on Vice
Of course it only exists in Japan

a man tortured to the extreme, he had no face as it had been removed... no eyes, nose, just flesh and teeth. even so, he was still alive, missing both his hands, makeshift tourniquets placed around the arms to prevent him from bleeding out... and in that state they still continued to torture him. the evil that lies in the hearts of men is truly terrifying

Oh fuck how does this turn people on

i dont remember if it was, but i think it was the people from this picture
they skinned, and butchered a dog (pretty fuckin big, like a greyhound or some shit) in their fuckin living room on a tarp.


Saw that. Will vouch... that was beyond fucked up.

Idk who thinks of things like that

that has to chaff so much when you fuck it

This isis YouTube video from a couple of hours ago with the dude getting his wrist cut, then stabbed in the neck.

Your mom actually saying no to a 20nigger gangbang

Is that the one with a bunch of dildos taped to its back?


Lena Dunham naked.

I think you mean Hope Solo.

It's Lily Cole


Nope. I meant Lena Dunham.

Yeah I know. She isn't disturbing at all.


she is suffocating inside a vacuum sealed plastic package.

This isn't bad at all fukn pussy


Some photos of the limbs and body chunks blown across the pavement maybe 30 minutes after the boston marathon massacre.

I feel like the FBI is going to break down my door after watching this

>> dude strangled gf...
I fapped to that more than once

Hey, if Luke Skywalker could do it...

now here's the Sup Forums i remember

The grifter.

What was it?

She was still pretty hot.

Saw it...shit makes my stomach drop

That guy they disembowel took it like a champ, fuck that french rag head
They just need to turn that shit hole area into a giant sheet of glass

that's a not dog, you dumb fuck, that's clearly a horse

saw this
scared me for life

That girl is SUPER cute. I would marry her.

enjoy your ban.


wtf man you are gonna get arrested

Ground Zero Ocean has a nice ring to it. Better include India and Pakistan too, make the world smell better.


The Grifter

You are such a butthurt faggot.

What the fuck dude

Mexican crims with cocaine running through their veins

well i'm rock hard

Saw it as well the other day - that tops the charts as one of the worst.

Isis video on how to make a bomb

how is that disturbing
newfag alert!

Mexicans or Indonesians

YouTube finally took the video down, I knew I should of saved it

i dont get this


A decapitated chick, necrophilia, beastiality, beastiality and necrophilia, the list goes on.

Thank you for warning us about your lack of experience here. Welcome to Sup Forums dumbass.


how's your first week here going?


I was glued to Sup Forums and Sup Forums that night (ukfag) and couldn't leave ..

So many clever anons out there figuring out who, what, when and why ages before msm sources that I turn to pol first for news and I know to come to Sup Forums in the event of a "happening" to get the lowdown as it happens.

Sheeit. I sound like an advert for a news channel

I wonder how that frog is

still plotting his revenge

Nice dubdubs.

the pepe space program was a huge step for memekind


Skull fucking on Sup Forums

This crap right?

but now she only takes up a quarter of the space



That poor woman.

Fluffy thread posters

The amount of gore I've seen does not compare to the experience of meeting someone who literally has a black hole inside them

I don't know about that. Oscar handled his shit.

Oh sure everyone just ignore the fucking trips jesus christ wtf I don't ask for too much in life but when I'm congratulationing someone elses double dubs (which idsnt even a thing) the least you motherfucking faggots could do is say "HEY NICE TRIPS user" jesus and you fucking assholes wonder why you can't get laid jesus fuck you all and fuck this website I'm going to bed

Check ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz................

Nice trips bro