ITT: You fall in love, you lose

ITT: You fall in love, you lose.


My #1 right hurr













Prepare to lose




Lost, post moar

I lost hard!!!
Who is she

almost loosing








Losing, post moar/give info


lost. hard. Nothing in this thread comes close to this.



twitter /ashemareexoxo


Dat sexy outfit got me


aaand I lost.







More please

What happens when we lose?






What happens when we lose?

I already lost. We have chemistry but she wants to remain friends...



She is gorgeous, but the nose piercing is a turn off.

Please more

Her face looks like my donkeys ass.



fucking lost


I am going to need more


She's a little heavy

Heckin lost

Is that you?

Lol like I'd fall for a girl with short hair. What am I? A fag?

Yes it is me.



Her name and the company are in the pic bruv

yes, welcome home.



No. Goddamnit NO!


I don't think rapists would even want her.

Fuck you she's perfect



That's my point. She's perfect and looks like a dude. So I'm gay.


I'm going to creampie to that later.


I didn't realize we could post men.





Bill Cosby wouldn't use his magic pills on her.


Who si she??? I think I know her!

I've taken dumps that are better looking than her.

Holy ffuck moar I'm rock hard




Hi Al.