Someone convince me to go to bed plz

Someone convince me to go to bed plz

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Show tits with timestamp or gtfo

The pain goes away when you sleep

Tits first

Go to bed faggot.

Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. Hope you have a nice Sunday.


add me on snap...ill put cha to bed

sheeeiit.. add me. craigdood3

go on cam?

Holy shiet, bagged and tagged. Good show.

Sharpie in butt plz

Show spreading pussy open with timestamp or gtfo


just show us your butthole and go to bed

Nope, my name does start with an M though

Those aren't the rules :(

how will you suck 37 dicks if you don't have proper rest?

I'm sleepy!

Monica?Are u cad or USA?

You desperate fucks

Op we love you

Well duh, but what fun is going to sleep right now?

Be adventurous for once!

Sharpie in the butt

>not 11/27

You can go to bed with me

I sexually identify as Rick Harrison. For 21 years I dreamed of working at my very own pawn shop with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Call me retarded but I don’t care, I’m getting plasticsurgery to install 18th century muskets and vintage movieposters on my body. You can now refer to me as Rick Harrison and respect my right to not know WHAT is gonna come through that door. If you can't acceptme you're a pawnphobe and need to check your door privileges. Thank you for having a story and a price.

Don't go to bed, have a cumathon

Go to sleep and ppl will suckle your nips

No time stamp.


Since you delivered: you want a reason to go to bed? because tonight you are going to have some good fucking dreams. It's gonna be like the greatest LSD trip of the century happening right in your brain. that REM cycle gonna hit you like 100 hits of acid without the side-effects.

It'll be god damn magnificent. Do you even know how amazing a sleeping mind is? It's like the great expanses of the universe are under lock and key but when your head hits pillow that shit floods out the gates and your imagination runs hog wild.

Go to sleep so you can partake in Nature's one and only true communion - the rite known as dreaming.


If you don't feel like it after this video, then I don't know what will.

She provided tits + timestamp you retarded mongoloid.

does that boob have a mushroom tip for nips

I love you too!!!!!!!

Now be my onii-chan

Can I fap to your tits user

Euro fag here


Show pussy so we know you aren't one of those faggots

Yeah just jump in user


I got my eye on you

Try suiciding yourself

You like my penis

Hi! I'm a single girl and I'm 26 years old. Please take a look at my pictures and let me know if you like them! I live in Russia and I'm going to come to your country and work over there very soon! I don't know anybody over there and I thought it would be great to meet someone who is open to anything (as I am!). I would be happy to be friends, lovers or create a serious relationship! We will see what happens! I hope you will write me back and I will write more info about myself and send more photos!!!!!!!!!!! I am writing from my friend's email address, so please make sure you do not reply directly to this email. Email me at [email protected] only. if you don't use my personal email address then I won't be able to read your reply and write you back. So it is very important that you get it right. Ok, I guess it is now your turn. Hope to hear from you today. Bye!! btw, i got your email from dating website

Uh sure dude

no man

Sup Sup Forums.

What happened was, I was coming back to study hall after 7th period, and put my head on my desk and took a huge sigh because my stomach was hurting incredibly.

This might seem normal, but take a few things into consideration:

- My desk had a blob of hand sanitizer on it the size of a small paperback book, left by a kid with OCD. - I was lying in it without noticing it. - It can be used as an inhalant.

So, after I inhaled, I felt normal for about five minutes other than the intoxicating stench of the sanitizer. Then, something odd happened.

People's faces started melting/warping in a way I can't even begin to describe.

I kid you not.

I was terrified, but luckily enough it only lasted for a few minutes.

I still felt dizzy and sick to my stomach, and picked up my violin and went to orchestra. The entire time I couldn't read my sheet music.


Sup Sup Forums

so there's this rather tasty girl at my college, sadly she has autism, she's not really high on the spectrum, she's just a bit odd and slow maybe.

but yeh she really likes me because I quite often help her with course work.

so anyway we had a rather late valentines day do last week (hall was closed so we had to find and book a venue) and she turned up looking really smart, but you could easily see her curves, she looked absolutely stunning.

well she came and spoke to me and i got her a few drinks, she was really funny actually, by the time I'd had a few i couldn't even remember or notice she had autism.

well it got to like 1am and we left, rather drunk, and she asked to stay at mine, I thought It wouldn't do any harm I wouldn't do we got a taxi to mine.

we got in, took our jackets and shoes off, and collapsed on the couch, we were lying right next to each other, she spun round and rested her hand on my chest, and started stroking it.

I didn't know what to do! 5 seconds later I decided to go for it.

I ran my hands down her side, across her stomach and down her panties. It was wet and felt amazing. she was so tight I even had to start with my pinky.

I slowly stroked her clit then pushed my finger deep inside (inside) What kind of Pokemon are you? Are you loyal through and through? Do you have a heart that's true? What kind of Pokemon are you?

Take your NORMAL type like Jigglypuff Against the GHOSTLY Gengar the battle's real tough Thunderbolt's a great ELECTRIC attack 'Til you get GROUND down by a Marowak

I like euros very much

You are a beautiful young woman mLady!

Hey Sup Forums,

Given that most of us are progressive, educated, liberal thinkers - would most of you give up your job for a black man (or woman)? Black people have been treated so unfairly and to this day, receive inequality in society. Being open minded liberals, shouldn't we be willing to be the first to better our world and help balance out the equation?

tl;dr - Would you be willing to give you job to a black person to fight racism?
Fuck Everything

bullshit I never used a dating site

Clearly missed the point

if he was better at the job then me, I probably would. if.

The North and South have been at each others' throats for well over a century. Personally, I don't see why both sides still continue to bicker. The North and the South each have plenty to offer the world. Yes, they both have their drawbacks, but nowhere is perfect. I think that each side should realize the other's importance and stop wasting energy putting one another down. Anyway, that's my humble opinion, but what do you think Sup Forums? Who is better?
-Great nightlife
-Great cultural mix of foods
-Great weed
-Most people are open to alternative ways of living (Veganism, Eastern religions, same-sex marriage, etc.)
-Great movies and television shows are produced here (30 Rock, SNL, Scorsese films, etc.)
-People have an appreciation for "the finer things".
-Great fashion
-Great industry
-etc, etc,
-People are generally rude in passing.
-etc, etc,
-Great hunting and fishing
-Great traditional food
-Great booze (Tennessee whiskey, bourbon, SoCo, etc.)
-Very hospitable atmosphere
-Great music (blues, rock n' roll, etc.)
-Great cultural events (Mardi Gras, bonnaroo, etc.)
-Great literature (Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, Mark Twain, William Faulkner, etc.)
-Great scenery and pristine beaches
-etc, etc,
-Right wing nutjobs
-Ku Klux Klan
-People are generally ignorant to alternative ways of living.
-etc, etc,

Attention Sup Forums!

I recently came upon Sup Forums when a friend recommended I visit the sites for a few laughs. I figured "What the hell? I could use some laughs." I must say that when I came on I was disgusted and not amused at all. Why you ask? Because everything on this entire site is literally shit! I mean yes there is funny pictures posted every now and then. But honestly; Do any of you little shits have a life? I mean are you so immature and unintelligent that you find things like cartoon porn and random naked woman shaking their boobs funny?

GROW UP! Grow up Sup Forums. You all seriously need a reality check, You could be doing so many things in the day, yet you all choose to sit around on your fucking fat ugly asses and post pictures and then make sarcastic or idiotic comments like "tits or gtfo" and "o rly?".

Get off you fat asses and do something better with your life. I mean all of you have no life, no social life either for that matter. The supposed "girls" that come on here and converse with you are just as much losers are you, they are either fatter then fatty-tan or a term you'd better understand "A trap".

Well I've put in my two cents, and on a last note, I will do everything in my power to expose this site to people who will react legally upon this disgusting filthy site. This is not the end. It's just beginning. Grow up!


One hitler shall henceforth be a unit of measurement equal to 6.0*106 human deaths.

Standard SI prefixes apply. Thus Harold Shipman's achievements amount to 36 microhitlers.

The true utility of the hitler as an SI unit is it allows useful unit conversions.

For example: the EPA currently values a human life as being worth 6.9 million us dollars (6.9 megadollars). A simple unit conversion thus gives us 1 hitler is equivalent to -41,400,000,000,000 dollars. (-41 teradollars).

It can therefore be quantitatively established whether or not someone is "worse than hitler". When congress failed to pass a stimulus bill in 2008 the market lost 1.2 trillion dollars in 1 day, roughly equivalent to 29 millihitlers. Joseph Stalin is the only human I know of who can be called worse than hitler, as his achievements clocked roughly 5 hitlers.

When your bank nails you with a 35 dollar fine, you can confidently tell the teller that they are currently fucking you over to the tune of 84 picohitlers and ask if they have a very tiny auschwitz behind the counter.

hey Sup Forums so god was a man and he made adam and eve and then meteors came to kill dinosaurs but adam was sad because dick is ronery and then meteor hit eve balls and eve balls went chestboobs and then adam was happy and incest but eve wasnt happy so he took an apple from a tree and had to wear animal skins.. but dinosaurs were hit by meteor how wear animal skins?

dis rokema i bring story with lots of phyloosox in everyday stay tunes pls


thank you for like my story, im bad english lol but ill write more tomorrow, remember to archiev for newfahs