Alright Sup Forums just found out the girl i thought i had a chance with has a boyfriend so lets get a feels thread...

Alright Sup Forums just found out the girl i thought i had a chance with has a boyfriend so lets get a feels thread going so i know im not the only depressed fuck on here tonight




nice dubs, but he actually added on to the story since, heres the complete Adonis story.


(OP) So as a complete betafag this was one girl i thought was interested in me but it turns out shes just a really nice person and she has a boyfriend so i have to give up, and getting a gf was a type of motivation i needed right now but i guess my time for happiness has not yet arrived and im losing faith that it ever will (not off of this one shit luck thing, but my entire life


Same shit here, user. She was perfect too.

Shit I got worse luck seems like the girls Im attracted to have a thing for other men with different ethnic background to mine

>2015, be 25y.o. kissless virgin
>meet girl online
>not even my type but figured, that i just want to chat with girls to get easier
>turns out she´s into online gaming
>play together
>turns out she likes my twisted humour
>met IRL
>bang on first date
>meet next day, bang again
>she´s living in a big city 300km away to study
>have studied close to that city earlier
>calls me often at night after playing online games, just to talk again
>visits her family for christmas
>we meet again
>bang. but it turns out to be really really bad
>tells me she was desillusioned from that meeting
>always told me, that she didn´t wanted to date and only wanted to meet up for short encounters
>always told her i would love to have her as a person to discuss having children with
>turns out she now has a bf
>unfriended her on every platform

>decide to wish her happy birthday
>she wants to play online games with me again
>played for months now
>i am refusing to meet up irl for as long as she is with her bf
>she doesn´t understand it but wants us to be really close friends

>no idea where to go from there

shes dating a black guy (the girl i was interested in (OP))

can someone post the elise feels story where the guy has his wife die? I lost my copy of it.

if someone does, i'll post a new feels story in return.

It stings more if they don't want to be close friends after a close connection like that is had

mines a coworker and the first girl ive ever met to initiate conversation with me and always seem genuinely interested so i thought she was into me but it turns out shes just kind-hearted and im just lonely and thought more of casual conversation (OP)

I Have the Ballad of Ella in 5 parts if anyone wants it (if you are unfamiliar its a 40 or so age greentext thats very famous and a good read

Icarus here, ill answer any questions if you guys have some.

Post it

did you ever tell sara what a cunt she is and how you're glad her father beat the shit out of her worthless ass

if you still love her im sorry but if i were in your position i would have abandoned any feelings for someone who could have so little regard for someone else

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 (Fin)

How was your day? Just wondering as mine was pretty good though my afternoon turned to shit...

Never did tell sara she was a cunt. I never did end up giving up my love for her, thought that love was more of an attraction than what i felt before. as for her abuse by her dad, yea i actually said "Im glad your dad hit you as a kid at least he did something right" sometime in senior year, after she was being a particularly annoying cunt.

(OP) well, i only had suspicions that my crush had a bf but today it was confirmed so today was not a good day

>be me
>20 years old
>depressed as fuck because 3 friends an hero'd couple months before
>meet qt3.14 full of tattoos and fire
>immediately fall in love
>date for a bit, then ask her to marry
>she says yes omfg I was so happy
>get married
>life goes on for a while and I start thinking about my friends again
>get depressed again but sail on because hooyah boner is strong
>wife becomes violently suicidal and manipulative
>continue to stay with her because she was my rock through the first couple months and I loved her
>"if you leave I'll kill myself because you're my husband and I can't imagine a world without you"
>eventually couldn't take it anymore
>see snapchat story of her meeting up with her ex boyfriend of 3 months literally 3 days after I'm gone WHO LIVES 3 STATES AWAY
It hurts so bad b. She was toxic as fuck but Jesus I loved her to death. Also pic related: it's her.

i would have said more but i respect you, its hard to enjoy the light of the sun without risking getting to close to it, but as of late i feel myself drifting farther and farther from the suns light entirely (I'm going off of the whole "fly to close to the sun and you get burned" theme that you based the Icarus story on)

text the phrase i hate you to her each day for as long as it takes for her to break down. once a day just text "i hate you" rinse repeat permanent psychological damage.

from my experience....they only say they want to continue as "really close friends" is so they can string you along and manipulate you while still enjoying the security of their relationship.

don't know where to go from here?

shut her out of your life unless she drops that faggot. make that clear if you have to. in the meantime, chase new pussy.

You'll learn to get over those minor things. Just be good friends with them if you truly care about them. Just because you can't cuddle with them doesn't mean you got to ditch them.
-Friends with many girls who I've asked out and either got friend zoned or declined too.

It was alright but scared a little bit because my boyfriend isn't answering my texts.
But thanks for asking!

Yea, i understand that feeling. Granted my slope was i had everything i wanted. then i had it get snatched away from under me. If theres one thing i learned from my experience though, don't take things of importance to you for granted. Because you never know when something you depend on wont be their anymore.

well i'm not abandoning the friendship and if all is said and done and im single and she breaks up with her bf ill jump at the oppurtunity

I imagine he is fine, don't worry about it. No point in worrying over the small things in life. Worry about the big things.

I personally wouldn't but thats just me. I've learned that being the "rebound friend" tends to fail and never succeed. Ruined many friendships over it.
-Just personal experience but its up to you...

Part of me thinks its fake.

Thank you.
So tell me a little bit about yourself.

I just miss her

i know that (preface im 17yo and live with my mom and her cunt boyfriend also inb4 "underage b&" fuck off)
My mom was great then this cunt entered her life and shes changed completely and i find myself hating her when hes around and wanting to forgive her when shes herself when hes not around

to be honest

she tells me to do so since we first met.
not in a "i don´t want you" way
but more in a "300km distance relationships suck." way

same but if so that user is a hell of a writer/story teller

Nothing much to say about myself. What do you want to know?

What made your day so bad?




It was all going fine til I got off of work. Started thinking about things and well, here I am on a feels thread for the millionth time.

Keep going. Don't make her think you are weak. She will avantuly get to you and leave her gf.


yeah that happens to me a lot and why I end up here.
I just think about all the shit in my life but then in an hours be like nothing happened.

>thinks about her
>all the feels rushing back
>search for a feels thread

Well, it is pretty much the same thing here. I normally end up thinking about what drove me to this and why... Been a long month with alot of shit happening.

(OP) Well, im tired and today hasn't been kind, good luck other depresses anons, stay strong and if there's something you can do right now that can make you happier, or get you closure, or solve your problem and you're too nervous to do it, consider this your sign from the universe or God or whatever you want telling you to take the leap of faith, im not saying it will help or it will even be a good thing, it may be the worst thing you can do but if you think in this moment it can help you , go for it.
Stay strong softer side of Sup Forums -user

I've never been in a relationship before so I don't really have anyone to think about.
I think about mostly the loneliness.
So no

>So no
I wasn't talking about you faggot

Fucking furries man

like usually when I talk to people I'm completely fine but late at night when there is no one to talk to I start thinking about shit I've done.
and I don't like my past to much.
I'm very much a clown/jokster I'm the guy that hides his sadness behind his memes

you tagged my post cunt

How's your life now, have you been able to trust any girls again, or even friends ?

this thread died faster than I thought

>2015, best friend an hero'd
>his parents make me call his friends / girlfriend
>basically become shitty support system for everyone
>get bitter at all my friends
>only dead guys girlfriend gets it
>over next year become best friends with her
>friend zoned like I give a fuck
>hook up with her after a night of drinking
>get text from her saying we shouldn't hang out anymore
>basically lose 2 best friends in 1.5 years
>basically hate everyone now
>life sucks, get a helmet

I absolutely cannot believe your story. How is Chad not in a ditch somewhere by now or in fucking jail with his fagmates? What kept you from calling the popo on them shitlords, Sara included?
Your story made me really mad

If bringing a smile to someones face helps you do it, but don't forget about yourself. Talk about it before its to much. Trust me.


I can't. I hate hurting people. It sucks when it's me hurting but someone I care about? Can't do it

My life now is honestly pretty good. I have a steady job and lots of free time to be online/talk to friends. However, since then Ive had trust issues, my friends say im clingy, because i always subconsciously make sure they aren't planning to make me go through something like that again. As for girlfriends, dating is a challenge. Mostly because when Sara betrayed me i associated people who i had feelings for to want to harm me. So now i show little affection so if they do stay with me i know they wont try shit and if they dont then i know i dodged a bullet.

Actually, one of the more dumbass kids recorded it. I went to the hospital but by the time i got there they'd ditched the party. Anyway the kid that recorded it started circulating the footage around school, so the police heard from some kid still dont know who tipped them off. Anyway the police confiscated the video and were able to identify 12 of the kids, including chad and sara. Chad was jailed for a year. Sara had a 4 months parole. The most any kid got was 3 years, because he was tried as an adult.

she hurt you, you are military make her know what an ex-military badass can do. she deserves it, i know you still love her but the truth is she hasn't truly wanted you for a long time, once she didn't she stayed for the benefits you gave her. She is a bottom feeder and you need to show her that.

That makes me feel better. Good night anons

good night user

This is good but way longer than it should have been. 20 lines just to describe her beauty is a bit over kill

I worked IT for the sub fleet. Was tossing around the idea of hacking her shit but idk I don't want to

your being to weak, look i know she meat a lot to you and that's clear. But youll end u regretting this once your feelings fade and you know she went on living a happy life well she left you like bush left the presidency, in shambles. Which is why you need to do something drastic, so she will finally know for once how it feels to be on the receiving end of a shit storm.

WOW am i really the only person that thinks you are a bleeding heart faggot?
go find a new pussy and forget that hoe
don't be friends it wont work
the only reason she is into it is because she is a virginity reaper that enjoys manipulating fats...



at least post some stories, faggot





Who the fuck says that? Holy shit dude

Damn, dead thread?

There was an user here last night who really made me do a lot of thinking.
And I've been thinking that life isn't always nice, and there isn't anything wrong with that.
There will always be struggle, and that struggle is what pushes us forward. It's the only thing that can.
The reprieve is embracing the small victories in life, taking everything a day at a time because the future can be overwhelming when you feel hopeless.
You don't always have to feel good, or feel good about yourself, but do small things to take care of yourself.
Even ten minutes will count, try to love yourself and do what you can to focus on the good things about you.


these cunts!!!!

What the fuck man, what a bunch of fuckin pricks


more like this plx

Betas should be gassed. Isn't it obvious women hate you?

It is

Power feels I guess.
Since I was a kid I have always relied on myself to deal with my emotions. I didn't know how to express them and just imploded.
I've made the decision to stop imploding, I am going to be vulnerable, just a little, and let the people closest to me help for once.
Maybe I won't go through with it as much as I think I will, but god damn it I need to do just a little.


>Meet girl via internet
>Have sex first night
>Start seeing each other
>Start dating - only after she puts immense amount of pressure on me
>I like her, though - I was just reluctant because she's a little insane
>She's highly insecure - continues to complain about what I may be doing
>I was never cheating or anything
>Things get bad - we argue far too much, sometimes violently
>Break for a month
>We're both lost and miserable - clearly we both love each other very much, even though it's hard for us to get along
>Begin going out - had sex with another girl
>Get back together with girlfriend. She admits she had sex with someone else. I admitted to her I had sex with someone else
>Work it out and start dating again
>Things go back down-hill
>Break-up again
>Try seeing her again - I was drunk and got pissed at how she was dressed like a slut. Threw alcohol in her face
>Fuck. It's over again.
>Beg for her forgiveness. Not this time, though, mate
>Start seeing another girl
>Well, ex-girlfriend now starts texting me after a month, telling me how she missed me. I miss her to - and frankly the new girl just doesn't compare
>Still think about ex every single day
>Decline to hang out with ex - told her I'm seeing someone else
>Get drunk one night - start texting her. She rejects me.
>Oh, well
>She sends all the texts to the girl I'm seeing
>Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
>It's over with that
>Still miss ex-girlfriend a lot
>Think about her every morning when I wake up and before I go to bed
>Would rather just have a good relationship
>Reached out to her tonight - will see if she response tomorrow

I wonder why she blocked me


She's getting the BBC from Jamal now. Sorry, White boi.