Told a boy i was babysitting my little brother to get out of hanging out tonight but now he wants proof and my little...

told a boy i was babysitting my little brother to get out of hanging out tonight but now he wants proof and my little brother isn't here! does this photoshop look real? :) x


u need help user

i know !! can u help me photoshop him in and make it look real ?? :) x

That looks fake as shit

how do i make it look better ?? :( x

post more of ur ass

>That looks fake as shit
This thread is fake as shit.
Sage or time stamped tits.

post full nudes and I will fix it

a deal is a deal :) hehe x

I like your fake timestamp

shoop-da-woop master at work.

Posting in epic bread. This is the first real girl to ever grace our presents on this board. Welcome, queen. Post pics of your feet plz.

thanks boys ;) x

one more thats a bit more interesting :P

Show a pic of you spreading your pussy

like this daddies? ;) xo

put some fingers in :P

Wow, that is a totally convincing image. The shop with the kid was more convincing, jeeze

Spread your pussy open

i cant put my fingers in it until someone helps me photoshop my little brother into the picture properly hehe ;) xo

Wow you're hot

Put fingers in or gtfo

changing shirts OP?


then you should give the original picture with a picture of you little brother so they can edit your little brother into the picture of you

>changing shirts OP?
It's a troll you newfag. Learn to think. You're not in /r/eddit anymore.


good idea ;)

Finger in pussy for daddy

thanks for trying !!! but that looks worse than my first attempt :( lol here's another pic of my brothers if you want to try again with this one instead? :) x

You have to put some fingers in now

This thread is fucking weird

photoshop one of my brothers into this pic and i'll do anything daddy wants ;) xox

give us a picture to photoshop your brother into

4 seconds ahead of you daddy ;) hehe x

If you're actually looking to have this shit work, I think your shooping skills are more than enough, but the scenario you're using is kinda non realistic. You're babysitting your brother and you've decided to strip down in front of him. Not just hard to believe, but outright weird in general (like it would be grounds for serious questioning if I were the man). Perhaps if you took a pic in the bathroom in a mirror with a door opened to the side and have him doing something like playing with toys. Then that'd believable.

My main concern in this thread is OP's age. She looks too fucking young to be above legal age.

Why is this thread turning me on so much?

What's on her shirt? It looks familiar, and that's also a nice pusspuss.

Here ya go

I want to go back in time to being a child so a hot jailbait babysitter can molest me and make me do dirty things to her.

think you could photoshop him into the hallway in this one then daddy? ;)

he said he wanted a pic of me stripping in front of my brother though :(

i'm 18....:P ;) heehhehe


pussy from behind?

Quit being so harsh on her. Jerk.

this dude is fucked in the head......

The I'm 18 is suspicious as fuck.

Why do you post pic of two different girls. This guy is a troll

I'm starting to not believe this story

Wow you're really sexy baby girl. Can I see a picture of your feet now?


sent him this pic and he said it looks shopped :( thanks anyway daddy :( xo

>i'm 18

> starting

There is so much newfaggotry in this thread.......

still got to put some fingers in but :P

Just act like every other bitch and tell him no proof you cunt

looks real

Real talk: at borders you need bleed to make it look believable

Can we have more pictures of your brothers?

FFS you niggers. These are all pictures of different girls. Try reverse image for the first time in your life.

This is now a hangman thread. Finished the sentence: OP is a ______!

That's because it your original pic with a basic phone filter thrown on it

>not knowing its a troll post from the start

>he said he wanted a pic of me stripping in front of my brother though
Uh, yeah...NO. So user, what did she do to you to make you want to try to show her exposing herself in the presence of a minor?

omg of course you can daddy!!! :) x

you're the best *hugs and kisses you* :)

I buy it

good to know I dint waste 4 years of my life in photo-shop tech jr college then.

They're adorable. What are there names? Do you have any of them with..less clothes on? It might be easier for me to photoshop them into your pics if you post pics of them with less clothes on :)

hmmm..really? i didn't think of it liek that!! thanks user! :)

hmm...i don't know what you mean :P but let's pretend i did...then..i guess what i did would mean that i deserve whatever i get ;)


Got a kik femanon?

I can't photoshop for shit but I'll give you all the money I have if you can post a pic of her and her brothers naked together. Plz delver.

This is cringe as fuck

lol yas daddy slay queen what is yours lol hehe

can I be ur daddy

how does op have so many pics of this girl and her brothers? :/

What is a "faggot?"

i do daddy ;) x
only if you're good at photoshop ;) hehe xo

Different girls. Probs Op's real brother or some rando.

seems legit

Literally prob just a real creepy guy bored af

the newfaggotry ITT is epic

how do we know they aren't her brothers though im confused :/

I shooped a wreath on your tits - tell him you had to go xmas shopping

How did Daddy do (;

You left out the brother, he looks hungry in the other pics



Give us our rewards of more nudes, some of the stuff here looks legit.

they are ;) hehe x
dont think he'll buy that :(
daddy :(
daddy :( x2

it needs to be good enough to fool..more than one all i'll say ;) hehe
rewards are for a job well done ;)

I admire your dedication.

Can someone just do what this faggot wants to he'll deliver. I've been F5ing with my cock out for the past 15 minutes.

Show pussy and I photoshop ur bro in the first photo

thanks daddy ;) enough to help out the cause? ;)
sorry daddy it doesn't work like that :P xo

This will fool him no doubt

so basically this bitch cheated on you or some shit and now you want us to photoshop her flashing here little brother so you can show her parents and get her in trouble or something?
i respect the hustle tbh almost had it!! keep trying daddy :) x
thanks daddy ;) x


