Weed gave me ego death every time I've tried it. Is that what you normally get from weed?

Weed gave me ego death every time I've tried it. Is that what you normally get from weed?

ego death

shrooms do that, not weed

I only get 'zoomed out' vision and fucked depth perception/balance

You probably were just peaced the fuck out of life, I get it all the time, but it's not really ego death. If you want ego death drop 5 tabs and trip balls.

maybe indica is not for you... have you tried sativa?
and no, weed usually it's a good "trip"

Strong weed can tear you down a little, but I've never experienced full on ego death. That's something you usually get with high doses of shrooms, DMT, etc.

Maybe smoke more regularly and work up in quantity.

32 year old fag here, daily smoker since age 19.

Ego death becomes permanent. Or at least it did for me.

lmao @ when people equate getting really baked to "ego death".

these are weed liberals.

as long as you found something to laugh your ass off. that's all that matters in the end.

enjoy your entertainment fellow faggot.

if you have experienced ego death, why are you referring to yourself as "me"?


what the fuck is ego death?

smoking so much weed you don't think you're cool anymore? lmfao

Lol, that's not ego death.

You don't get ego death from weed. It's just not powerful enough of a psychedelic effect. Basically you lose your sense of "self"

Yes, it made me enlightened.

It started out by me watching trump rallies while high, I knew it was a joke, I knew the wall was a joke etc etc but I never saw what I saw in his rallies, the humour, reported accurately.

It made me question everything. The media, the powers of group think , the power of narrative etc.

Then when I smoked it triggered something it was like I was in a game show with commentary etc, and whatever I posted too twitter became emotionally real while high.

The world turned into a surreal place that felt like a movie set, I had some weird experiences like merging with the collective consciousness, I even merged spirits with Donald Trump and felt what he felt, it was like I mirrored him, it was fascinating.

After that weirdness I can't take anything seriously anymore, the entire power structure of the planet has been trolled, I feel immune now from advertising, all authority figures , religious bs and other peoples opinions.

And I have pipper I mean twitter, weed, and Donald Trump and the false media narrative too thank.

I don't say this lightly but I am a Buddha. I know I am, I felt it , i experienced it and nothing is the same anymore.

When I mirrored Donald Trump I found out he us actually a very advanced soul, kinda like a zen master. This is a very special time for humanity.weed had a HUGE effect. It opened my subconscious and let me see everything, it was like swimming in a ocean.

We are all one.

You're just high, in psychology the EGO, which is refereed to in ego death, is not related to what you commonly know as 'an ego'

Been smoking on and off since 18.

I only got "ego death" type scenarios when I would smoke concentrates or large amounts on zero tolerance. I've probably had "death" type scenarios 4 or 5 times in the few thousand times I've smoked. I will add that mental illness runs in my family.

Basically what happens to me is that I get super paranoid and think the world is fake and that I'm trapped in some sort of game I need to find my way out of. I become suspicious of everyone feel my soul shrink and shrink until it's gone. Totally delusional shit. A few times I've gotten CEVS of colors and shit, and experienced "infinity in a moment". I would make up words and get a recurring feeling of deja vu, "Here I am again. I'm a fucking moron", repeating in my head over and over.

Many folks forget that THC is a hallucinogen. Personally, I think my experiences are based upon having Bipolar disorder run in my family, having an anxiety disorder and OCD myself, and smoking way too much fucking pot at once. I still smoke, but sparingly, and not often. The times I've gone overboard are still the scariest thing to have ever happened in my life. I feel like ODing on weed, as silly as it sounds, turns me into a schizophrenic.

Itt: lol wut is dp/dr

well, if you've done a lot of psychedelics weed can give you flashbacks to your trips and how you felt during ego death on those trips. sure it can

I was high , I havnt smoked weed for weeks now and I'm still affected from my experience, I literally can't take anything seriously anymore, nothing has power over me now, I could face death and not care.

The lies of the world no longer effect me deep down, sure on the surface I might feel scared if a gun is pointed at my head but no longer fearful of death.

Human power has no effect on me anymore, it's like a nuke went off in my grain and cleared out the normal social and cultural conditionings.

And I have too thank weed. It is my religion now.

Pretty sure I'm undiagnosed bipolar cuz I can relate to pretty much all of that

i had the same game, thing is, I won it.

Anxiety gone
Depression gone
PTSD gone

When the "game" ends everything just goes back to "normal" but you know your subconscious so much that you become immune too shit like advertising, sales men, authority figures, religious teachers , laws etc. You become liberated and know yourself.

When the world seems fake, go with it, because it is. Weed is a game and anxiety with weed is a blessing.

Near the end of the game I found whatever I cured subconsciously while high would remain cured while not high, and it worked.

Oh and paranoia gone.

Try embracing weed paranoia and curing it with deep thought while high. When you are not high you will notice paranoia/anxiety gone for good

I don't know about that.

Typically after the "death" scenario is over, and I come back to my senses and realize I was just super fucking high and delusional, I feel relieved. Relieved because I know as long as I don't go overboard with the getting high, I will never have to feel that much anxiety and panic again. It's like going crazy for an hour and thirty minutes then coming back to your old body and thinking "Shit, I'm glad things aren't like that all the time!".

If it helps you in that way, good for you. I still live my life with depression, anxiety, and OCD, and all high doses of weed does is bring out the eccentricities I try so hard to hide out even more. It's an odd feeling of being an alien in your own body, meeting your real that you keep in a cage for a few moments and being afraid and sickened.

I smoked a lot starting at 13 then I moved into psychs. I was 13 in 1993. Followed deadheads around for years. Today I can eat shrooms or drop L for fun but I don't smoke weed, because it won't really get me high but I get disassociative. Which means fuck you, fuck me and def fuck whatever you are talking about.

What I did that may be different I kept smoking non stop while anxious, paranoid and in the "game" because I knew deep down I just had too win it.

It wasn't easy, took about 12 weeks of non stop weed consumption, the feelings were intense, I had too accept feelings of being the mist famous person in the world and the least, the wealthiest person in the world and the poorest.

It did have a cost, lost my job , all my possessions etc but I just had too win. And it was worth it. I now have the best weed highs ever and nil anxiety and paranoia.

The feelings were intense and scary at times though so I can understand not wanting to complete the game, was alot too face alone.

I honestly relate to all of what you just said about not feeling like anything is real and feeling scared shitless. I've been struggling with it for weeks and have only recently begun to snap out of it

Get over it or realize it's not for you. Don't let it kill your relationship to things and remember love is the answer.

>Oh and paranoia gone.
>Try embracing weed paranoia and curing it with deep thought while high. When you are not high you will notice paranoia/anxiety gone for good
can confirm this as I did this.

I used to get CRAZY paranoia off weed but instead of blaming the weed I blamed my own self for having anxiety and tried to use weed to cure it.

It actually worked.

Eventually my highs became blissful and euphoric, with no anxiety at all. Just happy euphoria and warmth.

Welcome to ze club. I'm happy for you.

My theory is weed heightens subconscious fears, if you confront them while high you can affectively reprogram your subconscious.

You might want to try getting high and writing your inner most thoughts, then, next day get high again and read them back.

I also tried guided meditation / hypnosis while high the affects were... Wow.

I understand where you are coming from and agree love and compassion is the answer but weed is for me, and it saved my life.

>My theory is weed heightens subconscious fears, if you confront them while high you can affectively reprogram your subconscious.
I was thinking something along these lines, too. My reasoning the whole time was "when I'm no longer anxious on weed, I know I sure as hell won't be when I'm sober". because it was like 1000x more intense on the weed.

so now anyone who says weed just isn't for them because it makes them freak out I call bs. It's not the weed, it's you.

>You might want to try getting high and writing your inner most thoughts, then, next day get high again and read them back
This is a very interesting social experiment to try. would trip me out for sure

For every person who claims "ego death", you get a different fucking definition and description of what they mean.

Define your terms, most often what people are talking about amounts to the ego becoming implicit or there is an actual inflation of the ego and people think to themselves "all is one" or other such things, which are necessarily manifestations of the tight grip of ego.

Losing your sense of self isn't necessarily ego death.

Nothing you said is indicative of ego death.

The Buddhist contemplative traditions explicitly assert that experiences that yield the thought "all is one" (aka we are all one ) is still the tight grip of the ego.

Really, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Had the same thing happen. Ended up in the hospital. I did my senior thesis at college on the relationship between mental illness and marijuana. Apparently, a small percentage of the population are genetically predisposed to having psychotic episodes after smoking.

I remember when i thought getting stoned was a trancendant experience. Then in a span of a few months i did shrooms three times, salvia, 2Ci and ketamine.

Then i tried weed again and it was intensely psychadelic.

Had a lot of realizations about life and although i had a great time it ultimately lead to me quitting drugs for good and getting into a new career.

Weed's overrated

Dear OP, dont listen to any faggot about "how" your suppose to react to weed. Watch a video on what is actually happening to your brain when you smoke. Pretty much you thought process is sped up.

Everyone that says
>this weed does this
>yea this strand make you giggly
>this one will help you sleep

Its all horseshit. Pot is Pot.
Its always been stimulating to me. I've never felt relaxed while on it. Despite everyone else having this effect.

>The Buddhist contemplative traditions explicitly assert that experiences that yield the thought "all is one" (aka we are all one ) is still the tight grip of the ego.
this makes sense to me. Your ego is so inflated you just get to the point where you think everything is you.

Have had this on acid and molly. Super fun experience but I wouldn't call it ego death either just being high as fuck

I've actually experienced ego death many times from eating a fuck load of mushrooms (sometimes more than a quarter), 20 hits of acid along with a lot of other shit, and various other experiences.

I'd just describe it, in some cases as a feeling of vast nothingness, and other times just a complete disconnection from "reality" and everything that your ego associates itself with. Shit is awesome

Aye, transpersonal experiences =/= ego death. This can include very implicit egos where you experience just space etc.

Buddhist attainment of non-self aka ego-death completely undercuts the "witness" and is permanent.

Which leads me to another problem I have with this idea of ego-death commonly espoused, the ego "dies" but then returns a few hours later? How in the world is that a death? If the ego merely goes out of sight and under the surface (even if it changes a bit), it hasn't surely hasn't died.

Really have to give certain traditions of Buddhism, like Dzogchen, a lot of credit for going into such rigorous detail and having such a refined understanding of this process. They have identified so many pitfalls and errors that are very prominent among psychedelic users in examining their experiences.

how was salvia? iv seen videos of people smoking it on youtube an it looks unpleasant

its not physcosis the plant is a living being that raises energy. The "game" is spiritual awakening and self knowledge .

So called "mental health" experts would put every yogi, Buddha and teacher in a mental hospital.

Tried marijuana for the first time last night and it didn't seem to have any effect on me. I wanted to give it a swing because I heard it enhances sex.

Yes, I definitely inhaled. A lot. Several times. My fiance got it as a gift from a relative of hers who's a weed obsessed NEET. He was there with us, and was confused as hell that it wasn't hitting me, because it hit him and my girl fast and hard.

Any advice on how to make it work? I don't give a damn about getting high, I just want to get blown while high.

this is why i dont talk to people about what to expect from a drug. I dont want all the bullshit about what happend with them. Like there is any chance something similar could happen to me at all. I just do it, define it my own way, and not tell anyone about it

Do the same again. Often you won't get high the first time . hold your hits in longer

>Ego death
You're a fucking retard like the rest of these people who think it is an achievable state.

You were high. You just realized there isnt much to being high. I think most people who smoke think its going to be as insane as acid or somthing

It can induce psychosis for people with the genetic predisposition. You've clearly fried your brain if you actually believe what you wrote, so there's no point in trying in convince you otherwise.

Its not even a "state" the ego isnt there so his can egodeath exist?

Its like a state of Barney the dinosaur death. ( he's not real folks :p)

Its really simple, we are one, if you "feel" like its one or not is irrelevant, its just true.

Eh, I can appreciate your sentiment, but it is really too easy for people to delude themselves.

I think being critical and finding common ground is the best way to make sense of it and find out if there is something objectively valuable worth pursuing. The issue is that too many avoid being critical and want to keep the discussion as topical as possible.

The worst is when every sinks into their own smug sophistry.

I have all the proof I need.

Expectations were low and I felt literally nothing whatsoever. Not even anything I could chalk up to the power of suggestion. I feel like I have to be missing something here, because I can't imagine anybody ever paying for this shit.

I'm sure you do.

Sure, there is a difference between "sanity" qua a harmonious adaptation to a deluded society and true sanity qua the absence of delusion. To suggest however that "raised energy" is necessarily devoid of pathology and the chance of psychosis is completely ignorant and directly contradicts the most rigorous contemplative traditions. Buddhism explicitly acknowledges psychotic states and distinguishes such from awakening, as well as how raised energy increases the chance of neurosis and even full blown psychosis if one isn't well prepared.

I can tell you I haven't read much philosophy on ego death, but I've been doing psychedelics for a solid 8 years now and sometimes in pretty high doses.

If there's an ego death I've surely experienced it probably long ago.

but who knows it all just blends together after a while. I'm not on thumbprint level but I'm pretty sure I have experienced ego death.

>we are one

That is the ego talking. Functionally the ego is there, even if ultimately illusory. People identify with thought and behave as if the ego exists, full stop.

To begin thinking you are intrinsically devoid of an ego as the functioning of the ego continues is akin to massively deluding yourself.

Recognizing the innate absence of an ego is retroactive. Functionally, egoless consciousness is an imminent mode of operation, rather than intrinsically the case. This distinction is pretty crucial.

You literally sound autistic, you're not bhudda dude. If anything you've grazed the tip of the cosmic iceberg. I've heard of people who trip or smoke weed and end up thinking they're "enlightened" or some shit. You need a reality check. I've experienced ego death and moments of satori enlightenment on high doses of acid and shrooms, but it doesn't mean I'm god or some shit.

I'm assuming you're joking but I wrote this anyway, just in case.

Again, you were high. Did you smoke actual weed? Then you were high. There just isnt much to it. Your experience isnt anything new though. It took my gf like 5 damn times to start to notice the difference in feeling when she smoked

O shit I'm retarded it was obviously a joke

This guy gets it

to add to it:
the thought "we are one" still contains that you distinguish between yourself and others but summarize them in one set. you, as an individual element, remain preserved.

Are you me?

I love psychedelics too and I am approaching a solid decade as well. I also have studied Dzogchen extensively and gone on retreats to try to better understand this ego death thing.

I am completely convinced at this point that psychedelics alone simply cannot bring about real ego death. From breaking through on n-n-dmt, 4-aco-dmt, lsd, to massive doses of 2c-t-7, there seems to be a hard limit without the explicit use of certain techniques.

Put most simply, there is a specific function that is modulated by both psychedelics and meditation, it is the most critical factor in reaching real ego death. As it raises there is a panoramification of awareness and a gradual decrease of the capacity for cognitive dissonance and repression, and thus the chance of ego dystonia (and naturally, wonderfully positive states).

It seems that psychedelics raise this function quicker than any meditative technique, however certain techniques raise it higher than any psychedelic appears capable on its own.


You probably didn't inhale.

How to get high:

Before you hit the pipe/joint/bong/whatever, exhale all of the air from your lungs.
Light the bowl, (but don't keep the flame on the bowl for too long otherwise your hit will taste like butane) and inhale slowly, clear the chamber by releasing your finger from the carb or pulling the slide.
Inhale a huge breath of air after you clear the chamber, and hold it in for 2 seconds.
Exhale. You are now high.

I should add that if anyone is interested in further reading, I suggest checking out the work of Elias Capriles and his discussions of CREVs.

He has totally hit the nail on the head with what I have observed to be the case.

I'm not joking, I don't require validation. I'm just sharing. Peace.

its funny how people have to learn how to light something on fire and inhale the fucking smoke. But we were all there once

very interesting. If you have read about a thumbprint I bet if anything that would bring on legitimate ego death. You'd just be so insanely gone... 1000 hits.

I never gave too much thought to the whole ego death thing because it started to sound stupid to me... ok I tripped balls one day and now I am a completely different person and have transcended. Psychedelics will increase your awareness, break away at social conditioning/ programming and I don't really go into it more than that.

what is "ego death"?

I normally get munchies
>nom nom nom

Thumbprints are sort of an overhyped myth, there is are only so many receptors that LSD can influence and the body is extremely good at metabolizing LSD. For example, as you peak your body has already metabolized it.

All a thumbprint will do is cause more muscle stiffness (99% of ingested LSD is goes to the muscles and doesn't even reach the brain), increase the sugar content of your blood, and potentially extend the trip by an hour or two at most.

If you have ever eaten around a quarter page of family fluff quality stuff, then you have already effectively maxed out on LSD. The threshold on a hardlimit is lower for LSD than it is mushies, 4-aco, etc.

no, dont even ask anyone. Just do lsd if you want to and make of the experience what you will. I hate that people are tying to come up for a name and exact definition of what the intensity of that experience is. Not everything needs to be defined and understood.

If you continue thinking like this, you'll get nowhere. Start by accepting how little you know, it's the first step towards legit enlightenment.
Or you could take the shortcut and meditate in a cave for an indefinite amount of time.
The important thing is, enlightenment really isn't that important. What's important is going deep inside of your mind and finding what it is you truly desire. You'll find what you're looking for on the inside, not on the TV or the news.

i don't think i'll ever touch that shit
i don't particularly like getting drunk or stoned, so i don't think i'd enjoy harder drugs

Maybe you wont, I reconmmend it to everyone atleast once in there life. Absolutly nothing like it.
The only drug that has the "oh my god im on a drug" effect

It is more categorically different, being drunk or stone is being under the influence of a narcotic. Psychedelics are not narcotics.

That's what happened. It was nithi f special, this thread happened so I posted.

I am a Buddha, I don't care I can say it cause its true.

I doubt you've ever actually experienced ego death, you may have read some stuff online and connected some dots but you definitely don't have the full picture.
Only way you'll experience true ego death when you smoke weed is if it's laced, and I doubt "every time" you've tried weed it's been laced with heavy shit.
You most likely just think about life too much and are probably depressed normally, try some body high shit instead of head high; might help if you don't wanna think about the meaning of life.

>make of the experience what you will.

Translation: delude yourself by accepting any story you come up with about your experience.

Bad advice bro.

You don't even know what a Buddha is, you are just using words you think sound right. Your description already directly contradicted the definition of what a Buddha experiences.

LSD is nothing like getting drunk or stoned. Sure at first it may be uncomfortable, but after about 4 hours it gets less intense and all you feel is euphoria and visuals. Also for your first time, don't do more than one tab.

>Psychedelics are not narcotics.
Well both basically create a short circuit in your brain and you enjoy the side effects of frying brain cells.

>delude yourself by accepting any story you come up with about your experience

>delude yourself about your personal experience of a drug

Lmao dude.

I'm a Buddha.
Again its no big deal.
I'm just sharing my story.

I swear to god if you're not a troll there is no hope for you.

perfect example:


Oh I am a troll but also a Buddha. As is Donald Trump.

I guess that sentence may sound strange too some people which is fine and understandable. But, funnily enough its true.

I didn't ask for it to be true, it just is so I accept it and don't mind talking about it.

>If you have ever eaten around a quarter page of family fluff quality stuff, then you have already effectively maxed out on LSD. The threshold on a hardlimit is lower for LSD than it is mushies, 4-aco, etc
ineteresting. That's pretty much where I've maxed out in terms of dosage, I know I ate a minimum of 20 hits one night because I just kept on dosing, I may have dosed more after completely losing touch with reality. This was family shit and maybe some of the best acid I've done? Really strong on the visuals. I still remember looking at the ground and just seeing shit shift around with that acidy feeling.

But that isn't that much I know people who have done a lot more I'm assuming they are getting higher than I am. I haven't heard as much about a thumbprint but have heard about it and it does quite intense.

But once you get up to the much higher doses of LSD it becomes a different beast I used to equate that as ego death, but I stopped thinking as much about ego death and stopped being as interested in the concept. I say just do the stuff and expect an inevitable deprogramming, various realizations, etc.

well you may have a point there, most people arent stupid enough to believe they are a deity though lol

Define " a Buddha ".

You took 20 hits and thats all that happend for you? that must suck

I watch the floor shift on 1 hit.

I used to sell bulk white on white family fluff, and you do max out. There really was no difference between a quarter page and a half page.

Anything more people are experiencing they are bringing to the table from their particular neurochemisty and psychology (or by doing particular mental exercises; there are ways to increase the visions you experience etc).

I knew a dude that messed himself huffing stuff, and my friend and I babysat him when he took 2 hits, each of us were on about 15. He was beyond fucked up in a way I haven't really seen since, his visually field was totally flipped and became completely incoherent and was full on hallucinating.

dude, give him a minute while he googles a shit definition so he can continue his troll

Can confirm this. I'm genetically vulnerable to psychosis too, and really shouldn't smoke weed. Still do though, cause fuck it, I love weed, and it doesn't seem to trigger psychosis directly in me. At least there need to be other factors present to trigger full blown psychosis in me.

Psychosis always feels very much like enlightenment and like becoming the Buddha/God/Jesus whatever words you want to use it for, but you have to be very careful not to take it literal. If you can keep yourself at distance and see it as mystical experience and keep an analytical mind about it, it's all great. But whatever it is, it's a symbolical transformation of yourself into something divine, if that makes any sense to you, it's symbolical, not literal.

What I mean by this, it's alright to experience something like that, and read about it (may I suggest Jungs work, especially his Red Book) and talk about it and shit, but keep a certain distance, see it as symbolical mystical transformation of your soul, but be careful to not take it literal and see yourself as Buddha and maybe try to form your own cult around your "divine" person and so on, because that's just incredibly retarded..

They say the path to enlightenment is narrow and to each side of it lies a deep abyss (of insanity and plain old retardation) be careful how you tread.

babby's first time smoking weed

sometimes when i inhale too much i cough until i almost black out. dropped a pipe once, and it broke on the concrete out back. perhaps that's what OP means by "ego death".

if that's the case, OP, got bad news for ya: you will experience ego death every night when you go to sleep.

have fun with that.

>They say the path to enlightenment is narrow and to each side of it lies a deep abyss (of insanity and plain old retardation) be careful how you tread.

This x100, it is amazing, and a shame, to what extent large portions of the psychedelic community engages in gross self-aggrandizement.

Drop 5 tabs of LSD, and 5g of shrooms in silent darkness.
Report back after your ego has really been shattered into a million different pieces and put back together again.