Who else loves cysts?

Who else loves cysts?

Does anyone else love cysts?

I call them Bursties. They're so fun to incubate, to guide and nourish to life by squeezing and pressuring them towards the top of the skin

Then, every week or so, there's some fresh bursties for you. It's just so satisfying to pinch and feel that sweet satisfying pop as the puss sprays.

God I love bursties. Anyone else?


I dont know how to feel about this.

Too fuckin early for this shite mate

>give us the guide to incubate them

Does no one else seriously not love bursties?

I have recurring ones all over the insides of my legs, the top of my back

How can you guys not love them? I think you just haven't gotten the chance to get them. I get more of them because I have to wear diapers.



Let me explain to some of you poor unfortunate souls who have nice skin and can not get bursties

Next to your hair is a gland that produces oil, which comes out with your hair to keep your skin oiled and such.

Sometimes however, this gland can get clogged, such as an ingrown hair, or some sort of skin damage like burning.

When this happens, it still produces oil, which gathers in the gland, forming a cyst.

Until you get a sac removed (hard to do personally, usually requires doctor), it will repeatedly fill with puss and oil until it bursts, and then the process restarts.

I have lots of bursties all over me. The thing is, they're so fun to, when they get full and the pressure is high, to squeeze and burst them getting relief. I love it.

I used to get cystic acne but I use a microneedling roller and stab them to death then apply sulfur+resorcinol and it seems to take care of it. Opens it up enough that the cream can seep into it and destroy the cyst sack inside.

I love them but I rarely ever get them. I usually like whiteheads on noses better since they usually have more of a solid material that evacuates cleaner/easier with less inflammation.

I also clear the white forest on my nose. That is my emergency for when I am desperate and out of bursties.


Bump for bursties. Wanna see it go splat.

Let me see if I have any bursties in waiting I can film for you guys =)

>have to wear diapers

You are making this shit up

No I'm not, I have Spina Bifida

anyone have any gifs or webms of this?

Pics or it didn't happen nigger
You know the rules

^ id never want a cyst but watching them pop is satisfying

>out of bursties

Can someone meme this shit?

pics of said bursties?


It's like he has ballsacks all over his body

ANd those are all filled with pus, correct? That poor guy.

This is as far as I will go to prove it :^)

What are those white things coming from his head?


Nice file name, those are all tumors not cysts

>for woman

I did not expect that

Maybe hes got a small waist?.. I use to have to buy womens tshirts back in highschool because I was so skinny. Or tailor my mens tshirts down to an acceptable size. Got really good at tailoring on a sewing machine tho. So i aint mad.

How skinny are you to need to tailor your shirts down or buy girl's clothing? Or are you just trying to get shirts skin tight? Why did you have the need to do this?

In highschool I was 5'9 105lbs..

Soo. I was furnace ready jew skinny.

Did you have an eating disorder?



Autoimmune disease. +Blood disease. +IBS.

I still question how I'm alive even to this day. I'm not even much better then I was 6 years ago...

You wear shite diapers m8. I'm just a diaperfag and I fucking hate depends. Get some Molicares or something, for your own sake.

so you have hidradenitis suppurativa or acne inversa, if they are on areas where skin rubs together, it is an autoimmune disease.

I had it for years because I was obese. Healed myself with whole foods plant based/raw diet, and eating only the game I hunt occasionally. I incorporated fasting, meditations, and many other eastern medicinals.

But no, the cysts weren't fun. I hated them.

>does anyone here really not like bursties?




>dat 6pack tho

Do ya Yarbles ya maw and twit cot the rubble startey mate. Cheers from acrid da pond my chally swampa


This thread is a disaster.

Did Justin roiland draw this guy?

I get blood boils or pressure ulcers on my ass from sitting at the pc 18+ hours a day

Shit I spend a lot of time at my desk but I still have to get up and move after a while or I'll go nuts

thats extreme, don't you think user?

You know how to prevent the recurrence of them, so do you purposely not have the sacks surgically removed?

>recently has a small cyst get infected on my back, took antibiotics, drained on its own, i feel a million times better. also have one on my hair line, thinking about putting a heating pad on it to hopefully melt it away

fucking what

This fucking thread




Somebody please screenshot this thread.

Blimey, are you alright?

someone screencap, what the fuck

why ? theres no timestamps

OP confirmed for female. Tits plz.

r you a ladie?

This is god speaking. Take more showers. Get a job with benefits. Go to doctor. And or kill your fucking self.

op please show me your bursties with timestamp

Please dont post tits if they have bursties on them

This is seriously the weirdest fucking thread I've seen in a while.

Dubs of troof. Die bursty

Ey dan

did you see the one were they guy rolled up a rat in a blunt and smoked it? it was like a week ago.

threads like these give me hope for Sup Forums

OP still needs a damn time stamp though

I'm too lazy to take a timestamp, but it's all true :)


bursties or gtfo

Fuck me, new fetish

I'm having fun

kill yourself now u disgusting faggot

No seriously, a large portion of women I've talked to have expressed that they love these fucking things, and have been put off by no man ever loving these things.

Are you me? Only difference is that was slightly heavier than you. Back in high school I weighed 110. Why don't/didn't you just do your shopping in the kids section? Fuck, I still have to do that shit. Just for pants, though. You can get designer shit for way cheaper and it more fitting.

I've had a few for years and can't get rid of them. Was gonna wait, hoping they'd dissapear without leaving a scar but they never did. Just kinda got used to them

I've had a few for years and can't get rid of them. Was gonna wait, hoping they'd dissapear without leaving a scar but they never did. Just kinda got used to them.

The only way to get them removed is to have a doctor physically extract the sac. Otherwise you just empty/drain it and it comes back. It gets like attached to the skin inside so it's almost impossible to 'pull out' on your own.

I've had some for years. Didn't want to have scars so waited hoping they'd disappear. They didn't. Just kinda got used to them, as hideous of an eyesore as they are

I like you, OP

I've had some for years. Didn't want to have scars so waited hoping they'd disappear. They didn't. Just kinda got used to them, as hideous of an eyesore as they are.

drink more water

Have had some for years. Didn't want scars so waited, hoping they'd disappear on their own. They didn't. Learned to live with them, as much of an eyesore as they are

Have had some for years. Didn't want scars so waited, hoping they'd disappear on their own. They didn't. Learned to live with them, as much of an eyesore as they are.

>I've had some for years. Didn't want to have scars so waited hoping they'd disappear. They didn't. Just kinda got used to them, as hideous of an eyesore as they are

I would enjoy cutting those off with knife one by one SO much.

What the actual fuck...

This thread is balls.

>they're so fun to incubate, to guide and nourish to life
>God I love bursties
