Last video game you played?

Last video game you played?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Gate_-_Dark_Alliance_(USA)/150167



>All we had to do is follow the damn train CJ!

Smash bros


baldur's gate - dark alliance
on PCSX2 emulator's_Gate_-_Dark_Alliance_(USA)/150167

Amnesia Collection

also this on PPSSPP


diablo 3.... makes me sad how far blizzard has fallen, guess ill go back to diablo 2 again

Castevania curse of darkness.

Darksouls 2 time 265h

DC universe online
been playing it for years but still come back every now and again

Check out Path of Exile

Last night. Fallout 4. I was building a concentration camp.

San Andreas. Not even shitting you.

I loved that game. Spent most of my time selling drugs though.

Did it have a wall

Just cause 3

Ah! thats right, I keep forgetting about PoE lol... That was the game I was suppose to play today... lol

Playing WoW atm.

Need more artefact power for my demo spec, doing mythic tonight.


Watchdogs 2

rainbow 6 seige

Mad Max

Either HeartGold or STALKER

Neptunia Victory

Sonic Adventure Battle 2 on Gamecube.

I don't believe you


A big one.


I used to play that game for a few years.
Still better than some of the other MMOs that have been coming out recently.

I've been big on the Resident Evil Remake

This masterpiece. It's like Megami Tensei and Snatcher had a baby.

Diablo II: Median XL Ultimative XVI

Doing a Fire Sorc with The Magister.



I dont play games little boy

Killing Floor 2


APB Reloaded
>kill me

Mother Russia Bleeds

fucking great game

Lil bit of sr4

Lol why?

What is it in english? Emulatable?

Gmod anyone know the parkour extended mod server tell me

FSX Steam Edition

pokemon moon


Titanfall 2. Got raped hard in Atrition.

Dark Souls 2


I've been trying to beat the Bozak Horde on Dying Light for the past week, and I can't because it's too fucking hard.

Pokemon Sun

Started playing Wow : Woltk on a private server for the nostalgia. I'm enjoying it more than u thought. Fun community and 2008 feels. Love it.

Last video game I played was Halo 3. Im incapable of moving on from the past.

Same, user! Who's your starter?

Mass Effect

trips for a trilogy, nice

Old School Runescape

Whos the nigger?

monster hunter 3 ultimate

Battlefield 2 online. Shit's free now.

arma 3
Then my dr told me to stop playing games, watching the news, and watching violent movies or violent anything.

I'm not aloud to jack off 5 times a day to porn either.

I'm only aloud to have sex with my gf... but she's a porker. so i tracked down a hot chick i dated in 91. and now she's a semi toothless crack head. but i fuck her anyway cause she's thin

Cities Skylines and Space Engineers

sup Mr mat

NHL 17
>filthy casual

Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth

Keeper mega-satan. gotta fill those post its eventually.
>kill me
