Going from bloodline, who should actually be sitting on the Iron Throne now?
Going from bloodline, who should actually be sitting on the Iron Throne now?
Jon, Rhaegars son
Bastards have no inheretance claim.
Whoever wins if by conquest I guess, which is Cersei right now. She's claimed it for herself
He might not actually be a bastard
>not comprehending the most vital and important theme of the show: that thoughtless adherence to tradition results in endless suffering
>A bastard
Rhaegar was already married.
Polygamy is banned, and even if he did get married again there's nobody to support it, Jon is a bastard in the eyes of the realm no matter what
probably cercei? shes the last living relative of the previous kings.
Jamie tho?
The throne doesn't pass to the Queen's family, it always follows the male line
Kingsguard can't take positions
The male line no longer exists though.
Targaryen line:
John Snow/Targaryen
Baratheon line:
Is there an established rule for this in the canon? 7 kingdoms don't necessarily follow English tradition especially because they style the King's spouse as Queen.
>Polygamy is banned
Rhaegar wouldn't give a fuck, especially since he fancied himself Aegon reborn.
In any case, The Kingsguard being at the tower of Joy and not giving a fuck about Viserys means Jon is the king
Jon via his Targaryen birth and also the closest House relative of the Baretheons are the Targs.
From Bloodline?
It should default to daenerys
Jon and Gendry are bastards
Why does everyone forget that Rhaegar was married before he fucked off with Leanna? Why did she go with him in the first place after making such a big deal about hating how Robert was going to cheat on her? She seemed to handle the fact that the death of her brother and father are pretty much on her hands.
I suppose those are questions for another thread though
Dany. She's the closest living relative of Roberts, unless there's another Baratheon out there we haven't heard of (Gendry doesn't count due to being a bastard).
If Rhaegar and Lyanna were married when Jon was born, though, then it would be Jon.
This now that Stannis whom was THE ONE TRUE KING is dead.
Shouldn't the Kings guard have been at Dragonsreach protecting his first wife and his other kids?
he got kicked out of the kingsguard by tommen
What was the point of killing Pycell? He sided with whoever was in power.
Stannis is dead motherfucker. Time to accept that D&D killed him off screen because they are faggots
Jaime was there
Bastards still get claims, especially over females.
just for a scene
Jaime was with the mad king.
She just hated him
>Is there an established rule for this in the canon?
In the books, when Robb and Cat are talking about who Robb's heir should be, Cat was tracing back the Stark lineage to the nearest common ancestor. She settled on someone in the Vale who was about two generations removed from being a Stark.
If it just passed to the wife's family, then it would have gone to Jeyne Westerling. But that was never even mentioned as an option.
Good catch. Perhaps if there are no male heirs left it reverts to the female line then? Not that it matters; Cersei took the throne with some good old-fashioned bigger army diplomacy.
So Frankenweiner can be grand maester
Jaimes was there at King's landing with the King and Rhagar's other family.
Of Aery's kingsguard, two died at the Blackwater and Barristan was wounded, Three were at the Tower of Joy, and Jaime was in King's Landing.
Once the Mad King and Rhaegar were dead, at least one of the three should have gone to Viserys who would be the rightful king. Ned even points this out and asks why they aren't there.
The only reason they wouldn't is if Viserys wasn't the rightful king. And that's only possible if Jon is the rightful king.
She looks so sad :(
Maybe she realises that her victory is a hollow one
He's a bastid
No relation to the Baratheon line
Stannis is dead mate, time to move on
Passing right back to Orys Baratheon and down through the targaryen line; Its Dany!
Or Jon if Lyanna and Rhaegar were wed
Jon is not a bastard
Aegon VI Targaryen, then Daenerys Targaryen
No they don't.
exactly, couldn't be trusted
They do if the parents proclaim lineage upon the bastard.
She was the Queen mother, now all her kids are dead and her husband and the baratheons all dead so she is.
Danny should be but she has no influence on westeros
Pretty sure this is the correct answer.
Rhaegar was still married to Ellia, so either way, Jon's still a bastard.
Ramsey was Roose's bastard. By our standards, bastards are sons born without fathers. By westerosi standards, they're simply children born out of wedlock.
Has the iron throne ever had a queen?
Yes there has been a queen with every King.
Stannis of course
You know what I fucking meant you lollard heretic.
>They do if the parents proclaim lineage upon the bastard.
Good thing Rhaegar and Lyanna are dead then :^)
Its actually cercei because even though shes killed everyone she is the last living relative to the previous kings. (She married into the baratheon line anyways).
Any other answer is wrong.
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Rhaenyra Targaryen you cunt, that's what started the dance of dragons
Jon is apparently the mad king's heir.
No one. It's completely up for grabs. Right of Conquest takes over when Right of Blood becomes extinct.
Cersei is gonna be Queen of the Crownlands for like a month or so before burning the city down when Daenerys sails into Blackwater Bay.
You're right, just pointing out fallacies in single idea statements.
But no, at this point, there is no way jon would receive the throne by rights alone. It's solely dany's by law.
>the only reason they wouldn't is if Viserys wasn't the rightful king
Did they even know Aerys and Rhaegar had died?
Night's King was chosen by the Children of the Forest and is the truest blood of the First Men. The Andals came and stole our lands. The Targs came and stole our crown. The false gods from across the seas came and stole our trees. But we will reclaim it all.
The Long Night is coming. Fire consumes, but ice preserves.
Robert overthrew the previous King.
All of his """""offspring""""" are dead.
All of his brothers are dead.
His wife, Cersei, assumes the throne until she marries Jaime now that she has run out of fucks to give.
Hail King Jaime.
Isn't House Martell descended from Daeron II's sister?
If so, OOPS!
Jaime's going to kill her
Robert Baratheon
Jon Targaryen. It's likely Rhaegar married Lyanna during the war, which would legitimize him as heir, and as the son of the eldest male heir to the throne, he should be sitting on the throne. Better claim than Daenerys by far.
Obviously Daenarys.
Aegon, fucking showfags
Dany is a girl and Aegon is Rhaegar's trueborn, bastards dont have rights of succession
Well, in the long run it is nice of his aunt to cross the sea just to hand deliver some dragons.
Who literally gives a single fuck about blood line? Robert killed the fucking last prince and then took the throne by force. The "rightful" king is the one strong enough to hold it. Which right now is Sir Si
if no one else knows about it, does it make it true? Weddings need witnesses
Yeah the show is fully cucked now
Time to stop watching
They have a witness now
If Shireen was still alive would she have been next in line?
>hey guys my brother is actually the son of Rhaegar
>I know nobody else has seen this but trust me it was in a wacky vision I had
Unfaithful Wives > Niece by Traitor Brother
Jaime as the king's uncle
Is Jon actually immune to fire now?
Why did Ned let Jon join the watch? If shit went south with Robert, Ned could have revealed Jon as the true heir
though let's face it. 3 heads for 3 dragons, Jon is a Targaryen and King of the North. Daenarys mentioned having to forge an alliance through a wedding, wedding the king of the north puts the north on her side.
Tyrion is the third head, being a friend of Jon's and Daeny's hand.
Tell that to Sansa
Nah he sucks as fire, which is why his hand got burned in season 1 with the lamp.
He is immune to ice though.
>by our standards bastards are kids without fathers
The meaning of bastard is a child born with unmarried parents you idiot
Even if they didn't, Ned tells them.
Jon wanted to go and Catelyn pushed it.
Young griff.
Jon would've been killed pretty quickly if he revealed it
Targ dynasty: Dany (Aegon in the books)
Baratheon dynasty: Martyn Lannister (Cersei's cousin, Lancel's younger brother) Since women can't inherit. It would be a very weak claim though.
What if Sam finds marriage records of R+L in the big library?
Remember the scene in the small council. He disregarded anything she had to say. Pycell is a bitch to Cersei a bunch of times.
How the fuck would that record be kept? Why would Rhaegar or Lyanna inform anyone?
When someone joins the Night's Watch, they no longer have any claim to lands nor titles. This of course applies to other groups as well, like the Kingsguard and the Faith, but in addition, the men of the Watch are essentially exiles, far removed from the rest of the country.
If Jon can't pose a threat to Robert or his children's claim, and is an entire country away, he's safer. At least, that's the idea.
>dany is a relative of Robert's
They are distantly related. Some Baratheon married a Targaryen sometime back.
Many Targaryens practiced polygamy and since Rhaegar was like the "perfect" knight he probably married Lyanna before he fucked her.
>Baratheon line:
Arya, Bran and Sansa
You already forgot that Robert literally made Ned king until 'the true heir' (which never existed) came of age? That means that Ned was king until death and after he died his children became the rightful rulers.
Ellia Martell was Rhaegar Targaryen's wife. Any child Rhaegar produced that did not squirt out of Elia is a bastard.
>he doesn't know about Aegon VI Targaryen and The Golden Company
Rhaegar was the heir to the throne. If he had married, again, in secret, he would want a record of it.
Dany, from both a Targ and Baratheon POV, that is unless Jon is a trueborn son of Rhaegar which is possible imo.
INB4 some faggot starts raving about Elia Martell the Faith's view of polygamy.