Picure is me but unrelated

Picure is me but unrelated.

OK so Sup Forums I was adopted when i was 3 days old. I recently joined an online dating site and this guy started hitting on me and I thought he was hot, then his username popped out at me. It was my own last name, which is so uncommon that we had to be related. I told him and he was so embarrassed he apologized for saying I was sexy and I told him immediately that I was adopted. We've been talking a lot lately, we met already and made out, and I just had phone sex with him just now, but I am probably going to end up screwing him. I find this a huge turn on that we share the same last name, and he is into this shit maybe even more than me!!! We want to act like we are just family and good friends in front of our family, but we both share a fantasy that during a family reunion, we sneak off when no one is looking and fuck in the bathroom. Then come out like nothing ever happened. Do you find this weird Sup Forums or even wrong in any way? I'm not gonna change my opinion but I'm curious of what you all think. And yes he is my first cousin, but no blood relation.

While your plight is an interesting one, you can't expect to post tits and just /unrelated/ us.

if you were adopted doesnt that mean youre not related...

also its tits and timestamp

I don't have another picture tho

Why do they always forget time stamp?

Incest is wincest


Honestly though fuck your brains out, opportunities like this are rare!


>And yes he is my first cousin, but no blood relation.
So what, you kept your adopters kept your original name? If this is a biological cousin from the parents that gave you up, there is a blood relation. But even so, there is such a thing as genetic sexual attraction; I don't know everything about it and I've only seen it used referring to persons reunited with parents as adults. But really, who gives a fuck? If you're adults and you want to be together, do it.

so take one? using the machine you took that first one with

Op here, I know a time stamp is the date but how do u write it out again?

Just 11/26/16 on any piece of skin

Op That picture was already in my phone

Preferably ass or tits, you're fucking gorgeous

K 1 min

so take another! you dont need me to explain to you where the phone on your camera is, do you?

write the dyas date with a pen somewhere, take a pic and post it. its simple.

Demeaning cunt much?

thats not how tits or gtfo works faggots

well you did just overlook the possibility that you could take a second pic with the same device...

anyway, im sorry being so pushy. i dont see it as demeaning though. i was being sarcastic.

btw how old are you

you should probably share that before you post the next pic

I'm not op though

Want to see my man tits anyways?


you need better englishes
and sure

nice tits, post more

How big is your cock and what mental health issues do you have?

Op here, sorry my picture looks so shifty lol

You look cute with that my-thread-was-derailed look on your face


Cucks kys

Does OP have a Snapchat?

Haha u guys are sweet

damn you got some big boobs. come cam and lets have fun
> icanhazchat. com/tog
if you only have your phone then use puffin browser, otherwise a computer works best

Nice tits. Can I has some pussy?

spready pussy, and can we see your body, i like your sking color


Lucky fucking cousin


More you little slut!!!!

Anyone ever told you that you look like Sarah Shauer?

care to share your ass hole with us? pls

oh this too

You have a Kik?

Op Oh wow she's pretty!!! That's so nice of u!!!

I don't put pics of my kitty online but I have a few more hold on

Am I right though guys?


Op is a lying faggot

I remember the thread the picture was posted and the real op posted a few more pictures

be a good girl and show us your pretty kitty (:

not your kitty but your shitty. i wanna see how tigh your ass hole is


My tattoo

My cum totally wants your face right now


did you get a tingling sensation taking this? you seem much less receptive this time around.

Anyway, since you came through on your end of the deal.

I dont think its weird at all. If you consider the fact that it isnt blood and that you have grown to love your family and everything about them, it only seems natural that you would find something about that supposed first cousin irresistable. Im not saying it isnt something you'd want to keep secret, as you've said yourself, but the fact that you arent blood related makes it less scary and thus more enticing a fantasy for you to act on. On top of that, it just kind of fell on your lap, away from prying eyes, so its not like you went looking to make trouble. You were just kind of, sort of brought together...twice.

Still, sometimes its best to limit your involvement in these things and to be as incongenial as possible. Blood family has a way of interacting that you might not be totally aware of. But maybe thats just females? Im not really sure myself, I just know that sometimes I feel like words and gestures arent enough to tell the story properly. That sometimes theres a special something that helps fill in the gaps. Also, if you two sneak away to have sex in the bathroom, dont forgot that you smell different afterwards even if not to eachother. Have his back from the on and Im sure he'll always appreciate you.

What state are you in anyway?

You say this like we care

Let me live my Sarah fantasies you whore

Op here the last two pics were mine


This is a common phenomenon where people who are strangers but are very genetically similar end up with an attraction to one another

Could you give us like a really big, toothy smile? :)

Op here. That is exactly why I posted this. Thank you so much, u are really smart!!!

OP you should post your Kik for us.

Op don't have one or snap


my poor dick is fighting to rip my skinny jeans after i saw your pictures omg you are hot


wait is your name tori?

No it's sarah

Op no not my name

This please?

Still you gotta remember that if things go awry it'll break down on both of you or on the one that was too slow to act.

That means you two will really have to give in to eachother. If its lust, and you two dont intend on going the full mile ( meaning never coming out with the truth and maybe eventually ending it to have your own separate relationships ) then you'll both have to understand what the other is like and how much you both want to keep doing that in order to mitigate any and all risks to null. This is still kind of weird to families, I'm sure, and in the end I'm sure it'd be a big risk to take it any further.

Can we get a shot of you with your mouth kind of open showing your boobs? I think you're kind of hot.

Lol I don't understand but ok

Shoe on head
>greentext when proper winchest story
OP is a dyke


Because smiles are cute and shit

How old are you Op?


why did you put your shirt back on? i am disappointed

But her smiiiile

Okies, you look way younger.


Op. Thank you! Wow and I've been smoking for 7 years that's awesome!

This is even more true now

maybe you can fulfill this request? at the bottom?

Here's another one I have

No thanks needed.
Was actually concerned about the fact you might be too young to be here

One from earlier today

You're really pretty and seem to have a fun personality, why do you seek this attention from Sup Forums?

Wow that's a huge compliment.


damn girl come cam plz

I seek attention from everyone lol. I have a low self esteem but I'm getting better!

I bet you're black

Post pussy pls

Sup Forumss kinda fucked, showing yourself here isn't the smartest thing to do.
Up to you though!

At least you have the means to gain that attention! Good to hear you're getting better, we've all been there, most of us :)


For you my lady nice tits

Wow everyone here is so nice today! Well I'm getting tired, thank you guys again so much, have a good night!!! Love u guys!

alright no new tits in out

i really wanted that one with the mouth open showing tits. hope my input was of some use to you.

OK hold on

man really wanted standing up no shirt on tits... sad days