I am planning a new PC. Main objectives are gaming and future proofing. My budget is 1000 CAD$...

I am planning a new PC. Main objectives are gaming and future proofing. My budget is 1000 CAD$. Here is the build I am considering at the moment. The Graphics card I already own from my last one and plan on changing in the next few months.

Any thoughts?

Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler
Asus Z170-A ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory
Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
NZXT S340 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case
EVGA SuperNOVA NEX 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply

Zotac GeForce GT 520 1GB Video Card

Other urls found in this thread:


For additional storage I already have 2 5t HDs.



Just bought all me parts gonna be building mine this week. Was on a budget so couldn't spend much but abused the shit out of black Friday deals to try and play vidya smooth.

>pic related

I'd suggest you go with gtx 1060 or higher and do MSI for motherboard.
And you could upgrade core to i7 6700k. And still manage being under 1k

I could cut down on the mobo, but I fear I would loose on upgradability a few years down the line. Do you have a specific MSI mobo in mind?

And i7 would bust my 1000$ [i]canadian[/i] dollars limit. Plus the benchmarks I've seen don't seem to give it an edge gaming wise.

You went for an i3?

Yeah. Was on budget but it has hyperthreading.

Self-bump for why not.

I've read a few reviews the last two days that suggest hyoperthreading is mostly for video encoding and the like.

I5 6600k is good too. I would say this MSI motherboard


I use Vegas pro 13 a lot. But also want to do mid gaming. Overwatch, smite, gtav. Etc
I saw benchmarks anf reviews for it and played a smooth 1920x1080 at 60fps.

Will be doing bunch of YouTube, FB, Netflix and shit.

My boy get the i5 6600k and the MSI H1110m Mobo

Fry's electronics sometimes sells refurbishes liquid coolers for about half the price.

I got a H80i GT for 60 bucks.
Definitely give Fry's a look.

for the love of god get a better gpu

You wanna game so you buy a gt520. Are you retarded.

K, our need are not the same.

Can't seem to find that piece in Canada

Checking it out

I'm too broke for a good gfx card right nowm that will have to wait.

Just get 6600k and the cheapest mobo you can find. Spend the rest on your graphics card.

Swap out the SSD for a 1TB hard drive and use the extra cash to get a better graphics card. You won't get anywhere with a GT 520 nowadays.

bitch you said you have a 1000 budget

Hyper 212 meme is dead. It's all about the H7 now.

its okay i guess but the video card just isnt. you need to change it.

I don't need to be able to play right now, I want a very good build exept the gfx card and then buy that piece later.

1000$ canadian

I have external storage, I could always open one to get the HDD for a temporary solution

My comp atm

Gtx 950s r good


So... you're planning on overclocking in the future right?

I do know the video card is shitty as fuck, but my reasoning is that it would be better to have a good base system and then save up the money for a good graphic card. Unless I can shave something off without compromising future-proofability.



CPU cooler might be changed in a few years.

future proofing is a meme

Nah, only two memory slots, not future proof.

You're a meme

Go with 1050 or 1050Ti. Really solid graphics cards for a low budget build and mid to high end gaming.


>My budget is 1000 CAD$

No one wants your Castro-loving loonies bitch.

K, my budget is 700 freedom-loving-dollars.

That's more like it. Freedom loving dollars are accepted everywhere.

The CPU showcased on that table is quite awesome, but alas won't fit my preferred case.

One last shameless self-bump.

Your argument is that you want future proof thus put a shit tier gpu in your build. I'll go straight to the point: you are retarded. Building a PC is about balance, you can't purshase a 90$ USD case and say ''I'm on an budget'' and can't afford proper GPU. For intense, you can buy a 20$ case and buy a dream case later. Also you can just stick with cheap cooling and upgrade it as you like in the future. because what's the point of overclocking if your build is not even done. Your powersupply is fucking 130$ USD and has nothing to do with future proofing. The only thing that does is your mobo and CPU which are fine. Cut all the rest and buy a 1050. If not I don't get your shit logic at all. You can always sell a used 1050 and buy better gpu if you want, like wtf.

Cooler is 35 CAD
Memory I could get 8g but would need to upgrade pretty soon anyways.
SSD, HDD aren't much cheaper and I already have external storage.
Case and PSU I would like your suggestions. I would like your suggestions everywhere else in facts, but considering it would be easy and (relatvely) cheap to change only the gpu in a few months rather than change many lower quality pieces withing two years, I would think this is a good strategy?


>but alas won't fit my preferred case

Hmm, quite the conundrum. Perhaps a larger case or one of AMDs budget offerings will prove more suitable.

I might suggest more cleverly designed games - like chess or blackjack in Vegas, or ugly girls as sources of entertainment.

After a prompt research, I have found a perfectly adequate case for this marvel of modern technology. It shall fit right next to my IBM 7090 mainframe.

It's only lacking a window.

I feel you, but I would not mind switching a couple piece to be able to have a proper build. Pic related, these cases have some real discounts going on. I just went on newegg and sorted them by lowest price (CAD). Anything work for cases really, just take the one you prefer. For PSU, you don't even need 300W for thw whole build. Buy I get that 500 would be cool for high end GPU in the future. The hec HP585DB 585W is fucking 30$ CAD atm, if you can't afford to loose 30$ (15 if you resell it) then maybe waiting to have the cash for the full build would be the solution for you. By the way there you go, I just saved you a shit ton of money to put on GPU.

>Gaming PC
>Future proofing
>Only gets one 250gb SSD

god speed user

Would I buy these? No. But that's the point, the PSU/case I recommend you are only exemples. You can take anything in that price range. You can upgrade them eazy since changing case = unplugging PSU anyways, I takes what, 20mins?

i just bought and assembled a very similar build.
same cpu
noctua cpu cooler
asus z170-ar
corsair 16gb ddr4-3000
samsung 500 gb solid state
corsair mid tower case
evga 650w 80+ gold ps
and i'm borrowing my buddies 520 gpu waiting for prices to drop on 1070's.

it really weirded me out seeing this post and just had to comment. i love my pc and coming from a 7 yr old pc that i first built i'm feeling pretty good about the longevity. you'll be happy user. get yourself a gpu when you can and you'll be a.ok for a good while

Don't think that will be big enough. On the first run of 4004's, they inadvertently reversed the lithographic optical train, resulting in comically large chips on the meter-wide wafers of the day.

I loved my 212 Evo but it's a meme. I got 4.9 GHz on my 4790k before I got my new build. Watercooling is so worth it.

k, so cheap case and psu leaves me about 150 $ for a gfx card. I'm a little reluctant to go for a cheap psu tho. Safety wise.

I currently have the MIS GTX 1070 Twin Frozr and I love it. Sooooo worth it.

Or is it preferable to wait 2-3 months to have enough money to get a whole system. Are there new piece that will come out that will get current pieces pireces down?

with the psu you got, the bronze one, I would not be alarmed. They offer really good customer support if it fails and evga is trustable. Also for future proofing 16GB of ram is important imo, but at the moment 8GB of fast ram like yours will do the job and you will not even notice it. Also buying a stick is eazy and fast. That would leave you with more than a decent amount for GPU. But hey, you can always wait to have cash for the whole thing too. But personaly I would either go my way and have a functional build or wait everything.

fuuuuuuck yes. really good to hear. i'm a casual gamer and dont really care too much about stellar graphics but i do want to have an enjoyable rendered experience. just couldn't afford it at the time. what kind of gamer experience do you prefer? like, do you care much about ultra high settings and 144hz?
is the 1070 getting the job done for what you want out of it?

How about this?

dude it's one of those things you just kind of have to pull the trigger on or else you'll never end up getting the components. or you'll wait too long and newer components will come out. buyers remorse can suck, but next gen gpus wont be out for a while so its probably a good time.
just dont look at prices after you purchase and assemble. its cyclical consumption at it's finest, so you just have to not dwell on it and enjoy what you've spent so much time researching

I play CSGO at a like, really shitty semi pro level, and well, I get over 600 FPS at 144hz. I also play Arma2/3, heavily modded, and get 60+ FPS max settings 1080p. It helps that I'm running a 5820 at 4.2GHz

dubs xD
I actually have 16 GBs of RAM but I have no clue why only 8 show up in NVIDA when I use 12+ GB when using Vegas Pro. kek

Do you know a lot about 5gen vs 6gen CPU? I heard it's basicly same shit

Ok, so now I need a decent 100 to 150CADE$ GPU.

Or I could still go for my initial build, wait a while and get a 400-500CAD$ GPU...

Whit four slots I could later get two sticks of the same kind of RAM to get 16G at a later date. I've read conflicting reports on that subjects, some saying it's not optimal, most saying it's perfectly doable.



Honestly it depends, I love my 1070/5820k and it's so amazing. But the 1050ti is also a really good price for performance card. Maybe ask around the linustechtips forms, not Sup Forums

Personally I just got this new PC less than a month ago. I really didn't see a point for going with the 6800k? I think it's called, idk, but they're pretty much the same.

Also OP, you could always resell the 1050ti used and upgrade to a 1070/80 later. Personally that's what I would do

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I am pitching a first draft.

trips checked

true, but hell yeah. thats awesome. i haven't even overclocked my 6600k yet but it's been outperforming what i thought it could right out of the box which was really cool.
yeah again really good to hear because i was used to 720p windowed gaming and since this build i've been really happy with that 520 gpu i have. really excited to geek out on stupid settings when i get the 1070.


Your ssd is using 4GB ram

Well, it's fucking 6AM and I'm browsing Sup Forums like the lonely loser I am, just trying to help out some computer not so nerds.

If you have 4 slots of ram, it's almost always better to put 4 sticks. It's cheaper and enable more line which equal more stability and MAY be a little faster. I personally put 4x4 if i have a build with 4 slots user. So good idea imo. Also your cpu has integrated graphics. I'm not sure but it may be better than your 520...

Speaking of my SSD I need to deleted some of my porn xD

dubs on dubs check

6600k is advertised as overclockable by intel so it doesn't hurt the warranty to do so. i think that might be the only significant difference. you could overclock a 5000+ but it wouldn't be covered.
this might be complete bullshit but thats the way that i understood it

Yeah I think I have my 1070 around 2GHz without any overclocking. I went from a 970/4790k so it's a pretty big bump from 3.5GBs of VRAM to 8

Hmmm I think that the 5820-5960x are covered in overclocking warranties because they're all technically 'extreme' edition CPUs. I'm not sure how all of this BS works tbh

Might very well be. I'm a bit more wavering now, but I'm still leaning towards the two buying step option. Keeping the gpu in the old one would keep me a bitch computer for whatever task I might need.

Don't worry, you're helping a loser... Yaaaaay!

you're probably right. i haven't gone near this info since i built mine.

Hahaha I'm just a typical depressed Sup Forumstard browsing the internet listening to the main menu theme of Deus X Humankind Revolution

Woah thanks for the tip user I'll go with 6gen think it's worth

Yeah I had so many issues building mine because it had been a year since I last built my PC. 2 monsters and a ton of sexting a hot girl I finally got it done. And no anons I don't have any pics

Ignore these retards about the gpu and go with your plan for it, it's fine. You might consider waiting for the 960 evo to release though, it's an nvme m.2 ssd, it will be a lot faster compared to sata ssds.

Well, thanks for the input y'all, I'll lurk a bit then sleep on it.

You are wrong about the ram, it's dual channel, as long as you have two sticks in matched slots, there should be no drop in speed.

Well boys I feel like the thread is about to 404. It t'was a pleasure. OP, I wish you luck in your PC build!